Drop Dead Gerard

It's horrid to see you again

Mikey's p.o.v

I heard the sirens of the ambulance speeding around the corner ready to take Gerard away, they wear going to try and save him...but i already knew.
I knew he was gone.
There was nothing anyone could do for him now, His life was over in a few short seconds and the only person responsible was me.
Out of everything thats happened in my life Ive never felt so small , dead and completely alone. It was one of those moments in my life wear id have gladly thrown myself of a bridge or jumped back into my car and drove into a canal.
this was the feeling of not wanting to be alive anymore, I had done something i didn't think i would have ever been capable off in a million years.
It seemed everything in life lead up to this moment.
This was the end.
So i did what any selfish fucked up person would do...i left Gerard.
I left his now dead body alone on the cold hard floor and ran for any amount of life i had left.
I don't know what made my legs work, i was possibly working from fear alone.
But i kept on running and didn't look back.
I ran all the way back home .
I didn't care that i was out of breath and my heart rate was about to explode because my brain was filled with images , thought and worried that will forever haunt me until my dieing day.
I couldn't see a possible way out of this...i will loose my friends , my family and everything i live for, but most of all i'll lose the one person that got me wear i am today.
I cant let that happen...
Maybe nobody saw me.
I don't have to tell anyone i was there...
Will they find me?
I got home and locked the door and ran upstairs.
I went into the bathroom and locked the bathroom door!
the thoughts in my head wear overwhelming and i was just about ready to wake up from this torturing nightmare...but the time to wake up never came.
I grasped my breath back and stared into the mirror.
My eyes wear blood shot and my skin was completely tear stained.
I was a murderer...a cold blooded killer
I had killed my only brother...
I smashed the mirror with my fist in a shot of anger, rage and complete sadness!
My fist began to bleed but at the time i hadn't noticed.
From then on my reflection would always be a distorted image.