‹ Prequel: Heavy

Three Cheers

"Whatever you say."

Gerard took me home after my appointment. I was a bit disappointed that Busy was with Frank for the afternoon. Gerard had wanted to make sure Busy wasn't home in case the results weren't in our favor. I knew that, that was useless because if they had been wrong the only person I would want to see is Busy. She can make the worst nurse bearable for a moment.

"I miss my B." I grumbled as I led the way into the house.

"Well, she's with her favorite big kid right now, so you'll have to wait." Gerard wrapped his arms around me, "I want you to relax for a little while."

I hugged him back, "I am relaxed."

"Maybe we can talk for a minute?" Gerard asked softly.

"What about?" I let him go and pulled him toward the couch.

"I was thinking about taking Busy to see my mom in Jersey." Gerard murmured, "She ain't mad anymore."

I bit at the inside of my lip, "I think that would be okay." I told him truthfully, "I'm just worried she still hates me."

"She doesn't hate you anymore... I don't think she did, she was just mad about me and my situation."

"Yeah, and I kept our daughter from you guys." 

"My mom is cool, she understands... I do, too. I wouldn't want Busy around me when I was like I was." Gerard rubbed his neck, "I was a fuckin' mess."

"Either way, I'm still afraid." I told him, "And nervous."

"We don't gotta go right now," Gerard chuckled, "After Elsa gets settled here, we can go, we'll even bring Elsa."

I smiled, "Really?"

He nodded, "Yeah, really." he kissed my lips quickly, "And after the album comes out and the tour is over we can look into adopting a baby."

My heart swelled, "I'm really excited for that Gee."

He smiled back, "Me, too. I mean, we can start adopting any time, as long as you want to."

I licked my lips, "I don't want to wait long... But, I don't want to overwhelm you with two kids."

He shrugged, "It don't matter to me, whatever you want, October."

"Are you sure?"

He nodded, "Yeah, I am."

I grinned now, but then I think over the adoption papers I had filled out weeks ago. They wanted to do a background check, and I was afraid they would decline our application due to our pasts and my sickness.

"Tell me what you're thinking, Sugar," Gerard took my hand, "Because you're eyes are contorted."

I bit my bottom lip and then let it go, "What if they decline our application? We aren't perfect."

He frowned, "Sugar, don't think like that. If they do, then fuck it, we'll try that weird surrogate thing."

I laughed softly, "Thanks, Gee."

"No problem, baby. I only want to keep you happy."

I wrapped my arms around his neck, "I am happy. But, I am a but nervous about everything."

He kissed my forehead, "Don't worry. We'll be fine."


Frank dropped Busy off later that evening; she came and settled herself on my lap and told me about her day. I smiled, listening intently to her. I kissed her head and let her ramble quickly.

By the time she finished she was sleepy and resting her head on my chest with her thumb in her mouth. The way she snoozed in a daze made her father's features glow. She looks just like Gerard when she sleeps and it's the cutest thing ever.

"I wish I could have another baby." I told Gerard softly as I laid Busy in her bed, "I want another baby that looks like you."

Gerard gave a soft exhale, "Maybe, one day it'll happen. It'll happen." the way he spoke, it was as if he was promising this to me.

I kissed at his jaw, "I hope so."

Gerard led me to our bed room and let me climb on the bed. He stripped his clothing and got in with me; "Are you feeling better? I know I sound like a parrot, but I want to make sure."

I smiled, "I'm fine."

His hand trailed up my arm, "I love you."

"I love you, too." I murmured, "I love you so much."

He chuckled and kissed me, "Ditto."

I laughed softly, "Ditto."

"I'm trying not to sound like a parrot."

He kissed him again, "I don't care if you sound like a parrot, Gerard."

He gave another laugh, "I don't want to be too repetitive."

"Whatever you say."

Gerard moved over in the bed to lay beside me and wrapped his arm around my middle. I pressed my head against his chest and let my mind run rapidly. I exhaled, "I think I'm going to go to the craft store tomorrow and start making clothes for Busy again."

Gerard squeezed my waist, "That's awesome, October."

"I miss doing that stuff." I said quietly.

"I bet Busy misses her exclusive clothing." Gerard chuckled.

"I think she misses being my model more than anything."

"She's a cute little model."

I smiled, "She is. I love her too much."

"Me too. She's amazing."


For the next couple of days, I took my medication for the cysts and my bi-polar disorder. All the days were all good and I was preoccupied with making things for Busy. I wasn't as fast as I was before, but I loved doing it.

Busy liked to help me, and she begged me to make something for Happy. I made him a little bandana with the fabric Busy chose. My big project was making Bust a dress from this old Barbie doll sheets we found at a thrift store; she could wait for that to get done.

It was bordering on finished when I got a call from Elsa. I had nearly forgotten about her, but I was back to supreme joy when I heard her voice. Her flight was coming in and I offered to pick her up with Busy.

"B, go get your shoes on." I told her after hanging up with Elsa.

"Why?" She asked as she skipped across the room.

"We're gonna go get my friend Elsa, remember?"

Busy nodded, she skipped back to me and handed me her shoes. I sat her on the couch and put them on her; Gerard was having a conference call with the band in the other room and I didn't want to disturb him. "Im gonna go tell daddy, get your sweater."

Busy hummed, and skipped to her room. I went into my sowing room and knocked on the door frame; Gerard looked up; "I'm going to go get Elsa."

He nodded and smiled, I waved to him and met Busy in the hall. I took her hand and led her out the house and to the car, strapping her in and then getting in myself. As I pulled out the driveway, I felt anxiety and joy surge my veins.

I couldn't wait to see Elsa again.
♠ ♠ ♠
The wheels are churning in my brain!