Status: Fin.

The Moment Felt So Real.

So, tell me that you're here boy

He could feel her there...he just couldn't see her.

Though he knew what she would look like, that she would be wearing her paint stained denim shorts and a medium blue shirt, he knew the way her chocolate brown hair with all its ringlets would be swept out of her face and across her left shoulder and he especially knew the disapproving look her emerald green eyes would be shooting the girl trying to attract his attention.

Jack Henries sighed and continued to ignore the blonde girl as he walked through the corridor towards his classroom. He pushed away the thoughts of Sally Barfield, but the more he concentrated on not thinking about her, the more he found that his thoughts would trace back to her. The way her smile would make him feel as if all the troubles in the world would melt away, the way that everything seemed to stop when she would walk around the house singing lightly to herself.

With another sigh he pushes his sandy blonde hair out of his eyes and rubs his hand over the stubble covering the lower half of his face. He smiles to himself as he opens the door to his class and takes his seat, for a moment his cobalt blue eyes show a glimmer of happiness.

Engrossed in his TAFE work his heart jumps when he looks up and sees her sitting in the chair next to him. Like he had predicted her hair is swept across her left shoulder and she's wearing her favourite blue shirt, her denim short shorts and on her feet are her favourite pair of converse. Her emerald eyes seem to take delight in the way his body jolted when he noticed her presence and she drums her fingers on the table looking at the teacher at the front of the room.

"You know, it's almost as if you forgot I was here Jacky," she whispers, her voice a happy melody, "But that's alright, I'd forget about the world if I had to sit here all day listening to him," she sticks her thumb in the general direction of his teacher.

Sally sits there and continues to talk to him whilst he works; making comments on people and things and on the work he's doing until suddenly she falls silent. Jack looks up from his work at Sally, then when he sees the look on her face his eyes follow the direction hers are focused in and notices the blonde girl walking up to his table. He looks back at Sally but she's already gone.

"Jack," the blonde girl smiles at him and sits in the seat Sally was just in, "Why don't you come sit with the rest of us?"

"I work better back here thanks Jen," he tells her politely.

"Are you sure? It must be lonely sitting here on your own," she looks at him and at his papers.

"I'm sure thanks, I really do work better alone," he sighs, returning to his work.

"Oh come on Jacky, come sit with us," she pleads and touches his arm.

"Don'," he growls at her and wrenches his arm away from her. His eyes narrow and he focuses on his work intently until he hears her sigh then the scrape of the chair as she pushes it back and leaves to sit in her own seat.

No one spoke to him for the rest of the day, he paid no mind to the whispers as Jen relayed her shock to the girl she sits next to. He sat there and answered the teacher's occassional questions and completed all of his set work. When the teacher announced the end of class at 4:30, Jack silently packed up his things and walked to his car.
♠ ♠ ♠
So here's the first chapter guys, any mistakes I appologise for, I'm doing this all on my phone and it doesn't let you see what you're typing, just the lines above, very difficult :P

Hope you like it though