Status: Fin.

The Moment Felt So Real.

I'll never let you down boy.

It wasn't until he has halfway home that he looked over and saw her sitting in the passenger seat of his car.

Sally sat there, now dressed in a white dress and little white heels, looking down at her lap playing with the little golden ring on her finger as well as with her fingernails. She looked sad, like something was bothering her and was bringing her almost to tears but she just sat there and didn't say a single word.

Jack parked in the garage and looked over at Sally. He sighed and turned off the car turning in his seat towards her and cleared his throat awkwardly.

"Sally, sweetheart, what's wrong?" he asks quietly, scared that the sudden noise of his voice might cause her to begin crying.

"When you told Jen off for calling you Jacky, that was my fault wasn't it?" she asks as a tear begins to roll down her cheek and drops into her lap, making the place where it lands on her dress almost see through.

"No darling, I just don't like people calling me that, I only ever liked you calling me that, you know that sweetheart, I wasn't upset because of you, I promise," he whispers, his voice choking up as tears of his own threaten to fall.

"Are you sure? I don't mind if other people call you Jacky if that's what it is? And if you don't want me to call you Jacky I won't," she tells him, her voice childish in her despiration to please him.

"I'm sure Seraph, I don't like other people calling me that, just you," he smiles at her and she sniffs before raising her head and looking at him for the first time.

"I love it when you call me that," she admits, her cheeks turning pink as she blushes and her eyes shining as she begins to smile brightly.

"I know, that's why I do it," Jack tells her and sits there, losing himself in her eyes.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hai all, decided to post another chapter up. I've finished writing this story in my notebook now, it's 10 chapters long, so now you know how long you'll have to wait :) because it's all written I may post chapters pretty often, daily and sometimes twice daily.
I hope you enjoy it :)

Note; A Seraph is a type of Angel, if I'm correct a Seraph is the highest of Angels... I'll look into it again and double check though :)