Drop Dead Gerard

The Birthday Massacre

Lindsey’s P.O.V

"Hahahahaha!" I broke down in hysterics as JD came in through the bar doors dresses as a clown. He really went all out with the Ginger wig, big red nose , baggy pants and a huge painted on red smile to hide his un amused smile.
“Jeez not another circus escapee , you’re the 5th one this week” I teased.
“Ha-ha” Said JD slowly and sarcastically trying his best not to look ridiculous but failing epically .
“Sooo, you gonna tell me why you'r dressed as a clown or is this a new look your going for ?”
JD sighed “I got a new job as a Birthday clown, Today was my first day and I gotta tell ya it isn’t as easy as it might look! I mean I had pies being thrown at me from every direction and kids tugging at every part of me then the kids next door decide to target my -uh sensitive area while the half ton son comes along and knocks me over the head with a frying pan. Just as I see the day turning out better he goes and cried to his mommy so I don’t even get paid for going through an entire day of pure hell!
“Aww, pour you” I tried to sound sympathetic but it was hard to take him seriously right then. I mean the guy had a ginger afro for Christ sake, even I felt like throwing a pie at him!
“they didn’t even like my bendy leg over head trick” he pouted
“really? And yet I found it so entertaining.” I was obviously being sarcastic but he didn’t seem to know that as he grinned his slightly over happy grin of his.
“So are you gonna get changed? I mean I personally think you look fabulous!” I blatantly didn’t think that.
“Yeah I was thinking of growing a ginger afro myself … or maybe a ginger beard” JD looked upwards in his thinking mode, I could tell he was picturing himself with that ginger beard!
“Yeaaaaa- No!” and I was deadly serious. Even I would bully him!
“Well the thing is I forgot my clothes, well I didn't forget them, fat kid Gareth stole them and took a piss on them…I thought it might be best if he kept them…Wasn’t really in the mood for wearing kid piss” JD scrunched his face up
“wow surprising, Wanna borrow some clothes?”
“That would be great”

We both went into the staff room out the back of the bar. I got some wet-wipes from my bag and gave them to JD so he could take of his clown make-up.
“Aww it’s not bubble-gum scented” He sighed “Well I guess it will do”
“Bubble-gum eww who has bubblegum scented wet wipes?”
“I have bubble-gum soap on a rope, the chicks dig it!”
“Well yeah I’m sure your mom loves it”
“Heeey” He acted offended but I could tell he wasn’t really. He scrubbed the last of his bright blue eye shadow.
“Any way I happen to have chocolate pudding scented soap on a rope”
“Riiight whatever floats your boat dude! But in a shower chocolate pudding soap will just look like you crapped yourself, My soap is blue so its safe…well unless you’re a smurf then it can also look like you crapped yourself!”
“Wow JD thanks for that image”
“What of me in the shower, no problem” He winked
I rolled my eyes but laughed
“Hey how come you didn't come out with me and the guys last night? I left you a voice mail did you get it?”
“Hmmm yeah I got it, I just had this thing I needed to do ya know”
“Thing as in you were playing video games all night?”
“Well you know Lindsey those Hobbits aren't gonna save themselves! It’s a big responsibility having all these orks and shit coming at you 24/7 trying to steal your friggin ring! It also sucks you have to be frodo , I mean he looks like a freaking cabbage patch kid. I wanna be Ben, he knows where the party's at! But ya know you’re a girl you wouldn’t understand these things!”
“Oh-No-He-Did-Not-Just-Go-There”I said while clicking my fingers
“You think I couldn’t defeat the whole of mordoor and defeat saroomans ass not to mention kick you to the curb my friend! I continued.
JD stopped scrubbing make-up of and looked around at me, I swore I saw a tear in his eye.
“You speak lord of the rings terms?!”
“Yes I can as a mater of fact and yes I am a girl and yes I could kill you anytime Mr!”
“Puttuwey you’r obviously deluded woman! I can not be defeated!”
“You got the online triple expansion pack version?”I asked
“see you in mordoor at 8:00pm tonight, be there or be hobbit!”
“OHH ITS OOOOON!! But I warn you I have some very deadly moves”
“We’l just see about that! I Laughed “ you still have lipstick on you”
I touched his lips with my fingers witch then turned into me caressing them until the lipstick was gone. Everything seemed to go quiet then, JD looked up at me. I’m not sure what went on in that second we just looked at each other. Id never noticed before but he was pretty good looking, in a weird JD way!
I quickly tuned away and ran my hands through my own hair “Uh…so yeah anyway…I best be getting back, Jo's probably wondering where I got to…..” I tried to make it as less awkward as possibly but I was apparently failing
“Yeah coarse….uh thanks for the clothes”
We both went our separate ways.
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So now i dont have to describe him to you