Temptation: the true definition

One And Only Chapter


Anthony Lovato is the reason the word Temptation is in the dictionary.
Because he is the epitome of the word, the very essences of the syllables run through his veins.
Tony is both the most tempted and tempting person in the city of Chicago and perhaps in the country, but this fact has not been yet recorded as confirmed.
Tony tries hard to be good, but sometimes temptation gets the best of him and he finds himself doing things he shouldn’t, things he wouldn’t want his mom to know about, if that helps you out.
But his mom already knows.
After all, her son is the reason for the word Temptation

Incidentally, his name replaced Satan’s in the description associatives of Temptation in 1994, when he was just 15 years old and dropping out of school. Some say the temptation of a permanent holiday (working in a band for the rest of his life without finishing school first) was too much for him and he gave in to Temptation again, but actually, when he finally did something bad enough, the temptation of being rid of him out for good was too much for the school board so they gave in to Temptation and kicked him out.

Tony continued being tempted as he formed a band with his cousin and two friends in his Hometown of Chicago and began touring.
Though he tried, it usually got the best of him, and then he was doing things he didn’t even want the other guys to know about, let alone (God Forbid) his Mom.

But then came the tragedy that changed Tony and his Temptations forever.
One October night at a party a beer bottle someone had thrown hit Tony in the head, causing him to lose consciousness for several hours.
When he woke in the van surrounded by concerned bandmates and his two best friends who were touring with him, Tony looked up from his hospital bed of a backseat to see Nick Gigler, his drummer, looking down at him.
“Hi sweetie” Nick said, welcoming Tony back into the world with a wide grin.
And that is the moment we can trace Tony’s massive Temptation Warp to.
He began to be tempted to do things he never would have wanted to do before, and now he had less self-control, something he used to his advantage, adopting the line “I couldn’t help it”
as his trademark excuse. He moved in with Nick and they did stupid things when they weren’t
playing shows and touring. Nick had, after all, been associated highly with Tony’s warp, and was very proud of this, especially as Tony had developed a new temptation that involved overweight idiot that rapped about food. No one knows why this was, but it is the reason that the warp is known as the Tragedy.

It’s taken a while and much painful regaining of self-control, but Tony can now proudly limit himself to a maximum of 13 girls at one time and not surpass his limit for an entire week.
Also, he seems to have chosen favorites, out of which, it is hoped, he will someday choose a wife and have some very tempting little kids who will hopefully be as beautiful but not quite so
wayward and ill-self-disciplined as their father.

Many people miss the semi-innocent Tony Lovato but everyone knew it was going to happen sometime and Tony, of course, having partially regained his temptation-limit, remains as irresistible and tempting as ever.

And his Mom knows everything.