Status: Work in progress

And I Will Give You Every Part of Me

I'm gonna give all my secrets away

All I could hear was people chattering and glasses clinking every 5 minutes. My butt was starting to hurt from sitting all night long and still, Maddie was nowhere in sight. She excused herself to the restroom about 30 minutes ago; I figured she must have bumped into that guy she was telling me about earlier. I continued people watching, there were a few couples in the dance floor booty shaking and some were cleaning out the buffet table. Mr. and Mrs. Clive sat at the middle with a hint of boredom in their faces. I also recognized Nate because of his face that looked all too similar with Maddie’s face. He had this goofy smile on as he walked up to his parents’ table.

“Excuse me, is this seat taken?” A familiar voice came up from behind me. Of course, who could it be? Right, Kennedy. A smirk appeared on his face as he sat down and I turned to face him, even if I didn’t want to.

“Hi.” I greeted him.

He cleared his throat, re-adjusting his seat and scooting closer to me. “Uhm, you see. About last night…” he started. But I cut him off. I had to cut him off.

Touchy subjects were never in my liking. I hated talking about it, because it just makes thing go from awkward to too awkward. And it usually messes up everything. “Wait.” I blurted out.

He focused his attention to me, and his eyes were locked to mine. “About last night” I continued. “We don’t have to talk about it, it’s alright.”

He didn’t buy it. And by look he had on his face, he wasn’t going to drop this subject anytime soon. “No, we kind of have to.” He replied.

As I was about to protest, Maddie popped out of nowhere. And I felt the twist in my stomach disappear. Kennedy looked quite disappointed as Maddie propped herself up in her seat. “So what did I miss?” she said. Kennedy then excused himself as he reunited with his friends on the table next to us.

And I continued people watching again. Maddie was telling me something about her parents and politics, and John whom was the person she’s been avoiding all night. But I was too busy looking at random strangers that were hump-dancing their hearts out on the middle of the dance floor. They were pretty amusing, but my mind was somewhere else. I just can’t seem to get Kennedy out of my head, just because. It’s like, I want to talk to him about it but I really don’t want to—because it would ruin the essence of us being friends and/or acquaintances. If I talk to him about it, we would either have to take a step up in our so-called “relationship” as friends or I ask him to walk out of my life. And I don’t want that, because I find him amazing but that was it. He just amazes me.

“Julia? Julia!” Maddie exclaimed, snapping her fingers on my face. I turned my attention back to her, and she carried on with her story. “Okay, so john and I go way back…” she started. But I interrupted her with a question “who’s John?”, and she secretly pointed at the really tall, lanky bodied guy she had once introduced me to before. I replied with a slow “oh” and she continued her story once again. I had found out that she was really good friends with the guys before, but then shit happened. And she was forced to leave because she couldn’t take it anymore. Originally, she was going to join the guys on their tour. “It was John’s idea” she said. But things got out hand, Maddie who had this certain fling with John developed feelings for John when she wasn’t supposed to. “It was all too cliché,” she said. “I was falling in love with him while he banged one chick and then another.” I could see the John guy glancing up at her when he got the chance to, he looked like he’s got something to say. “But we went pass that. I stopped having feelings for him.” she continued, taking a shot of patron. “But!” she exclaimed. She held her pointing finger up while taking another shot.

“You should really stop drinking now, or you’ll end up wasted.” I interrupted her.

She shook her head, “No.” And then she continued with her story. “But—every single time we’re in party, him and I. we’d always end up in some stranger’s bed.” She stopped; her eyes were locked to mine. “Naked.”

“OH” I responded, not knowing how to react. “But then it’s all good now.” Maddie said as she took a glass of water and downed it. “We talked about it, and came up with an agreement that we should come near each other during parties.” She said, putting an end to her story.

We chatted for another half an hour or so, she told me about Arizona and the boys. John’s band was/is called The Maine; they’re on their third album now. “Everyone thinks he’s gay because he’s afraid of girls—or falling in love” Maddie sighed. Garrett Nickelsen’s the bass player and if I were a fan and I had a blog, in which I do, I would know about Garrett Night. Jared Monaco’s one of the guitarists, he has a girlfriend named Tessa, who sounded extremely pretty and nice according to Maddie’s description of her. Pat Kirch is the drummer, small lanky bodied boy with really long hair whom I met at the diner when we arrived. His brother, Tim Kirch manages their band. And then there’s Kennedy Brock, the other guitarist. His real name was John Franklin Trotter but he changed it because of family issues. “He’s probably the nicest guy you’ll ever meet, I swear to god.” Maddie said.

“Oh.” I replied. Truthfully, I wanted to know more about the guys—like how they are, or what’s their favourite colour and other stuffs like that but I wasn’t a nosey person. So I dropped it.
After a while, we headed out. The party was almost over and we were dead tired from all the sitting and talking. Maddie was a glass away from super drunk, and I was getting a little too tipsy. So we headed back home. I found myself crawling up to my bed, and Maddie passed out on the carpeted floor. It has been a long tiring day and all I need was a good night sleep.

As I lie down to bed, all my thoughts keep on sinking in. And I couldn’t sleep. “He’s probably the nicest guy you’ll ever meet, I swear to god.” Maddie’s words keep on repeating itself inside my head, again and again. It kept me up for a while, but it disappeared as I sunk into a deep slumber. And I could feel my walls slowly breaking down.
♠ ♠ ♠
So what about the last chapter? Yay or Nay. (Of course it's a nay D:) Haha, thank you to those two wonderful people who posted a comment! I'm pumped up a bit now although I keep suffering from writer's block. This sucks big time okay. Anyway, I'm trying to find inspiration again. Deep sigh, but thank you!!
