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Far From Never

Trí na Coillte

I left Princess Davina to her rooms to get ready; she was one of those girls who would waste hours to get their hair just right. I made it to my rooms and shut the heavy door tightly. I shed my practice clothes, which were grimy from sweat and dust, and throw them in a corner. I slide my arms into the sleeves of my long black robe with white lace trim. I slowly walk over to my bed, lie down, and fall asleep.

Hattie woke me by flicking cold water in my face. I shot up and stared straight into her eyes. Any other person who is met with that gaze will involuntarily flinch but Hattie had been getting that glare since I was a little girl.

“You’re bath is ready” she smiles.

“If it feels anything like that water then I don’t want it” I make my way out of my large bed. I cross the large room and walk through the door on the left side of the fireplace. Inside a black tub full of steaming water sits in the middle of the room. On the surrounding walls is a vanity and a cupboard to house various oils and perfumes. Directly above the bath is a large, low hanging chandelier.

I loosen the tie on my robe and Hattie removes it from my shoulders as I step into the hot water. I slowly let my lower limbs get accustomed to the water before sitting down quickly. The hot water meets my skin with a burning shock but it soon goes away. As Hattie untangles my braid and washes my hair, I sit quietly. She adds a little raspberry oil to her hands and runs her fingers through my hair. When she’s done with that she leaves it to air dry over the side of the tub. Once she moves to scrubbing my arms, hands, legs, and feet I begin to relax. This is the only thing I let Hattie have complete control over, this is the only time I allow myself be pampered like a true princess.

The rich smell of the raspberry in my hair mixes with the steam and swirls around my senses. I stare up at the candles slowly melting from their own heat. The hot wax begins to drip and fall in to the hot water, which is quickly cooling. Some of the wax settles in the water on my skin but I do nothing to stop it. Hattie leave for a moment and returns with a large towel and a fresh fur collared robe.

“But I’m not done yet” I complain, sinking into the water.

“You would’ve had more time if you had not wasted it sleeping” she says and walks toward me.

“Alright” I close my eyes and stand, wary of the chandelier. It was time I got ready for the dinner that I was dreading. There was no more putting it off or pushing it out my mind; it was time to mentally prepare myself for this torture.

The giant double doors open the reveal the long dining table with only six people seated at the far end. I stand in the doorway for a moment as they register me. I’m in a drop-waist gown with layers of free moving sheer fabric in an earthy reddish brown.

“Sorry I’m late” I start moving towards the table. Everyone was seated with my father at the head of the table and Kind Marr was seated at his right. To Father’s right was Queen Ceraphina and next to her was Davina. Across from Davina was my brother and next to him Izaiah. The only open seat was across from him and next to Davina. I took my seat.

The dinner passed quietly with boring chatter passing between the group, but I kept quiet. I knew that if I spoke at all I’d be speaking my mind.

“You’ve been very quiet this evening” Izaiah’s words break through the dull drone.

“I’m just tired,” I say simply. I glance at my father to see if it was appropriate.

“Well, if you hadn’t exerted yourself with that display earlier, you’d be fine” he said still with anger in his voice.

“Forgive me Father, I felt that I was in need of practice” I smile trying to keep my attitude from showing.

“You knew our guests were arriving today and you chose not to present yourself in a manner befitting a princess!” his voice raises.

“No Father, I did not choose to not to present myself in a befitting manner” my voice rises with his, “I chose to not to present myself as something I’m not!”

“You will not raise your voice to me!” he yells.

“I only yell because you wish me to be something I am not” I lower my voice for impact. I stand being done with the whole conversation, “I will not lie, I will show him exactly what he is getting!” I run from the room, through a side door to the back courtyard.

I hike up my skirt and head straight for the stables. Telestai is in the corral running and bucking when I get there. I swing over the fence in one movement and he runs up to me. He stops just shy of me and I use the fence to climb onto his back.

“Are you ready boy?” I lean in and grab his mane. He tosses his head. “Then jump!” I say and he takes off for the far side of the corral. In a second flat, we’re at the fence and he’s jumped it with no hesitation.

As we take off across the wide-open field, I hear hooves behind us. I twist and see Izaiah coming out of the stables on his horse, which is such a pure, iridescent white that it seems gold in the reflective sun. I let out a growl; all I wanted was to be alone. I look up ahead and see the forest growing closer.

“Come on Telestai, to the trees” I urge him on. He picks up pace heading for a small opening between tree trunks. Izaiah may be gaining ground on the open field but the woods were a different story. These woods are filled with fallen trees and low hanging vines, perfect traps for getting away from someone.

“Elisha!” I hear him call out as he breaks through the trees after me. Telestai dodges a large tree, making a sharp turn. I crane my neck to get a better view of Izaiah. At that moment Telestai jumps a large tree trunk and I slip a bit farther down on his back. As he lands it sends a jar through me and I lose my grip on his mane. I feel myself falling off his back and tuck my arms and legs into my body as I hit the ground. I keep rolling down the side of a ravine, stones beating the sides of my torso, branches grabbing at my hair and dress. I stop at the bottom but not before smacking the side of my face of a sharp rock. I grit my teeth in pain as I begin to black out.

“Elisha!” Izaiah cries out in fear this time.
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