Drop Dead Gerard

its too close to comfort

Gerard kicked a trash can over in rage, he was a little kid go past in complete confusion wondering how the hell the trash can managed to get dented by itself then throw itself on the ground!
Gerard went into the middle of the road and screamed "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARG I CANT TAKE THIS ANYMORE!!!!!"
A car went straight towards him but this time did not crash into him but went straight through him.
Gerard sighed and went towards the hospital!

He got to the ward Lindsey was on and looked through the window. She was wide awake will everyone else seeped. She was peering out of the window at the rest of the city bellow. She looked so sweet and Innocent. Gerard eventually picked up the courage to go into the room.
Lindsey turned her hair around as she heard the footsteps of someone entering the room.
"Gerard!! Hey" She was so pleased to see him
"Hey Lindsey" Gerard wanted to cry so bad but he couldn't let Lindsey see that so he tried not to think about anything.
"Are you feeling better " He asked her
"Yeah I'm totally fine now but the doctor still made me stay here, I'm fit to go home whenever i want to. I cant believe i was stupid enough to fall sown the stair in the first place though!"
"Thats awesome...uh...i don't have my car...sorry...i can walk you home if you want" He had no idea if he even owned a car anymore or if his apartment was still his
"That sounds great, i wanted some fresh air anyway i mean staying in here is so life draining, its like being around the living dead here" She giggled
Gerard smirked "Yeah i know how that feels!"
"Gerard? is it okay if i stay over your place tonight...i mean only for one night i just- i just don't wanna be alone tonight."
Gerard thought about how his apartment was probably not his anymore, His parents had probably cleaned all his stuff away.
"Uh...how about i stay over at your apartment?"
"Sure i guess. That is if you can put up with the noises from the room down stairs and that annoying flashing light outside!"
Gerard laughed "I'm sure I'll cope"


Lindsey took her first steps outside, She enjoined the fresh freedom and just being around Gerard through the Ice cold air having his arm wrapped around her for warmth . she got the impression something was bothering him though
"Gerard ..are you okay Hun" she smiled at him
He smiled back "I'm okay Lindsey"
They both walked back to Lindsey apartment traveling up the same grungy staircase and taking in the horrid smell.They both walked into Lindsey's apartment, Everything was untouched and as Lindsey had left it . Gerard sat on the couch while Lindsey went to put some music on. Disturbia came on the sound system!
"This must have been the last thing i was listening to before i fell down the stair"
Gerard was silent
Lindsey went over to company Gerard on the couch.
She notices tears running down his face and saw how hard he was trying to hide them away from her.
"Gerard...are you going to tell me whats wrong?"
"It's nothing!"
"Come here"She tolled him

She slid her fingers through his mangled hair and slowly pulled him in closer to her rosey lips, She could taste his salty tears but in that very moment Gerard didn't feel scared anymore.
This time the kiss went allot deeper as Lindsey whole body was now lying on the couch with Gerard on top of her.She slipped his shirt of of his body and undid his belt while he slid his hands up Lindsey's back undoing her bra strap.
"Are you sure you want to do this" He whispered
"I'm sure " She said in a smile