

Ridley was woken at 8am the next morning, the smell of stir fry, he glanced at the clock and sighed. Since Cedar had moved in, mornings had been the same, the boy knew nothing of what a lie in was. He climbed out of bed and pulled on his dressing gown leaving his bedroom taking the stairs slowly he slipped into the kitchen. He stepped back and gasped. We should make it clear, Cedar was one of the rarer types of teens, not only did he not understand the definition of a lie in was – and indeed then knew what ‘morning’ was about – he was one which cleaned up after himself, one who would dress before leaving his room. The type of teenager a parent would long for. The type other teens despised.

This morning you could have, for all but the time, mistaken him for a common teenager, standing in only boxers yawning. Ridley almost smiled, flashing back to images of his more daring teenage years. “Cedar?” his voice sounded overly tired, strained, almost faked.

“You’re up early.”

“It’s eight, I’m usually up by seven.”

You couldn’t object.
“It’s Saturday, you can be in bed.”

“If you’re tired, I’m not stopping you being in bed Ridley.”

“I never said you were.”

He wandered through to the living room sitting himself on the couch flicking on the television skipping the channels knowing one thing before he had even hit the on button, there was nothing he had any desire to watch. Only as he was about to give in and turn the T.V. off all together did Cedar object. “There’s news channels.”

“You watch the news?”

“I’d like to yes.”

“What kind of sixteen year old watches the news?” He looked at his brother and said no more before flicking the channel to news sitting back he handed the remote to Cedar as he sat down, eating his breakfast of what looked like Noodles and sweet corn. Ridley knew only very little about Cedar, they didn’t talk much about personal life, he knew one thing for certain though, this guy was we-i-rd. With and capital W. He was, Ridley presumed, the very definition, but he wasn’t much in the mood for asking the human dictionary about that yet, the human dictionary was indeed eating his uh breakfast whilst watching the news, above all, he was doing so quietly, why start pointless conversation which would end in a fight? He could see no plausible reason, so instead shut up.

This was indeed a very boring way to spend a Saturday morning, he had no work, no meetings, no client to be dealing with today, so why was he even up? He sighed and looked at his watch, only ten minutes had passed since he had come downstairs, this day, he could tell was going to be the longest of his life. He looked at his brother once more, noticing even he, the brain box, was not watching the T.V. much, he had nearly finished the noodles. So he was brainy and Godzilla, good to know for future reference. (Dont get the answer wrong in class, he may indeed eat you.) he almost laughed, blowing the cover. Cedar glanced at him in curiosity.

“So, you got any homework?” So much for shutting up.... Come on pointless conversation.

“No, I finish it the day I’m given it. I don’t see point letting it lie around.” Ridley nodded, remembering when he had done much the opposite, he had, despite the lawyer facade, not been the brainiest of students at his high school. He had rarely completed an essay, rarely completed anything for that matter. He didn’t remember, in five years, handing in even one piece of homework, yet by something which could only be described as a miracle he was here. A lawyer, after graduating Yale. He couldn’t complain, nor he presumed could his teachers.

“So you, don’t like things laying around?”

“No.” Blank as always, great conversation kid. “You got any idea what you want to do? You know when you leave school?”

“College. I’m aiming for Harvard.”

“Good aim. Then what?”

“I’ll take a doctorate, I want to the be a neurological researcher.”

“I thought you were a psychologist not a scientist?”

“Both, but I want to help people.”

Good kid, maybe too good. Really, who thought out everything which they were going to do, this child probably had his diary full for the next thirty years of his life, to the pin point. Lets not risk delving into conversation too long, he might miss an appointment, for what he didn’t know, but lets not risk it. Ridley stood and stretched again gaining a curious glance. “Sorry, its just that look.”

“What about it Ridley?”

“Do you understand humanity, even remotely?”

“I do, but I don’t reckon you qualify as what we would call ‘Human’ your rather abnormal. But
I’m working on it.”

Abnormal? He’s one to speak. Was he the definition of Normal as well? Weird and normal... An achievement. He resisted asking once again and left the room hurrying up the stairs pulling a dress shirt from his wardrobe, complimenting it with Navy trousers and a pair of lace up shoes, not expensive, that said something he didn’t believe he was. Leaving his bedroom he ran into the one person he didn’t want to, the only other person who lived in this house. Cedar looked him over and laughed. “What’s so funny?”

“Navy? Only gay men wear navy.”

And he would know how? Don’t ask...
“Says the one with the wardrobe which looks much like a clowns dressing room?” That shut him up.

“Yeh, okay, at least I attract the ladies.”

Ridley said nothing as he aimed for the stairs, trying hard not to laugh. At the bottom of the stairs, he simply stopped trying. He laughed hard receiving a door slam in return. The passion here was building up, soon enough they would no longer be brothers, instead, they’d be filing for divorce. That was how it should be.

After he sorted himself, finally stopped laughing and rearranged his shirt, making sure he looked smart, yet casual, he was about to enter the kitchen when something which could only have been descrbed as an attraction of the Las Vegas scenery walked down the stairs. For a moment Ridley blinked, trying to come together with what he was seeing. “You look totally gay.”

A snicker, Cedar, dressed in red trousers, Blue and green socks, could be seen from the bottom of the trouser, probably through them if you were to look closely. Above the belt line he sported a orange polo shirt and a royal blue jumper vest, complimenting the look all the more was a yellow cap over his – wow – combed! Hair. Ridley almost screamed. Instead he covered his eyes and entered the kitchen hoping the colours would vanish and he would, once again, have that pleasure of sight once again.

He could see clearly enough to find the kettle, a mug, or two on that he wasn’t sure. He could see, counting was still off the possibilities, that would take some more time. He shouted through asking the rainbow if he’d like coffee, simply being told to fuck himself, well that was a no he presumed, he’d have to look it up in the dictionary, surely that classed as cursing, which was off Cedar’s rule book the last time he had checked, well maybe the answer was simple. He had finally updated it. Ridley was about to pour the water into the cup when he made the mistake of turning back to the door his eyes hitting Cedar. He almost winced. “Cedar, you’re looking, colourful.”

“I know what you’re thinking. I’m going out. I don’t want mother to yell at you, so I’m telling you, I’ll be back by nine.”

“Not a minute later?”

“Not funny.” He turned and left leaving Ridley alone. The front door did not slam, nor did it
close quietly. He had the perfect, in the middle, not stroppy but it was clear he had left. Ridley
was tempted to start singing that song about being lonely, you know, the one which goes something along the lines of ‘I am so lonely’ and then he remembered two things, he couldn’t sing, and this was indeed the best thing which had happened to him since he had lost his independence. Cedar was gone, he was alone, he didn’t need permission to breathe. A relief.

He held the mug in his hand drinking slowly. Not because it was hot, not because he was one of those coffee enthusiast nutters who say ‘savour the taste’ instead, he simply didnt want to get indigestion – Cedar move. Totally dork. He gulped more down and sprawled on the sofa flicking through the channels, finally landing on the one which he said he wouldn’t. So the news, it had something addictive about it. Like Drinking, Smoking and well, Chocolate.

Something about this story had caught his eye. Something about a murder, in Manhattan, last night, close to the Riverbank Prepatory School. He gulped at the thought, thinking to himself that he was glad Cedar had been back early. Then he shunned the thought, he wasn’t a parent, there was no point acting like one. Though the thought would not vanish completely and he knew that from now on he would be more protective, so much so he found himself unconsciously reaching for his cell phone. He glanced at it and decided not to. It was Saturday morning. No reason to worry.

His attention returned to the story hearing the two names he really didn’t want to. ‘Hendrick Alinson’ and ‘Alex Johnson’. The principal had been killed by the serial killer he had employed. Ridley sat up watching in two emotions, fascination and terror. He thought of the email which they had exchanged the night before. Surely it was just a coincidence? How would a serial killer who had been in hiding for the recent months have found out about an email sent between two people? His hand reached for his cell phone once again, this time dialling the number. It went onto answering machine. His phone was off. “Ass!” Ridley jumped to his feet reaching for his car keys, leaving the house quickly.

Fear made his breathing heavy, his blood pumping was loud, he could hear his pulse, feel the blood in his veins, he felt alive. All this for his little brother? He sighed, he hated the child, yet why was he doing this? That was right, he didnt care, he felt guilty, he was covering his ass, he couldn’t stand to see his mother cry if something happened. But he certainly didn’t care about Cedar.

Keep telling yourself that Ridley, maybe one day you’ll convince someone.

The hell that kid was everything to him, recently he had been like a son, the awkward one, a pain in the ass which he couldn’t shake enough, but he was still like a son. What would he change about the child? Everything he could, but not the fact he could breathe. He wasn’t taking the risk. He turned to corner at around fifty, great speed for Brooklyn. He was hardcore. Surely?