

It had taken half an hour, but eventually he had spotted him, it wasn’t like he was someone who blended in, he wasn’t hard to spot. He was hardly the needle in the hay stack. Cedar was inside the car, sulking, but to the most point that just involved him being quiet. There was no objection to this behaviour. Ridley would have had to be the biggest of fools to say anything to him.

“I didn’t do this to hurt you, I got worried.” Yes, he was a fool.

“You always get worried, you’re like a girl, if I wanted someone worried, I live with mom and dad.”

“Then next time, I wont help you?”

“I don’t need help, what the hell is wrong with you?”

“One of your teachers was killed last night.”

“Shame, I’m crying.” He stroked two finger down from his eyes. Showing how much he really wasn’t crying.

“I’m serious.”

“As am I.”

“Mr Johnson.”

He gulped and looked at the floor closing his eyes for a moment before looking back up. “I don’t care.”

“Okay.” Ridley had all he needed. “I’m taking you home, you’re staying in.”

“No! That’s not fair.”

“It’s perfectly fair. I care about you and I will not risk you being hurt, not now.”

“I wasn’t gonna... Wait I get it.”

“You do?”

“Yes, you’re a weirdo psycho moron, I get it.”

Funny guy... Ridley sighed and said nothing keeping his eyes on the road, occasionally. He didnt make habit of keeping his eyes on the road, which sure, most people would find rather unnerving and the police would probably disapprove of, but Cedar did not seem fazed by this whole situation. So instead of playing safety officer, Ridley followed his usually driving code, look only when you have to. If you pass a red light, it wasn’t there. Quite simple really.
He looked over at his brother, whose feet were firmly resting on the compartment under the glove box, great. He’d have to clean that. Ridley glanced at his phone as it beeped, an email, should he answer? Sure, it wouldn’t harm him. He opened the email and read quickly occasionally looking up over the wheel to make sure he was going the right way more than anything, car’s didn’t worry him, they had brakes, they could use them.

The words made no sense to him for a moment, he didn’t recognize the email name, he didn’t worry much, welcome to being a junior attorney, people email you, they’re often the criminally insane, and well, you get used to babble. This time it was more than simply babble, it took a moment and then he did something he was not used to, his foot hit the brake bringing the car to a skidding halt.
“ What the fuck?”

He paid no attention to the objections, simply stared at the screen of his blackberry saying nothing, the words hit him in the face, and as he read the email once more, trying hard not to look to his right, he gulped, temporarily, their was no one else in the world, only him and that phone.

To: ridley_J_chaucer@aol.com
Subject: I dare you.

Top shot,
Lets take last night as a little warning, I don’t like it when people go snooping around my back, trying to find out my little secrets, if I wished you to know, I would have of course told you. I didn’t. It’s none of your fucking business, so next time you want to go snooping around, that little boy next to you? He won’t be there.
I don’t Joke, I don’t threat.
I promise.

Ridley didn’t need to think to know who this email was from, something cold grasped his heart and squeezed, he struggled to breathe, his blood running cold. His eyes met Cedar’s, he was thank God totally unaware. His biggest worry was the slight pain from the emergency stop. Ridley took a breath, regained himself and started the engine up again this time when he drove he kept his eyes not only on the road, but on the people who passed, and for a moment, he thought he saw one which looked familiar from a news cast he had watched just this morning.

There was no time to worry. He had to drive.