Status: Fin.

The Moment Felt So Real.

God made me feel quite alone.

After the little scene in the car, Jack didn't see Sally for a few days and despite himself...he began to worry.

He got irritable and when the weekend came and his mates called to plead for him to come out he angrily refused and turned off his phone. All Jack wanted, was to see Sally. Feeling much worse than he had in a long time, Jack got up off the couch and ignored his father as he walked down the hall and to the shower. As he stepped in, he welcomed the warmth and calming feeling the water gave to him, he let out a breath he didn't know he was holding and then tears flew down his cheeks, masked by the water from the shower. He let his body slide down the wall and sat in a ball on the shower floor, the water pounding down his back and the tears flooding down his face.

When he didn't think it was possible for him to continue sobbing he stood and turned the water off, he dried and dressed in his pyjama bottoms and then shuffled into his room. Without bothering to switch the light on or to even look where he was going Jack slid into bed and found Etty, the teddy bear he had bought Sally lying under the covers waiting for him. He sat bolt upright and groped through the darkness to turn on the lamp on his bedside table.

After knocking over a bottle he flicked it on and looked at his bed, there, lying under the covers in the t-shirt she had stolen from him years ago is Sally, sound asleep, the teddy bear obviously forgotten in her slumber. Suddenly the grip around his heart lifts and with a smile Jack flicks the light back off and snuggles under the covers. Holding tightly to the teddy bear, peaceful slumber comes to him, for the first time in months.
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Another chapter shall be posted later on :)