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She Whispers

The *** of Juliet Dierdre.

Juliet Dierdre, a beautiful name for a beautiful girl. She was kind, and well mannered. And in love with photography.

Our story begins on an October evening, in the year of 1927. Juliet was just shy of eighteen years old. Like any young girl, she was in love with the idea of being in love. Swept away by the attention of young man in town, she defied her father’s wishes, sneaking out to meet him.

The leaves crunched beneath her feet, as she walked through the otherwise quiet woods. As she walked, she let her mind wander, getting caught up in all the picturesque scenery. It was then, when she was absorbed in her own thoughts, that a rather large hand gripped her shoulder.

Juliet released a piercing shriek, which cut through the silent night. Juliet turned to see something that made her giggle

“Travis you nearly scared me to death!” She exclaimed, engulfing her boyfriend into a large hug, “I have all of my bags packed and hidden in the cabin. I can’t believe I’m actually doing this!”

“I’m surprised that you actually came. I didn’t think you would.” Travis said with a small smile playing on his lips.

“Why wouldn’t I come here with you? When a girl is given the opportunity to run away with an amazing man she should take the chance. We are going to visit so many beautiful places!” Juliet spun around in a circle, “Think of the amazing pictures I will be able to take!”

“For now why don’t we just go to the cabin to talk about what we are going to do,” he grabbed onto her hand and the two of them walked over to the small house hidden in the middle of the woods. Travis’ family was extremely wealthy and had houses all over, it was surprising that this one was so small and hidden. Juliet threw the doors open and ran to the nearest bed to jump onto it.

“I have never felt this free my entire life! Following every rule all of the time can become exhausting, don’t you think Travis?” She closed her eyes and waited for an answer.

“I can’t say I know how that feels, I don’t follow the rules.”

Juliet laughed at this and sat up, “Of course you do Trav. I have never met a man with the manners that you have. You are absolutely perfect.”

“Your parents didn’t seem to think I was perfect. If they did then we wouldn’t have had to run away together.”

She scrunched her face up in thought, “Well their opinion is no longer relevant. I am no longer apart of that family and I don’t intend to see any of them ever again.”

“Well that’s good. You won't be seeing much of anyone ever again.” Travis’ said with a blank expression on his face. Before Juliet had the chance to question what this meant Travis quickly stood up and made his way over to her. He climbed onto the bed and planted a quick kiss on her lips, “I’m sorry that it has to be this way.”

As he said these words he grabbed Juliet by her hair and threw her onto the ground.

“Ow! What are you doing Travi? That hurt.” she sat on the ground and rubbed the bump that was now on her head. She looked down at her hand to see that she was bleeding.

“Like I said; I’m sorry Juliet.” He slowly got off of the bed and pulled something out of his pocket. The medal of a knife glistened in the moonlight as he twisted it in his hands.

Her eyes widened, “What is that for?”

“Why my dear,” he laughed bitterly, “This is to kill you.”

Juliet didn’t think for more than second on what to do. She scrambled to her feet and ran to the nearest exit only to find that it was locked.

“You honestly don’t think I’m smart enough to think that you would try to escape?” He slowly walked towards her. She looked around the room frantically before deciding that her only way out would be the open window on the other side of the cabin. Juliet made a mad dash and quickly jumped out.

She tumbled onto the ground, but quickly got up and ran as fast as she could. Juliet knew that screaming would do nothing to help her considering that they were in the middle of the woods and as far away from society as possible. She knew that Travis was catching up to her quickly because he was twice her size and he was probably wearing more sensible running shoes.

Juliet quickly decided her best bet was hiding. She ran over to a rather large tree and hid behind the trunk. It was difficult to stay quiet considering that she was panting like a dog.

“Wherefore art thou Juliet?” Travis mocked the old Shakespearean play, “You can run, but you can’t hide.”

Juliet closed her eyes hoping that she would soon wake up safe and sound in her warm bed, but it was clear to her that this was no dream. She quickly moved to adjust herself so she could be more comfortable, but this caused a small twig to snap from under her foot.

“I heard that,” Travis said before popping up in front of Juliet, “Found you.”

She sprinted away from him only to find a small creek. She looked around before deciding to try to cross it. Juliet made it about half way across before two strong arms wrapped themselves around her tiny waist.

Juliet began to sob, “Please, please don’t do this Travi,” She begged, “I thought that you loved me?”

He sighed, “I do, but I have to do this. If I don’t I will be a disgrace. I’m sorry, I love you Juliet.”

She let out one loud shriek before the cold metal made its way across her throat killing her almost instantly, but before she is gone she whispers one word, “Murder."

Travis held onto her lifeless body for a few moments before dropping her into the freezing water, her open eyes staring into the manic eyes of the man she loved.He bent down and kissed her forehead, noticing the way that the water was becoming tinted red.

“I’m sorry. I will be back to get you tomorrow. I really did love you.”

Travis looked at her body for a second before walking away to a large rock next to the river. On the bolder there were tally marks carved in. He grabbed his knife and marked the next number.

My generation is done . He thought to himself before walking away and back into his little cabin leaving Juliet to rot away in the water.
♠ ♠ ♠
Here is our first chapter! We will try to fix this one up later but for now this is it... Thank you to anyone that clicked onto this story and decided to actually read :] Comment if you like something or even if yoou hate something.. Any questions? ask one of us! :] At every chapters authors notes for my chapters (my chapters are in Jaseys point of view) I will list the amazing commenters! Thanks again for clicking! hope to hear from yall soon :] hehe
