Status: Whisper words of wisdom, Let it be. (:

Left Behind

I Get By With a Little Help From My Friends


The weekend had caused me to forget that school existed. Brycen had caused me to forget that school existed; Along with his eyes, and his smile, and his everything else. To go back to school was like entering into Hell. We were awarded with tons of work, and warnings (Kris and I hadn’t finished the project). We were going to work at her house that night. Aliyah and Bryce were too much of a distraction.

We started with Mrs. Perkins’ class. We talked the entire period.

We went through the other classes. Ended in Mrs. Thompson’s class. She rewarded us with class time to work on our projects. Kristen and I had no “project”, so we talked the entire hour. I don’t know what had gotten into me.

“What happened at the baseball game?” she whispered.

I shrugged. “Bryce and I confessed our undeniable love for each other,” I said sarcastically. “It was such a beautiful experience."

She rolled her bright blue eyes at me. Kristen had to know what happened. Word spread fast at our school. “So, are you and Bryce finally a thing?”

I looked over to Bryce and Aliyah. He was, surprisingly, looking at me as well. I sent over a wink, which received a Brycen smirk. “I guess.” She squealed, in my ear, and I could have smacked her. I had a feeling that everyone would know y business by the time we left art class. “Project, Kristen. Focus.”

“Okay, sorry…” She allowed her finger to scan over the paper as she, once again, read over the project rubric. “Oh my goodness,” she said shock.

I examined the paper, then turned back to Kristen. “Yeah, I know. It’s due—”

“Carter, do you see my cuticles? This afternoon, you are coming with me to get my nails done. This is a hot mess express.”

I rolled my eyes.


Kristen came over for the project. I convinced her to stay at Aliyah’s. I trusted Bryce, I guess, but because of what Kristen told me, I really didn’t know if I should trust Aliyah. I still hadn’t told her that Bryce and I was, in Kristen’s words, “a thing”. Maybe she didn’t need to know.

We sat in my room, sketching things across a poster board, “getting creative” and what not. Bryce slipped in. “Kristen,” he greeted quietly.

“Carter’s boyfriend,” she replied with a grin.

“Kristen,” I scolded.

“Carter,” she laughed.

“Brycen,” I said with a smile. “Go do your work.”

He walked over to me and squeezed beside me on the bed. “I’m taking a break,” he replied. “There’s only so much of Aliyah that I can take.”

Kristen laughed, and I frowned a little. She was still my friend. She hadn’t really done anything to me, so I couldn’t be rude. “That’s not nice Brycen,” I replied. “She’s a sweet girl. She has good intentions.”

“She’s a manipulating girl, with terrible intentions.”

“God, I swear I can never be right.”

He kissed my forehead. “You’re always right.”

Kristen’s phone rang. She hopped up gleefully, showing me that Trevor was calling. “That was cute, and I kind of got butterflies from it or whatever, but my baby’s calling. I’ll be back in a few, Car.”

“Take your time, Kris.”

Bryce laughed in this very sarcastic tone that irritated me a little. “Since when did you guys get so close? I really don’t like that she can call you Car and I can’t.”

“I really don’t care,” I replied with a chuckle. “So, what did you come in here for?”

“Well the difference in benefits between us being friends and us being a couple, is that I don’t have to schedule kisses around when you want them.”

I rolled my eyes. “That isn’t what I asked you.”

“It is. I came in here to force a kiss on you, but then I noticed that I shouldn’t have to do that. You should throw yourself on me, not the other way around.”

I couldn’t help but laugh. I couldn’t tell if he was very serious or very funny at that point. Well, serious or not, it would have been funny either way. “Who made that rule?” I asked.

“Me,” he said with a smirk. “And what I say goes… Unless you don’t agree with it—which in that case we can compromise.”

“You are so cute.”

Aliyah called for his return. Before leaving, he kissed me, quickly, before walking towards the door. “I know,” he replied before leaving out.
♠ ♠ ♠
I get high with a little help from my friends.