No One Does It Better

Call the police, this whole place is gonna burn

Mikes POV

The tapping of my feet on the wooden floor was distracting me from my overpowering thoughts. I knew I was doing the right thing, I was just worried about the decision she was going to make. What was I meant to do if she chose Jake? I couldn’t seriously find someone else to live up to Jessie’s standards… I guess I would just have to wait.

“Hey little brother.” Vic said sitting on the couch beside me. I looked over at him as he had a wide smile on his face. He was hiding something.
“Vic…There something you need to tell me.” I said as his smile transformed into a sly look.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He said quickly getting up and leaving the room. I jumped to my feet quickly picking up my pace towards the direction Vic went.

“Vic! Get back here!” I yelled as I sped through the house. I found him standing in his room with a panicked look on his face. Despite Vic being older than me, I was taller and stronger than him and he knew that. I closed the door behind me and walked closer towards Vic.
“I’ll give you once chance to tell me.” I said nearing closer to him as he shook his head repeatedly.
In one hasty jump, I tackled Vic to the ground holding him in an arm lock as he squealed like a little girl.
“OKAY, OKAY, YOU WIN!” Vic exclaimed in defeat. “Just get your lanky ass off me.”

I moved back sitting on the floor beside him with a proud look on my face and he rubbed his arm.

“Okay so, I went into the café today…” He started. I KNEW this was about Jessie. “…and I spoke to Jessie.”
“What did she say? Has she made up her mind!?” I rambled as Vic laughed at me.
“She didn’t say anything specific about that but I have a feeling.” He said.
“A feeling about what?” I asked confused.
“She seemed pretty god damn miserable and I asked her how was she was going and she kind of started crying.” Vic said trailing off as soon as he saw the shocked expression on my face.
“Is she okay? Maybe I should go and see her… If Jake hurt her, I’ll kill him” I said speeding through my words.
“Mike, chill out.” Vic said nudging me. “I talked to her about the whole ‘making up her mind thing’ and she is so confused. She started telling me about all the pros and cons about you both and started talking about her future.” Vic said smiling.
“AND!?” I asked in anticipation.
“She didn’t make up her mind, but I think you’re in for a pretty good chance bro.” He said patting my on the back.
“Really?” I asked as a smile grew on my face which Vic nodded his head to.

I stood up and started walking towards the door before Vic spoke up.
“Don’t get too happy buddy, she still wants to castrate you for being an asshole.” Vic added wiping my goofy grin from my face.
Oh yeah. I almost forgot.


“Mike! There’s a package from your brother!” My Uncle called from downstairs. I vigorously rubbed at my eyes as I tiredly bounded down the stairs into the kitchen. My eyes were instantly drawn to a box that was sitting nicely perched on the bench. I walked closer to see my name scrawled hurriedly across the box.
Collapsing onto the stall, I began opening the box.
There was a letter and something wrapped in newspaper. Curiously, I opened the letter and allowed my eyes to read the messily written words.

You can’t tell ma and pa about this.
I was going through some of the stuff they found in the garage that was going to be thrown out and I found this. I knew how much you would have wanted to keep it…They can’t know I sent it to you though.
I really miss you little bro, I hope you’re doing okay and not getting too worked up about things. I’ll come visit you soon.
Love ya man.

I smiled as I read through the letter a second time. I missed Vic.
My eyes glanced down at the object that had been lazily hidden behind the newspaper. Curiously, I tore the paper until I revealed what was beneath the paper.
Photo album. I was going to regret looking at this.


I locked my bedroom door behind me as I sat on the centre of my bed placing the photo album before me. Okay, I could do this… What harm is a few photos?

I lifted the cover showing the first page.
Two young faces smiled up at me from the page…Jessie’s 7th birthday. Her mother tried to force her to have a princess party but she finally convinced her to let her have a Spiderman party instead.
I almost forgot about that. We spent the entire day pretending we were shooting webs at the girls who didn’t want to dress up.

I flipped through page after page of pictures of Jessie and I when we were younger. Always smiling.
I stopped when I came across a photo that was not stuck in the book but was placed in between the pages. I picked it up noticing there was writing on the back.

‘Thought I’d throw this in here – Vic’

Smiling, I turned the picture back around to observe the photo. Jessie and I sitting together in a small tent looking overly tired. It was from the start of this year at a party…
There were about 8 or 9 of us that went camping out in the woods. We were all going to drink but Jessie wasn’t feeling so well so we decided to just lie in the tent together. We spent almost all night just talking about everything and nothing. It was around 4 in the morning when she fell asleep, I just lay there listening to her breathing… that was the first time I told her I loved her… not that she heard it.
Doesn’t mean I didn’t mean it.

I could feel my eyes beginning to water.
“Not now Mike, Come on.” I whispered to myself as I put the photo album under my bed. I lifted up the photo placing it on an angle against my lamp. My eyes watched it as I lay down onto my bed.

God, I hope she was doing better than me…
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Hey guys! I just started semester 2, so things are a little hectic at the moment.
But I thought I'd update in the light of COLLIDE WITH THE SKY BEING OFFICIALLY RELEASED! anybody pre order that baby? I'm still waiting for mine :'(

allllll in Mikes POV this time ;) got to see some Vic and Mike bro love.
What are your opinions? I'd love to hear :)

Thank you so so so so much to all my readers, subscribers and recommenders! ;)

Thank you to Santi Santi, krisigetlow, gemaradke, kaisy02, kardashian_x and CourtneyFaithG for your comments <3!!