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Far From Never

A Súil Thapa

A callous wind blows smoke from the dying fire in my sleeping face. I wake with a sneeze and look up at the light streaming through the same roots as the wind. I sit up and glance around for Izaiah. It is hard to see in the dim morning light but I can tell by the sheer emptiness of the room that he’s not here.

“Son of a bitch” I trail off and hurriedly stand. I weasel my way out of the roots, my hair catching on the bark in my hurry.

I make it outside and the sounds of the morning settling into the forest hit me with unwanted cheer. I quickly pull aside the curtain of vines and find both horses still lying on the ground. Telestai looks at me and then I can tell he senses something. His ears perk and his eyes grow a bit more focused. Then I hear it; the soft crunch of feet on forest decay. A twig snaps by a tree behind me and I react instinctively. I turn and slide the dagger out of my hair in one fluid motion. I send it through the air and hear it fly before I can register the threat.

“Whoa” Izaiah dodges to the left just in time to miss the pointed blade, “Glad to see you’re using my gift.” He smiles at me with a look that would make happier girls melt.

“When in need a warrior uses whatever weapon available, no matter how unwanted” I sneer. I won’t let on to the fact that his gift is actually very handy. It’s far easier to slide the blade out of my hair then out of my belt, plus it’s easier concealed. No, I won’t let on that I actually like his gift and it’s my new favorite toy.

He just shakes his head and laughs.

“Where were you?” I ask, getting Telestai up.

“I went down to the ravine to get fresh water for my burn” he holds up his bandaged hand.

“Do you know how dangerous it is? How easily you could get lost?” I look at him like he’s stupid, “For one of the smartest people in the two kingdoms you are so dumb!”

He raises his eyebrows at me, “Thanks for your concern, however insulting it may be, but there was no thought of getting lost, for the trail you left in your hurry last night is unmistakable.”

“Let’s just go” I swing up onto Telestai’s back. He makes a clicking noise and his mare stands up and rushes to his side. He mounts his horse and I take off in the direction of the castle, Izaiah at my heels.


“I swear that girl is asking for it!” Kind Baeyer shouts. I sit back in my chair, stunned to silence by the family display. I knew Princess Elisha spoke her mind quite often but I thought she’d hold her tongue in the presence of company.

My head snaps in my brother’s direction as I hear his chair scrape across the marble floor. In a moment, he has taken off after the princess and is through the doors and out of sight. He is quite a fast runner.

“Izaiah get back here!” Mother yells, wanting to keep some order. Her cries are not heard and she huffs in her chair.

“Victor” Baeyer grunts, “Go after your sister and bring her to me.”

“Father I…” Victor starts but is cut off.

“You what?!” his father yells.

He is about to stand down when I see him set his jaw and square his shoulders, “I think it’s best if you let Prince Izaiah handle her. You know that sending me after her as well will make her even worse because it shows you trying to control her” he pauses and glances at me out of the corner of his eye, “Besides, he’ll have to learn to handle her some time.” He winks at me so quickly no one else noticed.

“I’ll teach you to defy me!” Baeyer yells and takes a step towards his son. He raises his hand and Victor holds his ground, looking his father in the eye. King Baeyer’s knuckles make contact with the left side of Victor’s face, but Victor was unmoved.

“King Baeyer!” my ill father stands, “I think that is quite enough in the presence of ladies.” He looks calmly at the intimidating man. King Baeyer looks at my father , then to my mother and I, and takes a deep breath.

“Forgive me ladies” Baeyer tries to calm himself, “As you can tell from tonight I am not often in such delicate and well-mannered company.”

“All is forgiven sir,” Mother says, “A child needs to be put in their place at times.” She looks at me harshly for a quick moment.

I feel like tonight that’s all I’m worth, a quick look.
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Enjoy :)