Drop Dead Gerard

place for my head

Gerard woke up in a strange surrounding, he didn't recognize this as his home or even sin city.
He then turned to his side and saw Lindsey's peacefull body, her mind was far away from the dark apartment
she was about to wake up in.

His eyes adjusted more and he saw everything around him alot more clearly. He noticed a dark figure standing in front of the bed he lay in.
The week sunlight of morning came in lightly through the windows and shone upon the woman's face.

"Lydia?Is that you?" Said Gerard in a muffled voice
"Ya know Gerard i have tried everything to keep you safe and to make sure nothing bad happens to you!"
"i-i know lyd , I'm grateful" Gerard was a little confused to what Lydia was getting at.
"Then why the fuck do you keep making it impossible !!! You were meant to kill her not sleep with her!!" There was sadness and anger in her voice.
"Shh- don't wake her"
"She cant see me remember!! to her I'm invisible and don't exist...I'm beginning to think you don't see me either."
"Don't be so fucking over dramatic. I didn't ask for your help and to be honest i don't need it! I don't give a shit if the rest of the world cant see me,
I'm with Lindsey and thats all that matters to me!"
Lidia looked taken back and hurt. She stood there for a few seconds.
"Well...i obviously have been so stupid to think that we were even friends...but
if i don't mean anything to you i guess there's no reason for me to be here anymore" Lydia began to walk away and faded through the door.
Gerard felt a tinge of guilt in his stomach and looked out towards the window
"LYDIA WAIT!" he shouted loud enough for her to here but there was nothing but silence and the soft noise of Lindsey's breathing.
Gerard looked down at Lindsey, If he left to see if Lydia was okay Lindsey would think he ran away!
Gerard sighed "I'm dead and woman are still so hard to understand"
Gerard stood up and walked out of the apartment trying to think of where Lydia could have gone too.


"This wont hurt a bit" Said the low pitched voice from a man that looked hell of allot like a ruff captain Birdseye .
The man wore an eye patch over one eye and his hair was beginning to turn into one huge dreadlocks. Every tattoo on his body looked like a 10 year old had been let loose with a felt tip!

Mikey squirmed and dug his nail as deep as he could into his fists as the man began tattooing Mikey's arm in what looked like an improvised needle.

Mikey clenched his teeth but eventually couldn't compress his pain and let out a loud scream.
"Hang in there mate" Said Dan giving him a supportive Slap on his opposite shoulder.
"Remind me why I'm doing this" Squirmed Mikey
"'cous you wanna prove to captain Birdseye here that you ain't just a pretty face!"Said Dan
"I'm almost done here son" Came the very deep toned voice once again
Mikey looked down to his scrawny shoulder and saw in very small writing was the name "Dan" Inside a heart.
"Hey i didn't say anything"
Dan looked shifty and made a run out of the canteen and back to his prison cell closely followed by Mikey running after him!