No One Does It Better

This whole place is gonna burn

I sat in the passenger seat of Jakes car. I stared blankly at the road in front of me as the silence in the car screamed in my ears. For the past few days, all I did was sit and stare. Jake moved his hand over to mine linking his fingers. I looked down at our hands and back out the window not saying a word. Nothing felt right.

Jake pulled up at a funeral home where we were meant to be having a meeting. I walked through the door with Jake pulling me along by my hand. A lady sweetly directed us to a room. I couldn’t understand how she could sound so sweet when she worked in a place filled with death.
I collapsed on a chair with Jake beside me. I looked around at my surroundings, pale green walls and blue carpet. It was enough to make me feel uneasy. A man walked in taking the seat in front of us.

“You must be the daughter?” a deep voice spoke looking at me with eyes filled with pity.
I nodded my head not bothering to speak.
“I’m sorry to hear about your father. Would you be able to tell me how I happened?”
I looked up at Jake hoping he would answer for me. He smiled slightly at me before turning to the man.
“Heart attack” he said softly.
Jake took the liberty of answering all of the man’s questions on my behalf. I tried to focus on the conversation but was interrupted by my phone vibrating.

From Mike:
I’m sorry Jessie. I hope you’re doing okay.

What would Mike care? He had no idea how it feels to no longer have a mother or a father.

To Mike:
Don’t pretend like you care Mike.

I dropped my phone bored into my lap. I looked from the man’s face to Jakes. I had no idea what they were talking about. My phone vibrated.

From Mike:
I do care. Your dad was like a second father to me.

was? WAS? why was he using past tense? My dad still IS the best parent I ever had, him dying doesn’t change that fact.

To Mike:
Just leave me alone Mike.

From Mike:
Okay. I’m sorry.

Jake took my hand leading me out of the door.
“I don’t know if you heard, but the funeral is this Friday. Its going to be in San Diego okay?” He whispered into my ears as we walked to the car. I nodded my head.


Jake kissed my forehead before walking out the front door. He felt really bad for having to go to work. But we needed money and that was important right now.
I lay on the couch staring at the ceiling. The silence of the house was enough to make me go mad. With every tick of the clock on the wall I felt myself becoming more and more anxious. I almost screamed in shock when I heard a knocking on my door. I picked myself up and dragged my feet to the door. I opened the door enough to see who was standing outside. A sigh of relief hit me when I saw the familiar face.
“Hey Jessie” He said pushing out his hand to reveal boxes of chocolate. I smiled at sight of this. I missed this.
“Hi Vic” I whispered, opening the door wide enough for him to walk through.

Vic walked in making himself comfortable on the couch. I sat down across from him as he opened to chocolate.
“Okay Jessie, I’m sure you remember the drill? For every piece of chocolate you take, you say one thing that’s bothering you” Vic said. I nodded my head. After Mike left, Vic would always sneak over and do this with me. It was always good because I don’t like talking about my issues and Vic never questioned them. He let me say them and then wash them away with chocolate.
I picked up a piece of chocolate and looked Vic in the eye.
“I don’t know what I will do without my dad and it scares me” I spat out before throwing the chocolate into my mouth. Vic looked at me as if he was waiting for me to say something else.
“Vic! You have to say something too!” I whined. Vic chuckled and picked up a piece of chocolate.
“I hate the fact that things aren’t the way they were 5 years ago” He said putting the chocolate in his mouth.
“I wish I was with him before he died”
“I wish I didn’t have to look after Mike like he’s a child”
“I wish my life was clearer”
“I wish we could go back in time”
“I wish I knew how I really felt about Jake”
“I wish I loved someone as much as you and Mike used to”
“I wish Mike didn’t fuck up”
“So do I”
I looked up at Vic as he looked up at me. He smiled gently as I mirrored him. We had made our way through a whole box of chocolates within 10 minutes. We carried on until we had eaten all the chocolate and were collapsed on the floor.
“I think I’m going to be sick” Vic moaned.
“Same here. Totally worth it” I laughed. I hadn’t had this much fun for a while.
Vic stood up and stretched.
“I should probably get going bud.”
I stood up to give him a hug.
“Thanks Vic, You don’t know how much a appreciate you coming over.”
“Anytime kiddo, you know I’d do anything for you” He said kissing my forehead before walking out the door.
At least I knew I could count on someone.

I dived on my bed as I the sound of my phone echoed through my room. I threw my phone to my ear.
“Hey beautiful” A raspy voice spoke
“Mikey” I smiled “How is it?”
“It’s not too bad I guess” His voice sounded unconvincing. “The worst thing is not having you here”
“You’ll be 18 in 4 months, your parents can’t stop you from seeing me then right?”
I heard mumbling in the background.
“Jessie, I got to go. I’ll call you tomorrow or something” He said quickly. Before I could start to say goodbye he hung up.
I threw my phone across the room and collapsed onto my bed.
My dad knocked on my door before walking in. I didn’t need to open my eyes to know what he had in his hands. The smell was enough to make my mouth water.
“Sweetie, I got you some coffee. Cheer up kiddo” He said putting the coffee on my desk. As soon as I heard my door close I jumped up to get the coffee.

I sat in silence as I stared at the wall. I was snapped out of my stare when I heard a noise from my window. I looked over seeing Vic at my window. I ran over letting him in. He sat on my bed dumping chocolate on it with a grin on his face.
“Okay, I know you hate talking about your problems… So I’ve got an idea” He said taking a piece of chocolate.
I looked at him raising an eyebrow as he explained. This better work.
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I'm sorry it took so long to update!

We got a better look at Jessie and Vic's relationship in this one. What do you think?

Who want Jessie to end up with Mike? who wants her to end up with Jake? who wants her to end up with neither? let me know!

Thankyou all so much!! all my beautiful readers and subscribers!

As always, special thankyou to Santi Santi, kardashian_x, taylor_tea and CourtneyFaithG.
you have CourtneyFaithG to thank for me updating. I wasnt going to until friday, but since she asked I thought I'd better do it sooner.