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Dead Chronicles: Lost Files

Case file 002

Date: July 23, 2014
Time: 13:05 CST
Location: 50 miles west of Ackrely, TX

After the incident in Brentonville there were similar reports of attacks, Disappearances, and suspicious activities in numerous cities across the country. At 10:56 CST During a passenger flight, flight 938 from Las Vegas, NV to New Orleans, LA transmitted a mayday distress call, soon after radar lost track of the flight just 50 miles west of Ackrely, TX. Due to the chances of terrorist activities Homeland Security sent in a team to investigate the crash, the team was in cooperation with local law enforcement, and the US army. This is a statement given by one of the survivors: Corporal Tim Johnson.

We received the orders to go to plane crash in a remote spot just 50 miles west of Ackrely, TX, it was a team composed of myself, Private John Stevenson, medic member SSgt. Jacob Smith, and 2nd LT. Teresa Hendricks. We were to meet an investigation team from Homeland Security at the site. Local law enforcement had already secured the scene of the plane crash. We arrived at the crash site at 13:05 CST but we did not see anyone at the scene.
“Where is everyone LT” Private Stevenson asked. “Fuck if I know, damn pigs probably getting donuts” the LT said. “Wow kind of harsh there LT” private said back as he looked around. I leaned close to Private Stevenson, “don’t piss off the LT, her time of the month” I said nudging him. “No shit, feel sorry for whoever makes her mad” private said. “Shut it you two, something’s not right” the LT said. “Yes mam” we shouted. As we walked towards the area we didn’t hear or see any sign of the team from Homeland or local law enforcement. “I don’t see anyone, where the hell are they?” SSgt smith said as we got closer to the crash site. When we finally got to the site we could see that the plane was partly intact. “Well there’s the plane but no one around” private said. “I don’t like this, fan out and secure the area SSgt your with me, Johnson take Ant there and go that way, if you find anything contact by radio immediately” the LT said. “Yes mam” we said as we split up. “Ant?” private questioned as we walked to the north side of the crash site. “Remember how I said don’t piss her off?” I said to him. “Yeah” he replied, “congrats you’re now a pest to her” I said as we approached the north side of the crash site. When we walked around the side of the plane we saw a light lying on the ground that was still on. “Look there” I said as I pointed to it. We walked towards it and picked it up. “LT we found some equipment laying on the ground someone might be here” I said over the radio. “Copy that keeps an eye out might be hostile” she replied. “Copy that, eyes open Ant” I said raising my weapon. We walked slowly around the area. “Look there, looks like headlights over there” private said as we walked towards the wood line. “LT looks like we got vehicles in the area were going to check it out” I said on the radio as we approached the vehicles. *radio static* “LT did you copy that” I said again “dammit she’s not answering”. I said as I turned around. “Johnson look” I heard private say. I walked towards the vehicle it was one of the local law enforcement cars. The window was busted out and there was no one in the vehicle. “This aint good” I said taking a closer look. “Look bullet casings on the ground” private said pointing around, “shit this really aint good something went down here and we just walked into it” I said raising my weapon looking around. “LT do you copy, the vehicles are abandoned and it appears that there was a gun fire” I said walking towards the plane again. *radio silence* “shit come on private something aint right let’s find the LT” I said walking to the west side of the plane. We walked around to the other side of the plane. “Look” private said pointing. On the ground was a hat. “Shit that’s the LT’s” I said as I raised my weapon “get frosty we may have hostiles”. We searched the area but couldn’t find the LT or SSgt anywhere. “Ok we need to get to the rendezvous point and call base” I said as we walked towards the south. “Joh………..copy ………….…Hend…………” the radio suddenly chirped. “Who is that” the private asked. “I think it’s the LT, Lt is that you? Where the hell are you” I said walking towards the south some more. “……….get out……there, Smith…dead………are.……….where” we heard on the radio. “What” private said? “Move now we are getting out of here.” I said as I rushed past him. “Wait what she say” he said as he followed me. “I don’t know but all I know is I heard smith and dead, that’s enough for me.” I said as we ran to the south, “where we going” he asked. “The rendezvous point is an abandoned farm just 2 miles from this location; it was going to be a base if we needed it.” I said as we continued heading south. “The Lt would have headed there” I added. We walked through the woods, receiving a broken transmission from the Lt every now and then. We finally made it to the farm, when we arrived we could see that the fence that surrounded the area was busted through on the east side of the farm. A vehicle was parked near the farm house and it was abandoned. “Think the Lt used that” private said. “I don’t know let’s look at it” I said as we approached it. Looking in the car there was blood in the backseat, bullet casings layed about the ground. “Something happened here let’s look in the house” I said as we walked towards the house. “Lt can you hear me” private called out. Suddenly a rock hit him on the side of his head. “Shut the hell up you idiot and get up here” the Lt said in a loud whisper. We looked up and she was in the top half of the house. We walked in the house; on the couch was a lot of blood and what looked like SSgt’s medical pack. Most of the stuff was pulled out and used. We walked up the stairs. At the top was a big dresser blocking the top. We pushed it out the way and walked in the room she was in. “You idiots push that back and block off the stairs” she said. “Oook” private said as he pushed it back. “Ok Lt what’s going on and what happened to SSgt” I asked. “When we got to the side of the plane we saw someone lying on the ground. SSgt went and checked him when he rolled him over the body just jumped up and bit his shoulder.” She said. “It was one of the local pigs; I shot the son of a bitch in the head and got SSgt away from him. He had a good size wound but was able to move on his own. When I went to call you another one of those bastards came from behind me and tried to bite me. He wound up taking out my radio instead. We ran towards one of the vehicles in the area and went to the rendezvous point. Of course SSgt was getting worse from the bleeding and my radio wasn’t working. When I got near the farm I didn’t realize one of those bastards was in the back he began to bite into SSgt’s neck I ended up slamming into the fence and almost into the house. I managed to take out the bastard and pulled SSgt into the house but no matter what he was already dead.” She said. “Ok but where is the body?” private asked, “yeah we didn’t see him down there” I said. “That’s because he got up and walked out the house” she said. “Wait what” I said. “He got up and walked out. Whatever those things are they aint human and won’t die easily, seems the only one that stayed dead was the one I shot in the head” she said. We heard a noise outside. We looked out the window and saw a bunch of people they walked out of the woods and towards the house. Most were missing limbs and covered in blood. “Ok what the hell is going on” I asked. “Dude their like zombies or something” private said. “What the hell are you talking about, you mean like in the movies?” I said to him. “I think he’s right, those things aint human and they act just like them.” The Lt said. “We need to get out of here do you have your radio mines busted and what I got out was the last of its life” she said. “Yeah ill contact the helicopter, Base come in base this is Corporal Tim Johnson we need an evac from our location” I said. “Corporal Johnson this is Major Burtin we copy your transmission and a chopper is in route ETA is 10 minutes, signal your exact location with a green smoke at that time” the radio barked. “Ok 10 minutes and those things are coming we need to last that long” the Lt said we began to make a stand against the creatures. But no matter how much we shot them they didn’t go down. “Aim for the head that kills them I think” the Lt said. We managed to take a few down but soon ran out of ammo. We climbed to the roof and tried to hold out there. “Corporal Johnson this is 1st Lt Marshall, we are in the area. Where is the green smoke?” the radio barked. I threw a green smoke near the house. “Smoke is out, use midair evac over the house we will use ladder to get in” I said on the radio. The chopper arrived soon after and we managed to board, as we flew over the farm we could see more of those things in the forest.

They managed to evac Corporal Johnson, 2nd Lt Hendricks and Private Stevenson to the base but it seems that the situation was out of control when they arrived. Reports of attacks, riots and chaos were breaking out in multiple parts of the town. The horrors that the soldiers saw that day was only the beginning.