Status: Fin.

The Moment Felt So Real.

When God took her with time.

Jack sits bolt upright, the nightmare causing him to break down into tears.

He looks to where Sally used to sleep, praying that it was only a dream, but knowing deep down that it wasn't. His heart beats, quick and fast, his entire body is shaking and he cries harder as it sinks in that the dream wasn't a dream but a memory, the images continuously replaying in his head.

Jack had gone over to Sally's after work one day almost 6 months ago and found the front door unlocked and Sally in a heap on the floor, blood coming out of her nose, the back of her head cracked and her breathing shallow. He flew into a panic, called an ambulance and then slipped on the puddle that Sally's body was lying in. He looked around, trying to figure out what had happened then saw her mobile with his number punched into it. He realised what the fluid was and told the dispatch officer that her water had broken.

He did everything that the dispatch officer told him to and desperately tried to awaken his dear Sally. The ambulance arrived and took her away, Jack sat in the ambulance with them and called Sally's parents, telling them what had happened as he panicked and felt his heart slowly begin to break.

Thay arrived at the hospital and Sally was rushed into an operation suite, doctors and nurses ran everywhere, Jack was abandoned and forgotten until Sally's parents and two younger siblings arrived. They embraced and Sally's father took charge of the situation, demanding answers and soon Jack's parents and brother arrived as well, having been called by Sally's sister Tamara.

The two families sat and paced and other various things as Jack sat in a chair, his head in his hands as he fret and sobbed, worry and panic flooding through his entire body. The families heard nothing about their daughter and grandchild for a long time until finally a man with blood on his scrubs approached Sally's father and mother. Jack didn't pay any attention, not even noticing the man until he heard Sally's mother scream and her father begin sobbing. Jack stood bolt upright and covered the distance between himself and the doctor in a few long strides.

His Sally was gone, but she had had enough time to meet her daughter first.

Jack sits alone in his bed and continues to sob until his mother walks in and sits next to him, pulling him into her lap and rubbing his back as he hugs her around the stomach and sobs.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm a softy, I cry each time I read this.