Status: Story has been Abandoned

Dead Chronicles: Lost Files

Case File #001

Date: July 20, 2014
Time: 21:35
Location: 2245 Penny Rd, Brentonville, small house on the outskirts of town.

This is the first known report of the outbreak incident, this file contains the Dispatchers call log, and a report from one of the surviving officers that described what happened on this day.

Dispatcher: “911 state your emergency”
Woman: “oh my god, my husband was just attacked by a dog”
Dispatcher: "what is your name and location?”
Woman: “I’m Mrs. Chapman, were on 2245 Penny Road, he’s laying in the yard he has a big gash in his neck”
Dispatcher: “the ambulance is on the way, is someone there that can administer first aid?”
Woman: “my brother and mother are outside with him trying to help him”
Dispatcher: “Emergency personnel are on their way, do you know what happened to the dog?”
Woman: “it ran off in the woods, oh wait my brother is coming in”
Background conversation: “josh is he ok? wait…. Oh my god your covered in blood….josh what’s wrong……JOSH…….AHHHH” *dial tone*
Dispatcher: “Mrs. Chapman, Mrs. Chapman, all units be advised that call was lost with subject”
Officer Briyant: “unit 3 copies Dispatch, were enroute to the location with medical personnel”

Officer Lee Briyant, Sgt. Jack Tellar, and Medical personnel Sarah Taylor, and Brian Burgamy responded to the call but what they saw was nothing they expected. This was the report that surviving officer Lee Briyant gave when he returned to the station.

We arrived at the location that dispatch gave us at 21:50 but when we arrived there was no one in the yard. “Dispatch unit 3 and medical personnel has arrived on the location.” I said to dispatch. “10-4 unit 3 be advised that we are unable to contact the residence”. “We copy dispatch, we will try to contact residence on scene” Sgt. Tellar said. As we approached the house we didn’t hear any voices in the back yard or in the house. “Knock on the front door, I’m going to walk around the back side to see if someone is back there” Sgt. Tellar said as he walked around the side. “Ok, you stay with me Sarah, Brian go with him in case you get up with someone” I said as I walked to the door. “Alright” Brian said as he walked with Sgt. Tellar. I knocked on the front door. “Brentonville police department” I said. “Sounds like all of them left maybe they went to the hospital?” Sarah said as she looked around. I looked around at the front of the house then I noticed the cars on the side of the house. “I was thinking the same thing but there are vehicles in the yard and there aren’t any neighbors to ask.” I said as I knocked on the door harder. “Briyant come here” I heard Sgt. Tellar say on the radio. “Well that answers that question” I said as we walked around to the back of the house. As we walked through an open gate to the back I saw Brian and Sgt. Tellar standing near a table. “Look at this” Sgt. Tellar said as I approached, he motioned to the ground in front of him. On the ground was what appeared to be a lot of blood. “Well where is everybody?” I said looking around. The area looked like they were having a party of some sorts. But it looked as if a fight or struggle happened in the area. The table had food and objects knocked over on it. A few chairs were knocked over on the ground and the grill was smoking slightly. “Have you tried the back door?” I asked as I looked towards it. “Thought about that but then I spotted that” Sgt. Tellar said pointing to the door. Going towards the door was a trail of blood, and on the door was blood as well. “I called in but no one answered, and I wasn’t going in without backup, unless skinny here was packing which he aint” Sgt. Tellar said. Brian chuckled as he looked off to the side. “Well let’s take a look.” I said as I reached for my sidearm. “What the hell is that” Brian suddenly said. I spun around, in the woodline was a figure standing, its eyes glowed from the light off the back porch. “It looks like the dog” Sgt. Tellar said as he drew out his sidearm. “You’re going to shoot it?” Sarah said unhappily. “It I need to, it did attack someone so it might be rabid.” Sgt. Tellar said as he walked towards it. As we walked towards the dog it began to growl and bears its teeth. The dog was a short furred large dog, looked like a lab but its blonde fur was stained red. “That’s a lot of blood on it” I said as we slowly walked towards it. “Yea too much for just one person” Sgt. Tellar, “maybe it’s hurt and scared” Sarah said. We stopped just short of about 20 feet from the dog. “Holy shit, look at its body” Sgt. Tellar said. The dog was covered in blood from head to toe but what Sgt. Tellar was talking about was the fact that half of its body was torn to shreds. You could easily see its ribs, and its insides were hanging out. “What the hell” I said as I raised my weapon. Right then the dog lunged at us. Both I and Sgt. Tellar open fired. The dog fell on the ground, we watched it to make sure it was dead. “What the hell is going on” I said as I slowly stepped towards the dog. “Is it dead” Brian said standing behind us. “I think so” Sgt. Tellar said as he walked towards it. As Sgt. Tellar walked towards the dog I glanced around looking to make sure there wasn’t anything else we needed to be worried about. “Oh shit” I heard from the side as gunshots were fired. “What” I said as I looked back towards Sgt. Tellar. The dog was in a different position from earlier. “It was still alive and tried to bite me” Sgt. Tellar said as he stepped back. “What, we shot it like 6 times” I said. As I walked towards it “yeah well 6 times wasn’t enough it was still alive” Sgt. Tellar said. “Well is it dead now?” Brian asked. “It better be I shot it six more times at close range” Sgt. Tellar said as he walked away. “Oh my god” I heard Sarah say behind me. “What now?” I said as I turned around, there stood a female subject in the doorway of the house, she was covered in blood. “Mrs. Chapman I’m officer Briyant of the Brentonville police department, are you ok?” She didn’t answer she just stood I the door way. “Mrs. Chapman are you hurt, where is your husband we have medical to treat him.” I said, and again she didn’t answer. “She’s hurt, probably in shock.” Sarah said as her and Brian began to walk towards her. “Hold up” I said as I walked forward. Brian and Sarah approached Mrs. Chapman, “she’s got an open wound on her left arm” Brian said as he got closer. “Mrs. Chapman we are going to treat your injury ok?” Sarah said as she set her bag down and opened it. “She’s not bleeding from the wound” Brian said as he held up her arm. “Give me something to…” suddenly Mrs. Chapman grabbed Brian by the back of the neck and bit him in the side of his neck. “Oh shit” I yelled as I tried to get her off him. I used my hand and pulled her off of Brian. I saw the blood gush out of brains neck as he hit the ground. “She’s crazy, oh god his neck is torn.” Sarah said trying to tend to Brian. I faced Mrs. Chapman. “Stay right there.” I said as she began to move towards us. “Put her in hand cuffs” Sgt. Tellar said, “Mrs. Chapman put your hand behind you” I said grabbing my cuffs. She lunged at me suddenly I managed to push her to the ground and place the handcuffs on her. “Mrs. Chapman, you need to calm down” I said. “Well this just turned from a medical call to murder, brains dead” Sgt. Tellar said. I looked up I could see that Brian was lying on the ground covered in blood, Sarah had padding on his neck but it was useless he wasn’t moving. “Shit this is a cluster fuck” I said getting up. “Hold right there” Sgt. Tellar said suddenly as he pulled his sidearm out. I spun around it was three more subjects; they walked out of the house, all of them covered in blood. “Hold it right there, don’t move” Sgt. Tellar said. Suddenly we heard a scream behind us. We spun around it was Brian he was biting Sarah on the arm. “Get him off” she yelled. I ran towards her and kicked Brian off her. “I thought he was dead” I yelled, “he was dead he didn’t have a pulse” Sarah said she tried to bandage her arm. “Ok that’s it we need to get out of here, dispatch we need back up at our location” Sgt. Tellar said as we began to walk towards the back fence. Suddenly the dog that we had shot earlier jumped on top of Sgt. Tellar and began to maul him. “Shit gets it off, get it off” Sgt. Tellar cried as it ripped into his flesh. “Shit” I yelled as I fired my sidearm multiple times to which had no effect. I heard a scream from behind me. I turned around the subjects had grabbed Sarah and pinned her to the ground; they began to bit and tear into her arms and neck. I heard her and Sgt. Tellar scream as they attacked them. “Dispatch we need back up now!” I yelled as I began to back up to the fence. I turned and ran out the open fence; I ran to my vehicle and jumped inside of it. “Dispatch where is my backup?” I yelled into the radio as I backed out the yard. The backup units didn’t arrive until 10 minutes after I left the yard.

The units that came to aid Sgt. Tellar and Officer Briyant found him half a mile down the road from the house. When they went back to the scene they found an immense amount of blood around on the ground and inside the house, but the dog or any of the subjects that Officer Briyant described earlier were present in the area. The bodies of Sgt. Tellar, Sarah Taylor, and Brian Burgamy were not found anywhere in the area as well.