Status: Work In Progress

Birds of a Feather


I'll never know why life threw me this curve-ball. My life went to shit. I have to make a choice; a very difficult choice

It sucks. It really fucking sucks.

I was living a normal life, dare I say, it could even have been considered perfect. I had a normal family, normal friends, a normal job.

Then Mr. Finn had to go and suggest I tutor Derek fucking Alhito. Tutoring him in itself wasn't the cause of my downfall. No. It was the continued chain of linked events that happened afterward. Now I'm stuck on a boat in the middle of no where with two life vests to choose from: familiar, comfortable. The other: new, exciting. Both take me somewhere I want to go. The hard part is picking which one my heart wants more.
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This is simply the introduction. Chapters from here on out will not be nearly as short.
Sadly, due to Mibba crashing, this story most likely isn't going to as good as it originally was (I only have myself to blame. The one and only time I delete the original copy of something I wrote, something happens to make me lose all my progress.)