Running away

A risky game

Rachel woke up to the sound of her alarm clock, she turned it off quickly, her heart racing hoping it hadnt been ringing long, hoping it hadnt woke him. It was 6:30am Rachel had set her alarm early so she could get breakfast and leave the house as quickly as possible. She pulled on a pair of dark skinny jeans and her misfit hoodie, she couldnt wear short sleeves until te bruises started to fade, people would ask questions. She looked over at her bags, she had pe today, Rachel liked pe but getting changed was risky if anyone saw her back they would know straight away.

Rachel creaked open her bedroom door, the entire house was silent, it was scary. She heaved her bags into her shoulders and began to take the dangerous journey to the kitchen. Rachel seemed to pause after every step, sweat was dripping down her face and her mouth was dry. She walked on the edge of each step of the staircase to prevent it from creaking.She turned around quickly, getting the feeling that someone was following her. After what seemed like ages Rachel made it to the kitchen.

She closed the door quietly and leant against the wall letting out a sigh of relief. It was awful, she didnt even feel safe in her own house. She opened up the cupboard and began to full herself a bowl of cereal, being careful not to make to much noise. She sat down at the table and began to eat. For a moment she felt at ease, for a moment it felt like it was just her, on her own, no worries, no fears, no dad. Rachel enjoys being in her own, but she doesnt enjoy being lonely. To Rachel theres a diffrence between being alone and being lonely. Rachels thoughts were interupted by a sound up stairs. Someone was up. She listened, her heart in her throat. She prayed that they were going to the toilet, they werent, they were coming down stairs. Rachel grabbed her bags and ran to the front door. She looked back at the dishes and cereal she had left on the table, she would get in trouble for that later, she closed the door quickly and ran.

When she was a safe distance from the house she slowed down to a walk. School didnt start until 9:30 and it was only a quarter to 8, but it would give her more time to be alone. Rachel walked into school, it was quiet but it felt safer than home. Rachel walked over to her locker and threw her bags inside it. What was she suppost to do for an hour and 45 minuets, then Rachel realised. She walked down the hall and up the stairs to her favourite place, the music room. She was glad to see that the room was open, a buzz of excitement passed through Rachel as she saw her guitar sitting in the corner of the room. Rachel had had the guitar for years but one time during an arguement her dad smashed it. Rachel had brought it to Mr Thompson the misic teacher and he fixed it for her. But of course she didnt tell him that her dad had smashed it, she told him that she dropped it down the stairs. Rachel kept the guitar at school now and only sneaks it home on weekends so she can play it when her dad goes out.

Rachel sat in the room and played her guitar, she played every song that came to her head and began to cheer up and forget about the night before. Finally the bell rang and Rachel sat her guitar safely back in its case and went to registration.
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I need comments please, if u think its terrible then please tell me and give me some suggestions in how to make it better.