Status: Active

Don't Go Away


When Marshal got to work, it was about 1:30 in the afternoon, and the lunch shift was just ending. The waiter, Jody, told him he had some customers at table 15 so Marshal walked out there with his pad and pen and found table 15. There were 3 customers: 2 boys and a girl, looked about Marshal's age.

The boy closest to him was wearing skater cloths, had bright blue hair and had snake bites. The girl sitting next to him, was dressed similar, but looked more scene. The boy on the other side was cute to Marshal. He had red hair and was wearing all black. Something about him caught Marshal's eye.

"Hi, I'm Marshal and I'll be your server this afternoon. Can I start you off with something to drink?" he asked.

"I'll have a diet Pepsi," the first boy said.

"Make that two!" the girl added. Marshal scribbled it down and turned to the cute boy.

"Can I have a chocolate milkshake?" he asked in a small voice.

"Really Winston?" the other boy asked.

"Shut up Rayan! If I want a chocolate milkshake, then I'm going to order a goddamned milkshake," Winston said.

"Come on guys," the girl pleaded. Marshal was getting nervous and quickly cut in,

"I'll be right back with your drinks," he said and went to the back and got the drinks. He put extra whipped cream on the top of the milkshake and brought them back out to his table. Once he set them down, he put the tray under his arm and took out his notepad again. "Are you ready to order?"

"Yes," the girl smiled, "I would like the Garlic Spaghetti with Meatballs."

"I would like 4 Cheese Grilled Cheese," Rayan ordered. Marshal wrote it down and turned to Winston.

"I'll have the regular cheese burger without pickles," Marshal smiled. He couldn't help but notice how similar they were. Marshal always ordered milkshakes, not caring what time of the day it was, and he didn't like pickles either.

"I'll be back as soon as I can with your food," Marshal said and winked at Winston before walking to the kitchen.

Marshal usually wasn't this flirty around guys. Mostly because he didn't want Chance to know, but he couldn't help it. He really want to just have fun every once in a while.

After Marshal delivered their food, and they were done, Rayan and the girl were gone by the time Winston brought the check.

"Did your friends stick you with the bill?" he asked.

"Yeah. They do it a lot," Winston sighed, pulling out $40 to cover the cost.

"I'm sorry. They didn’t seem like that great of friends, no offense," Marshal said and started picking up the dishes.

"No its okay, I know they aren't. I'm Winston by the way," he stuck out a delicate hand.


"Nice to meet you. We should hang out sometime," Winston leaned over and took a pen out of Marshal's waist apron and grabbed his hand, "Here's my number. Call or text me."

"Okay, I will," Marshal smiled. Winston climbed out of his seat and smiled.

"See ya."

After his shift, Marshal left for Chance’s house. He didn’t know why his heartbeat got faster or why his stomach had knots. Maybe it was because of Winston; The fact that Marshal had found someone other than Chance. Chance would always be his main priority, but he would never know that. It was 5 in the evening by the time Marshal pulled into Chance’s short driveway. There were no other cars in the driveway so that meant Chance’s parents weren’t home.

Marshal climbed out of his car quickly. The summer sun beamed down on him, making him sweat bullets with every step he took. When he reached the front door, he knocked 3 times, even though Chance told him he didn’t have to knock, but it felt weird to just barge in.

Marshal was looking down at the ‘Welcome’ mat when Chance opened the door.

“Hey man,” Chance said, smiling his fantastic bright smile, and stepping out of Marshal’s way. He walked into the familiar house and waited in the hallway for Chance, “Hungry?”

“No. I’ve been around food all afternoon,” Marshal sighed.

“Wouldn’t that just make you more hungry?” Chance chuckled. Marshal smiled and replied,

“You’d think. So uhm, why did you want me to come over?” they were in the living room by now, and Marshal leaned up against the arm of the couch.

“Talk to you about Cherry. Why don’t you like her?” Chance asked. He crossed his perfectly toned arms over his perfectly chiseled (unfortunately clothed) chest.

“Oh come on, Chance. You know she’s the biggest slut,“ he blurted out, but covered his mouth with his hand while Chance looked down at the ground.

“Yeah I know.” he mumbled.

“Then why-”

“For the hell of it! To say I fucked Cherry!” Chance was smiling.

“Why would you want that title? That is so unlike you,” Marshal frowned. Chance only shrugged.

“I don’t know. Who’s number is that?” Chance grabbed Marshal’s hand and Marshal started getting hot, his mouth twitched slightly and his legs started going weak. Chance’s hands were so soft and warm.

“A guy I met on shift.”

“So is he gay?”

“No, I don’t know. I only just met him. Probably just friends, you know I don’t swing that way, man,” Marshal tried to sound convincing, but his voice was shaky. Chance only laughed.

“Come on Marshal, that’s like saying Cherry Arkabona is a virgin!” Marshal froze, his best friend knew. How long had he known? “I’m just kidding,” Chance hit his arm, “Are you sure you don’t want food?”

“Uhm, I’ll take a… whatever you’re having.” Marshal said, relieved of the change of subject. He was still in shock. He thought for sure his best friend knew his secret.

Marshal wanted Chance to know but at the same time, he didn’t know if their friendship was going to get weird because of their relationship. It wasn’t something Marshal wanted to sacrifice. He’d rather have Chance as just a friend, then nothing at all.
♠ ♠ ♠
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