‹ Prequel: Bulletproof Loneliness
Status: I'm a pretty slow updater, comments do make me update quicker!

Scars Won't Tear Us Apart

Chapter Four - Jimmy

“Okay now Jimmy, you can put your shirt back on” Dr. Kelsey said, typing some things on his computer.

Jimmy slowly sat up, feeling a little light headed from lying down. He pulled on his t-shirt and tried to peer at the computer, but the angle it was at made the light from the window reflect from the screen. Anyway, it wasn't like he would be able to understand what it said. “Any idea's?” Jimmy asked, not being able to take the suspension any longer.

“A couple, but I think I need some more time to look at the results” Dr. Kelsey answered. “Do you think you could make an appointment with the receptionist for next Wednesday?”

“Of course” Jimmy replied. “I have to ask... am I going to be okay?”

“We'll have to find out exactly what is wrong, then we'll be able to prescribe appropriate medication. Don't worry Jimmy, you still have a good few years left” the doctor reassured him with a wink.

“Thank you” Jimmy smiled, feeling a bit better. He hadn't told his family, but he had been having some chest pain lately, as well as loss of feeling in his fingers and toes. He didn't want them to worry, especially Owen, who was quite sensitive.

Jimmy exited the room and made the appointment with the smiling receptionist for next Wednesday at two O'clock. He would have to ask Owen to pick up his brother from school that day.

By the time he got back into his car, it was coming up to one O'clock, which meant that Lean would be at lunch soon. He would love to spend a bit of time with her, even if it was just some lunch. They seemed to barely see each other these days.

When he walked into the shop, which was a women's boutique, all the women who worked there smiled and waved at him. He waved back and smiled. Jimmy found Leana in her office, looking over some papers and looking stressed.

“Hey babe” he greeted her, kissing her on the top of the head.

“Hey Jimmy” she smiled, then got back to looking at the paper.

“Do you fancy going out for lunch?” he offered.

“I'm sorry Jimmy, I'm really swamped here” she replied apologetically.

“Why don't I go out and grab something and bring it back?” Jimmy asked.

“I don't have time Jimmy” she snapped.

He felt a pang of hurt and disappointment. “Okay, but can you come with me to the doctors next week?” he asked.

“You're a big boy, you can go by yourself” she answered moodily.

Jimmy sighed and left, it was no wonder their marriage was falling apart.


Jimmy asked Brian to go with him, he didn't want to go by himself. Not to mention, Brian had become quite level headed and was good in bad situations, unlike Jimmy, who tended to panic. They went into the doctors office only after only a few minutes of waiting, which Jimmy was relieved by, he was starting to feel nervous.

“Good afternoon Jimmy” Dr. Kelsey said, standing up and shaking both Jimmy and Brian's hand.

“Good afternoon, this is Brian” Jimmy replied.

“Nice to meet you Brian, and Jimmy, how have you been feeling?” Dr. Kelsey asked.

“Not so great really” Jimmy admitted, Brian shot him a concerned glance. “My stomach pains have been getting worse and I'm starting to get worse pain in my chest”

“Well, the good news is I know what is wrong with you” the doctor sad, Jimmy leaned forward a little, eager to know what was wrong with him. “You have a condition called cardiomegaly, which is an enlargement of the heart. It causes a lot of strain on the muscles and it explains the pain in your chest. Also, a symptom is build up of fluid in the abdomen, which would cause your stomach pain. I have to ask, if you have experienced, or are experiencing problems with drug or alcohol addiction?”

“Yes” Jimmy admitted, “In my early to mid twenties, I had a drug addiction and had to go to rehab. I've always drank a lot, but I think it's getting worse”

Brain rubbed Jimmy's shoulder sympathetically.

“I read your medical records but I just wanted to be sure, they sometimes mess up the records of patients. That, in some way's is good, that means the condition is related to these and there isn't a medical reason, which would require more extensive testing testing” Dr. Kelsey explained, “I'll prescribe you some medicine for your pain and blood pressure, which was abnormally high, but we have to do further tests, to make sure. You may also require surgery”

By the time that Brian and Jimmy got outside, Jimmy was feeling sick and dizzy. He was sure it was to do with the news he just had. “I'll drive Jimmy” Brian offered, “We'll swing by the chemists and grab your medicine”

“Thank you” Jimmy said quietly, sitting in the passengers seat.

“Why didn't you say anything?” Brain asked.

“I didn't want to think about it” Jimmy admitted, staring out of the window.

The worst part was to come, and that was telling his family and friends that he had a problem. He was glad Brian was there, he needed the support.
♠ ♠ ♠
Poor Jimmy :(
I've been researching the condition for hours, so I hope I have this right
Thank you Aightball and Reverse-This-Curse for commenting :3