No One Does It Better

You're so pretty when you dress for the grave


From Jessie:
Just leave me alone Mike.

I looked down at my phone. A feeling of sadness moved through my body. She didn’t want me. She didn’t need me. I sat looking at the keypad trying to find some way to protest. The image of her sitting with Jake lurked in my head. The worst part about it was I could imagine how happy he probably made her. I sighed before typing my message.

To Jessie:
Okay. I’m sorry.

I sat on my couch feeling empty. Ever since Jessie came back I couldn’t shake the feeling that I’ve gone down the wrong path. All I wanted was to be able to go to her house and talk about everything and anything like we used to.
My phone beeped from beside me. Jessie. Thoughts of her begging me to come over went through my mind. I looked at my phone slightly smiling. My face instantly dropped when I read the message.

From Shanna:
Hey Mikey, I miss you. Come over baby?

Mikey It sounded like poison coming from her. When Jessie said it sent butterflies through my body. I bet she there is some cute name that she calls Jake. The thought of it made me sick and angry.

To Shanna:
Yeah. I’ll be there in a sec.

I was going to regret this.


I tapped my fingers on the steering wheel of my car as I drove to Shanna’s. I decided to make a quick stop to get a coffee.
I walked through the green double doors to Café Charter. I hoped that there was a chance that I would run into Jessie here. Within seconds it was clear that Jessie wasn’t here. I decided to sit down and have a coffee rather than take it out with me. Maybe she would turn up.

I thanked the waitress who brought my coffee over as I pulled out my phone. I slowly stirred my coffee as I observed the people around me. There were two teenagers sitting in the booth behind me. I could hear them talking.

“I don’t care what they say Penny” The boy said
“I know you don’t. But it’s not like we can do anything to stop them. They don’t want us together”
“My parents don’t look at each other the way we do.”
“Ryan… Let’s leave. I don’t want them to take you from me” The girl said.

I couldn’t help but feel like I had been there before, because I had been there… and I made the wrong choice.
The girl stood up to use the bathroom. I turned to the boy as he sat on his own.
“Don’t let her go man.” I said. He looked up at me confused. “Listen. I’ve been in that place. I know how you feel. Just don’t make the same move as me. I let my parents take me away from the only girl that mattered and it’s never going to be the same”

The boy looked at me understandingly and nodded his head. His eyes moved to see his girlfriend walk towards him. He stood up taking her hand. Before they left the boy turned around to face me.
“Thanks.” He said. I nodded my head at him. He took a look at his girlfriend and turned back to me smiling. “Don’t give up on that girl man. If you really love her then the past doesn’t matter” He said before turning away with his girlfriend.
I watched them walk out of the door. How is it that a teenager can make more sense of this situation than me? My eyes lingered on the door as a familiar face walked in.

He was dressed as if he was going to work. Why wasn’t he with Jessie? Was she alone? HE CANT LEAVE HER ALONE AT A TIME LIKE THIS!
I watched him as he ordered his drink and went back to his car driving off. All I wanted to do was to go and see Jessie. She shouldn’t be alone. I knew she didn’t want me around though. She made that very clear.
I pulled out my phone and began texting.

To Vic:
Hey bro I need your help. Jake’s not with Jessie and I’m scared she’s alone. I’ll mess things up if I go. Please can you go over and see her?

I knew Vic would be able to cheer her up. Vic was like a big brother to everyone

From Vic:
Yeah sure. Why would Jake leave her alone? Poor Grover. I’ll text you later man.

I let out a sigh of relief as I stood up. I still had to see Shanna. There was something I had to do.


I stood at Shanna’s door, thoughts were flooding my mind. Something that kid said to me at the café stuck in my mind. This was something I had to do, It was the right thing to do…even though Shanna doesn’t deserve respect.

The door was swung open to reveal Shanna standing there wearing close to nothing. Oh no.
“Mikey baby, I’m so glad you’re here” She whispered grabbing my hand pulling me inside.
“Shanna, Stop. I need to talk to you” I pulled my hand from her grip. She turned to me pushing her body up to mine.
“We can talk later” She whispered in my ear kissing my neck. I could feel myself giving in as I placed my hands on the curve of her back. I closed my eyes and moved in to kiss her before I pictured Jessie’s face in my head.
“Shanna stop” I said pushing her off of me. “I need to talk to you”
She groaned in annoyance and she crossed her arms.
“Why is it always like this with you? All you want to do is talk. You never want to fuck me. You always want to watch a movie or go for a drive or go on some stupid date. I don’t know if you’ve realised Mike, but I’m NOT 16 fucking years old. This isn’t some prepubescent relationship.” She snarled.
I sighed running my fingers through my hair.
“I don’t know if YOU realise but relationships are not based on physical emotions. I’ve tried so many times to build some type of emotional connection between us but you don’t seem to be interested. Sometimes I think you’re only in this relationship for the sex and my money. I-I don’t think we should be together Shanna.” I said sighing.
Her face dropped.
“Whatever Mike, I don’t need this. Fuck you and your stupid band.” She said pushing me out of her house.
She slammed the door behind me. I walked away from her door and headed to my car, I couldn’t help but feel like a weight had been lifted from my shoulders.


I pulled up at my house. Vic’s car was parked against the curb.
The smell of food hit me as I walked through the front door.
“Vic?” I called
His voice answered from the Kitchen “In here man!”
I walked into the kitchen to find Vic cooking dinner. “The guys are coming over so I thought I’d make something.” He said. I went over and started helping him. A smile grew on my face. We hadn’t done something like this for a while.
“I broke up with Shanna today” I mumbled. Vic turned to me with a massive grin on his face.
“Sorry to hear bud”
I laughed at him. “Don’t pretend like its bad news bro” he let out a laugh in response. “How is she” I added as the smile dropped from my face.
Vic looked back down at the stove. “She’s confused”
“about what?” I asked confused
“Everything. Her dad’s gone, she misses you but at the same time she hates you, she doesn’t understand her feelings about her boyfriend and all she wants is to start over.” He said looking me in the eye. I opened my mouth to say something but was interrupted by the two figures in the door way.
“THE KING IS HERE!” Jaime yelled as Tony rolled his eyes.
Vic looked up at me and gave a sympathetic smile.
A voice repeated itself in my head.
“Don’t give up on that girl man. If you really love her then the past doesn’t matter”
♠ ♠ ♠
I think Mikes POV was well overdue! No flash backs this chapter :(

How are you all feeling about Mike?
I kind of based him in this chapter on myself. If you guys have ever been in love with someone who is happy with someone else than you'd know how Mike is feeling.

Thankyou to all my beautiful readers and subscribers.

Thanks for the comments Santi Santi, ILovePotatoes, AnyaRae and kardashian_x I love you guys.