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You Slash My Heart on the Razor's Edge


Hello, My name is Angulla(Angela) Vendetta. This is my story about being on the ‘Fight to Unite’ tour . You see, I am the merchandise manager for New Years Day. My best friend is Ashley Costello, whom I tell everything, even about my little crush on Anthony, their bassist. But as I make my journey throughout this tour, I find it hard to read between the lines and realize there is more than meets the eye. I will be telling you my story through each day, with my journal in handy. There will be ups and downs, lots of drama, and plenty of lemons.;)

{Sadly I do not own New Years Day, William Control, Blood On the Dance Floor, Duece, BrokeNCyde and other bands. You will be mostly be seeing the first three bands. If I screw up, please let me know ASAP and I will fix it. Though I do own Angull. So please don’t steal her.
Title inspired by the song "Razor Edge" By William Control}