Running away

Imaginary Friends

Rachel struggled to get on her feet. Pain shot down her spine making her entire body feel numb. She held her breath and pulled herself up, It was late, she knew her mum and dad would both be watching tv, and that she had missed dinner. She staggered out of her bedroom and to the bathroom, she looked in the mirror. Her eyeliner was smudged all over her face but apart from that her face was fine. He never hit her face, people would ask questions and get suspicious. Rachel pulled up her t-shirt, her whole body was yellow, purple and blue with bruises but not just from tonight, there were bruises from the night before, from last week and scars from last month.

Rachel felt her eyes fill up with tears but she forced herself not to cry, he hated when she cried, and Rachel had had enough beating for one night. She washed her face and limped back to her room. She sat on her bed and pulled out her sketch pad from underneath her pillow. Rachels second love to music was art. She opened her book and looked through the pages, Rachel didnt have any friends so she made up her own. She drew herself friends to talk to, she knew that anyone would think she was mad but she had an entire family in that sketch pad and they all had names and personalities. She even drew an imaginary dad, the dad she wished she had, he was a tall skinny man but he looked strong, he shared Rachel's dress sense and always had a smile on his face. She had drawn imaginary friends aswell, there was Lauren, Emily, Ryan and Beth. Rachel knew that they were just drawings but she has no one else and when she was upset they were great listeners and sometimes she even imagined them talking back to her.

Rachel closed her book and lay down on her bed with a moan her entire body was aching and she was starving, but she knew she couldnt go down stairs. She would have to wait till morning to get something to eat. Rachel tossed and turned in bed for a while, trying to get comfortable which isnt easy when your covered in bruises from head to toe but after a long struggle Rachel managed to drift off to sleep.
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sorry the chapters are short, theyll get longer i promise