Status: Fin.

The Moment Felt So Real.

It's like the universe has left me.

When he awoke the next morning Sally was gone, her side of the bed all messed up but her teddy bear still trapped in Jack's tight hold.

Wearily he sits up and sighs, its Sunday, which means his TAFE week is over for another month and until tomorrow there's no work for him to distract himself with. Holding the bear in one hand Jack walks down the hall and towards the kitchen. He mumbles a hello to his mother and barely manages a small smile when she places a plate of French toast in front of him.

"I thought I could hear you up so I made this for you, your dad went out to pick a few things up and wan..." she stops when she notices Sally's teddy bear sitting in Jack's lap. With a sad smile his mother kisses the top of his head, gives him a quick hug and leaves the room.

After forcing himself to eat the meal his mother had kindly prepared for him, Jack places the dishes in the sink and then walks back to his room. He places the bear on his bed and changes into his trackies and a singlet. When he turns back too his bed the bear is gone and with a sigh he walks outside to begin distracting himself with chores.

All day Jack mows, whipper snips, trims hedges, weeds and just cleans up the property. Sally's favourite place at Jack's house was the basement room, just off the garage, where Jack's family keep a couch, computer, TV, pool table, small card table and a few armchairs.

That small room was where Sally and Jack used to spend all of their time, though now days Jack's family barely go in there. Sally used to sit down there with Jack for hours on end, they'd play pool and watch TV and play on the Xbox and sleep and make love. Some of the best memories of his times with Sally were made in that room and now Jack avoids it like the plague.

As he mows, he finds himself remembering things, like the first time they washed his car, how he threw an entire bucket of soapy water over Sally's head and she chased him with the hose, he remembers the time that he taught her to kick arse in all his Xbox games and especially how much she loved the rain and would wake him up in the middle of the night to go fetch the ladder and sit on the roof as the rain poured and it thundered and the sky lit up with lightning.
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Sorry its been so long, been working. Hope you enjoy