Status: Completed 7-6-2012

Beautiful Mess


It took Lacey a week or so before she would talk to me again, but she finally come around. I was especially happy for this, because I needed her help with something.

"I have to go to Matt's house," I said into my cell phone. "I left some stuff over there, and I'd just really like you to come with me."

She sighed. "If you were anyone but my best friend I would call you a list of bad names and tell you to fuck off. However, you are my best friend so I'm going to say sure, meet me there in an hour." She hung up without another word.

I threw my phone onto the kitchen counter and let out a sigh. I knew she was still mad at me for what happened with Matt, but what could I do at this point? Matt was gone.

I killed some time by taking an extra long shower and drying every bit of my hair. I looked up at that clock and saw that it had only been about thirty minutes, but I decided to just go ahead and leave anyway.

When I got there, I just sat in the car and stared at the house until Lacey pulled in next to me. She walked over to my car and raised an eyebrow at me. "Are you okay? You look like death."

I shook my head and attempted to smile as I got out of my car. "Yeah, I'm fine." I dug the key to Matt's house out of my pocket and walked up to the door. I stuck my key into the knob and turned it, then opened the door and stepped in.

For some reason, I expected everything to be different. I expected all of my stuff to be put aside and waiting for me to get it, like Matt would be eager to get every piece of me out of his home. It wasn't like that, though. Everything was exactly where I'd left it.

I went to Matt's bedroom first, knowing that it would be the hardest room to see. I moved quickly, picking up my clothes and any other item I saw that was mine.

"He misses you," I heard Lacey say. "I know you don't want to talk about him, but he called me yesterday just to check on you. That's something, Lindsey."

"Please," I whispered, trying to keep the tears out of my eyes. "Please, don't do this to me right now. Don't try to guilt me into calling him and getting back together with him. I know I will never get you to support my decision, but can you at least pretend like you do? Just for today, at least?"

She came over to me and wrapped her arms around me. "Okay, I can do that. I'm sorry."

"Thank you," I said, walking out of the bedroom. I placed everything I'd gathered on the kitchen table and started looking for some of my other things.

I felt Lacey's hand squeeze around my wrist. "Linds, you need to calm down. You're all weird and shaky."

"Yeah," I said, making my way over to the couch. "I just need to sit down." I fell back onto the couch and put my hands over my face.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, so this chapter wasn't all that important or anything, but the next one is. So here's the deal! You guys be super nice and tell me you love me, and I'll post the next chapter later tonight.
Yeah, just kidding about the love me thing, buuut you get the picture :D

I love yoooou: