The Truth About Heaven

Chapter two.

Alanna sighed. God, it sucked being home without Frank. Ashley was nice, but Alanna just hated how Frank always went over there.
She trudged up to her room, not noticing her mother’s boyfriend staring at her intently. She flopped down on her bed and stared at her ceiling, zoning out a little.
Alanna groaned and opened to eyes to look at her clock. It read, “12:47.” She forced herself up on her elbows, and slowly got off the bed. She walked over to her computer and turned the monitor on. She rubbed her eyes groggily and managed to focus on it. After signing onto her Msn, she signed out again and went sleepily back to her bed. It was a hot night, the air heavy. She slipped off her pants and slipped into bed. She turned on her lamp and grabbed the latest novel she was reading from her night table.
Looking up at the sound of soft footsteps through the hallway, Alanna quietly pulled on some rumpled pajama pants from her floor and got off her bed and walked to the door. She figured it was Frank getting home late. She opened her door a crack and whispered his name. When no answer came, she opened her door further and stepped out. In an instant her mouth was covered and she was being pushed back into her room.
She tried to scream, but her attempts were muffled from the man’s hand. She looked up in shock and saw her mother’s latest boyfriend staring down at her.
“No need to scream,” he said quietly. “Your mother isn’t here. She’s at my place, a little burned, if you get my drift. So, you might as well cooperate with me, here. I’ve wanted you since the first time I saw you.”
Alanna kicked him in the shin, trying to wriggle away. He let go of her mouth to grip her more firmly.
“You’re sick!” she screamed. “What the hell’s your problem? You perverted bastard! Get your hands off me and get out of my house!” She gasped as his fingers dug into her arms.
“Shut up. We can do this the easy way or the hard way. I’m content with either way.” He pushed her onto the bed, and before she could scramble up again, his weight was on her. She began sobbing and trembling.
“Just- just leave me alone,” she whispered. He began running his hands roughly up her thin frame. She swallowed back a sob. “Just stop. Please,” she pleaded.
He smiled and rubbed her cheek with his hand. “You know you’re going to like it. Just enjoy it.” He pulled her pants down swiftly and Alanna began to sob uncontrollably.
“I don’t want this. Don’t.” She screamed in agony as he drove himself into her. This wasn’t supposed to happen. It hurt so much.
When he had finished, he shuddered with pleasure. Alanna didn’t see how he got pleasure from what hurt her so much.
She covered herself with her blanket and wrapped her arms around her knees and sobbed quietly. She just wanted Frank to get here. Now.