Drop Dead Gerard

You had the whole human race pegged

“Um, I’ll have what he’s having please” said Mikey as Mrs Parsons dumped the mushed up food on his plate.
Mikey and Dan were waiting in queue in the prison cafeteria. Mikey had been there for over a week now but he still couldn't’t tell what the food Mrs Parsons was serving was supposed to be.

They walked over and sat down at a table.

“Is this some kind of meat?” asked Mikey as he prodded the slush on his plate.

“not a clue mate, but I’d stay well clear of that yellow stuff if I was you” said Dan.

Mikey noticed that the other prisoners were staring. What, couldn't’t a guy eat his lunch with his friend in peace?

“They’re getting crazier even after a week now huh!” said one prisoner to his friend as they passed Mikey’s table, “they say the first sign of madness is talking to yourself...”

Mikey looked at them curiously and turned to Dan wondering what they meant, couldn't they see Dan sitting there talking to him? Suddenly he noticed that Dan didn’t have any food.

“Aren’t you going to eat?” asked Mikey.

“Uh...i ain't that hungry...”

“But you didn’t have any breakfast. Or dinner last night!” Come to think of it, Mikey had never seen Dan eat since he had arrived here.

“jeez take it easy issit...I’m just on a bit of a diet” said Dan shiftily. Dan looked uncomfortable, but Mikey didn’t pursue the matter any further.


Soon they were back in the cell. Dan was lying down with his hands behind his head and Mikey was gazing out the tiny cell window.

Mikey thought of Frank back at home. Did he even know where he was or what he had done ? Did he know what Gerard was...dead?
The moonlight made Mikey's face just about visible and his eyes twinkle as a tear ran down Mikey’s face as he thought of his brother. Another tear fell as he thought of his last moment with Frank and how hurt his face had been when Mikey had ran away.
He had screwed up bad and couldn't find a way out, his brother wasn't here to save him this time.
Mikey closed his eyes trying his best to take his mind to happier thoughts.

“Oi, what’s ‘em tears for Mike? You ain't crying are ya?” asked Dan.

Mikey sniffed, “No, I'm okay Dan” Mikey tried to cover up his shaken voice

“Come ‘ere”, said Dan putting his arm around him,
“just keep ya chin up, that’s what this Frankie guy would want you to do.”

“Yeah I'm sure he cares all right...he hasn't even bothered to come see me "said Mikey bitterly,
Dan looked a little hurt
” I'm sorry Dan...Thanks for helping me"
Dan smiled showing all his yellow crooked teeth "No problem-o mate"

suddenly 3 earth shattering bangs came from the door
Quiet in there...Crazy mother fuckerSaid the officer as he walked away

Mikey looked confused but ignored the officer and just spoke in a whisper

“ you got anyone waiting for you at home Dan?”

Dan’s smile vanished. “Uh...me? Naa.”

“C’mon you got to have someone special!” encouraged Mikey.

Dan sighed. “Well...i guess...there was one.”

“A girl?”

“yes A girl.”

Mikey sat on the bunk opposite Dan. “Tell me about her”

Dan sighed again. “Her name was Lydia.
♠ ♠ ♠
written by Seren Xx