Drop Dead Gerard

Okay, end of conversation!


Dear diary,
I'm shit at writing in these things as you may know but as its only me who's probably ever gonna read this i guess it doesn't matter.
Well today was slightly more abnormal than the rest as i woke up to this total random guy sitting in my apartment about to leave!
I mean i was kinda freaked out god knows what he's been doing here or could have done given the chance.
Any way the dude claims to work with the apartment and was checking the boiler or some shit. Then he just left, He looked kinda sad. Mind you id be sad to if i had a job of checking peoples boilers.
Today was great, feeling a little hung over (god knows how much i had to drink). I had the pictures developed, most of them were a little to shameful to put in my diary so i did the right thing in burning them. Unfortunately i had work again today (when will it end) and JD was being even more of a nerd than most days!
I swear one day they're gonna take that guy to the mental illness hospital...although he did show me how he can get his legs over his head....hmm maybe he can be in the circus, or maybe become a man prostitute. ha ha okay end of conversation!
Well apart from that my life has been as quiet and pathetic as normal . Oh and my boiler is apparently good as new (because thats a HUGE worry of my shoulders), i can finally sleep at night knowing my boiler is 100% working!
Dude i must have drunk my own body weight in alcohol last night because all i could do this morning is throw up!
then i felt ill all in work witch never helps.
There's no point asking for time off, Josephine wouldn't even give me time off if i said i only had a day left to live...bitch!
I hope I'm better tomorrow.
See you then
♠ ♠ ♠
Btw, Lindsey just remembers life before she met Gerard.
Life carries on the next day as if she'd never met him.