Status: Active

Don't Go Away

Movie Date;

Marshal left soon after, saying he had to get home for dinner. It was getting dark out by the time he pulled into his driveway. The lights were on in the living room and his little sister, Anne Belle’s room. Marshal walked in the front door and he saw his dad watching some Law and Order show on the TV. He avoided conversation with him and ran upstairs. His little sister, was blasting Hannah Montana music in her room that was two doors down from Marshal’s room.

Marshal, groaning, walked to her room and he poked his head in and saw his 9 year old sister playing with her Hannah Montana dolls. Her light blonde hair was pulled back into small braids and her back was to him. He walked over to her CD player and turned it down. Spinning around she shouted angrily,


“No one wants to listen to your shit music!” Marshal spat. He loved his sister, but she could be really annoying. When Anne Belle started hitting Marshal’s legs with her dolls, he yelled, “Stop it Anne!”

“Get out!” she screamed, he ran out and heard her slam the door behind him. Marshal waited a second to regain his balance and as he walked away, he heard the music get louder. Marshal scowled and stalked into his room when he pulled out his phone.

He had been contemplating whether or not he should text Winston or not. If he did, they could become good friends, or maybe more. Or they could have nothing in common and never talk again.

If Marshal didn’t text him, he’d never know what could’ve happened. Marshal mustered up all of his courage and sent Winston a text.

Hey, this is Marshal, the waiter from earlier.

He seemed happy that Marshal texted him, but then again, you can never really tell over a phone. They texted for two hours before Winston asked if Marshal wanted to hang out tomorrow. Marshal smiled to himself and said yes.

Want to go to the movies at 1?

Marshal texted back saying that it would be great. After he said he had to go to bed. Marshal lay awake thinking of how exciting it was to have a date with a boy, especially because it was hard to find a gay guy when your heart was set on someone else.

He had a date with a girl about two weeks ago, but it was terrible. All she had wanted to do was make out with Marshal. They were at a nice café with her sitting on his lap, kissing him. He had to kiss her back, of course because if he didn’t, people would start talking.

When Marshal went on dates with guys, he generally went one or two cities away, to avoid seeing people he knows. Marshal was a little hesitant about going downtown with Winston, but he figured it was okay because they weren’t anything special, just friends.

In the morning, Marshal woke up at 10 and took a shower to get ready for his date. He told himself it wasn’t a date, but he hoped it was. He threw on a pair of red skinny jeans and a random band t-shirt. He walked downstairs and saw his mom making coffee.

“Hi honey,” the small, plump woman greeted him. She had her brown hair pulled back into a bun and she was still him her pajamas.

“Hi mom,” Marshal said, opening the refrigerator.

“Are you going somewhere?” she asked.

“Hanging out with friends,” he shrugged and pulled out a container of green jell-o.

“Who?” she questioned. It pissed him off when she interrogated him like that. He got a spoon out of the drawer and took a bite.

“Chance, Jason, and Taylor,” he lied. His mom smiled and nodded. Her coffee was done so she poured herself a cup.

“Well, be safe and have fun. What are you doing?”


“What movie?” Marshal sighed in frustration.

“I don’t know. Chance is picking it.” Marshal put the jell-o away and told his mom he was leaving. It wasn’t as warm as it normally was for a summer day, so he drove downtown with the windows up.

It took him about 45 minutes because of lunch traffic. When he got there, it was 12:50, and he found Winston standing by the entrance. He was wearing all black again, and his dyed red hair was hiding his adorable face. He was wearing snake bites today and he wasn’t wearing makeup, which made Marshal happy. It annoyed him when boys wore makeup.

“Hey Winston,” Marshal smiled.

“Hey. I got us tickets. I figured I’d get them before they sold out and you can get food. Is that okay?” his eyes were looking everywhere but Marshal’s face and he was fiddling with his thumbs.

“That’s fine,” Marshal smiled, “How are you?”

“I’m good. You?”

“Same,” Marshal replied as they started to the concessions. Marshal bought a medium popcorn and a pop to share.

In the theater they found some seats in the middle. after Winston offered to hold the popcorn in his lap, they didn’t talk for a few minutes, until Marshal broke the ice.

“So, how old are you?” he asked.

“17. I’m a senior in high school. You?” Marshal couldn’t believe that. He didn’t like the fact that he was still in high school, but he guessed he could work with it.

“I’m 18. I’m going to college this fall.”

“Yeah I know. We went to school together,” Winston said. Marshal stared at him, shocked.

“Are you serious? I’ve never seen you before,” Marshal said, his voice was quivering.

“I know. I don’t hang around people that often. I know you, and your best friend, Chance. The hottest guys in school. And your such a catch because you rarely date girls, and its hard to get your attention. Sorry, I sound like a creeper, but I’m not,” Winston threw a few cornels into his mouth and looked at the screen.

“Wow, that’s not weird, I mean, maybe a little, but I’m surprised that you know that about me, and I didn’t know that you even existed. I’m sorry,” Marshal looked down at his lap.

“Don’t worry about it. You know, you’re cute when you’re nervous,” Winston giggled behind his hand, making Marshal more nervous but he mumbled a thanks, which made Winston giggle more. After a few minutes of silence, Marshal asked,

“So, do you have a girlfriend or anything?” he took some popcorn and threw them in his mouth.

“No, I don’t swing that way,” Winston was smiling. Marshal felt more uncomfortable. He was getting butterflies in his stomach and he got goosebumps. Marshal was happy that he found a cute boy that he liked, but at the same time, he didn’t know what would happen if he went out with him.

“Oh, that’s cool. Can I tell you something?” Marshal turned so he was facing Winston. He nodded so Marshal continued, “I’m actually gay too.” Winston looked so shocked.

“Really? I mean, I always thought, and wished, but I never thought you actually were. You always dated girls, and you seemed so hard to get. But I get it now, it was a cover up, huh?” Winston asked, putting the pieces together in his mind.

“Yeah. No one knows I’m gay except the guys I date, and now you,” Marshal flipped his hair.

“I’m honored that you told me. I really am,” Winston said. Marshal nodded as the lights dimmed down.

He was surprised at how much Winston knew about him. He felt bad that he went to school with this boy, and he had no idea he even existed, yet Winston knew a lot about Marshal. As the previews rolled, Marshal took a sip of their drink and settled down to enjoy the movie.
♠ ♠ ♠
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