Status: Fin.

The Moment Felt So Real.

My wounds would start to heal.

His family didn't go looking for him after he shut himself up in his room.

They decided it was best to let him have some time to himself and when they heard the muffled sounds of him talking, they assumed that he was on the phone to one of Sally's family members.

But he wasn't, Jack was lying with his feet up near his pillows and his head hanging off the end of it, letting the blood rush to it. Sally was lying next to him doing the same thing. They lay like that until Sally complained that she was dizzy and fell off the bed, Jack following close behind her. They both giggle and laugh and then get up and climb back onto Jack's bed.

"Jacky," Sally whispers lying on her back and staring up at the roof.

"Yes my darling?" he shifts so that he's also looking up at the roof.

"I love you," she tells him and then smiles.

"I love you too Sally," he grins and looks into her eyes, for a moment forgetting all that had happened. They lean into each other, eyes closed and their lips, for a second brush. It was an odd sensation for Jack, like a feather being brushed against his lips, or a cool breeze of air and tingly like being slightly electrocuted. He opens his eyes and looks at Sally, she smiles at him and takes his hand in hers. Like the kiss it's tingly and light and cold but also warm. His heart skips a few beats and they sit like that for a long time, until the sun sets and he hears his family going to bed.

Jack and Sally slip under the covers together and Sally hands him her teddy bear Etty. Jack tucks it under his arm and holds onto Sally's hand as he falls asleep. Sally lies there, watching her beloved boyfriend sleep for a while, before she slowly fades away.
♠ ♠ ♠
Next chapter is the most important. :)