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Far From Never

Gan Eagla

“Where is she?!?” a thunderous voice boomed. A tall man with broad shoulders and a build so muscular that it screamed respect paced a grand parlor.

“Father, will you please stop shouting? I got hit in the head last night and have a migraine” the man’s daughter walked into the room, un-phased by her father’s yells.

At five foot four inches, she was a full foot shorter than he was but she looked him straight in the eye. She was dressed in a black satin gown with slits from hem to hip and gray stockings underneath. Her platinum hair was flowing en mass around her head with big loose curls that were a telltale sign she had had it pulled up all night. At first glance she looked utterly harmless with her slender shape and delicate hands, but with a closer look, her stance showed agility beyond compare and an always ready state of mind.

As her father returned her gaze, a minute chill of fear ran over him. Her rich purple eyes, a family trait, were sharp and pierced into a person’s very soul. There was a sparkle in them, like she knew your greatest fears and desires all at once. He had raised her well.

“You should have been here an hour ago!” he boomed at her, “Where were you?”

“In bed, it was a long night last night. That hound they sent was a pain in the ass to kill. Stupid thing didn’t know to quit before he felt any more pain.” She answered acting as though he was talking normally to her instead of screaming at her.

“It’s three o’clock in the afternoon, we leave at six, that gives you three hours to get ready” he turned his back on her. A large portrait of her mother hung above the fire place. His face softened as he looked upon it; his daughter was almost an exact replica, except for her eyes. She also had her mother’s attitude and personality; stubborn, strong, and always right even if she was wrong.

“Like I need that much time” she scoffs.

“Yes you do, you are going to make yourself not only look respectful but like a young lady who is fit to be queen!” he spun around and stared down into her eyes, trying to intimidate her. She just rolled her eyes, turned on her heel, and left the room.

That girl fears no one, not even him, one of the realms most feared people. He had definitely raised her well.