Light Up My World


Harry had managed to convince Louis to go to the pet shop with him. Louis knew exactly why Harry wanted to go to the pet shop. He wanted a cat. He had been saying for a couple of months how a little kitten would complete their little family. Harry figured if they were too young to adopt children they could at least get a kitten.

They soon arrived at the pet shop and Harry's eyes just lit up. He was like a kid at a candy shop.

“Louis, looking at cute thing,” Harry gushed at a black and white fur ball.

“Haz, wouldn't you rather a dog? I mean they are much more friendlier,” Louis commented and then soonly regretted it.

“A dog? A dog isn't cute, cats are cute,” Harry glared at his boyfriend.

“Sorry,” Louis mumbled quietly.

“That's okay,” Harry said in a happy tone and quickly kissed Louis on the lips. He then skipped over to the counter and asked the woman about the little kitten in the cage.

Louis shook his head at his boyfriend. He had no idea how they would look after a kitten, but they would work it out, like they did with everything else.
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