Running away


"Where are you going in such a hurry?" Melissa asked Rachel as she quickly walked by. Melissa had always picked on Rachel, she seemed to pick on everyone so Rachel didnt really mind. Rachel was in a rush anyway, she had pe now and if she could get there quick enough she could get changed before anyone else from her class arrived.

She rushed to her locker, her fingers shook with anxiety as she tried to put the key in the lock, the key dropped. Rachel took a deep breath she had to stay calm, she picked up the key and got her pe kit out of her locker. She rushed to the changing rooms, She started to get changed before she had even got in through the door, she threw off her clothes and quickly pulled on her pe kit and then her jumper so that she could cover her arms. Just in time, the rest of her class began to enter the room. Rachel sat down and waited for everyone else to get changed, Miss Montgomery the pe teacher came into the room to count the girls, she turned to Rachel
" you dont need a jumper today, were inside, and the gym is roasting"
" I ummm have a cold" Rachel replied nervosly
" suit yourself" Miss Montgomery smiled, and left the room.

" You never have that jumper off you, what are you hiding?" Sarah, Melissa's best friend asked.
" Maybe if she stopped cutting her wrists and cheered up she could wear a t-shirt like the rest of us" Melissa laughed.
Rachel rolled her eyes, it was times like this were she just wanted to pull up her sleeves, pull up her top and show everyone, yell at them " you want to know what im hiding?, look thats what im hiding, I dont need to cut my wrists to bleed, he makes me bleed enough!" That would shut them up. After pe Rachel rushed back to the changing rooms but it was no use people were already there, she couldnt get changed yet, she sat and waited till everyone had left for lunch and then got changed back into her normal clothes.

Rachel sat at the back of the cantine, alone. She was boiling hot from wearing her hoodie during pe and then having to put it on again afterwards. All shed have to do was tell, just say " My dad hurts me" and it would all be over. But she knew she couldnt do that, her dad had already told her what would happen. " They would take me away to prison, you would go into care, and your mum would be left on her own, and all because you were so selfish." Rachel couldnt do that to her mum, she loved her even if she didnt love her back. She was just going to have to put up with it, forever.