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She Whispers

Moving In

“So tell me again why we are spending our summer break here?” my best friend Carson asked as he looked out the window of the car, “It doesn’t seem like there is much to do around here.”

I followed his gaze to see that he was right. The town we would be staying in was incredibly small with only a few local shops. The only interesting thing here was the woods. I heard that there are great spots for pictures there.

“Mae’s boyfriend lives here and asked her to move out here so they could spend more time together.” I explain.

“Right... Who is Mae again? Oh, and is she hot?” he asked. My lord this boy never listens.


”Jase!” Mae screams my nickname as she runs to give me a large hug, “I have missed you so much! How was your vacation?”

“Totally boring without my bestie,” we laugh, “So did you bring the stuff?”

She holds a plastic bag in the air, “Unlike you, I actually remember to bring things when I’m told to.”

I stuck my tongue out at her as she pulled the contents out. A few bandages were placed on the ground and then a small kitchen knife was pulled out. Mae put it against the palm of her hand and looked at me for the okay. I nodded my head slowly and she dug it into her skin until a few drops of blood came out. She passed the knife to me and i quickly did the same as her. I stuck out my hand.

“Blood sisters?” I said still unsure of this plan.

“Blood sisters.” she took a hold of my hand so that our blood was now connected.

“What happens when we graduate? We only have a few months left of school and after that we are going to college on opposite sides of the country.” I looked down at my feet. Mae and I have been joined at the hip ever since we met and I honestly don’t know what I’m going to do without her.

She gave me a weak smile, “Nothing could separate us for long. How about we make a pact? We write to each other every chance we get and when the year is over we will spend summer vacation together?”

“Sounds perfect.” I smiled.


“Mae is my sister from another mister. We made a promise that we would do this every summer and I will let you decide if she is attractive or not,” I look over at Carson and smiled.

“Okay, well thanks for inviting me, soooo much better than going back home. I love my family, but I would rather spend my summer with the most awesome friend ever!” he poked my shoulder.

“Awe Carson you're too kind,” I laughed and tightened my grip on the steering wheel, “Okay well I think the house we rented is on this street. Can you read me the address again?”

“Sure,” he rummaged around the glove compartment a little bit before pulling out a slip of paper, “27182 Lost Ridge. Lost Ridge? Wow thats a weird street name.”

I made a quick turn onto the street and looked around for the house number. Most of the houses looked like they had been abandoned years ago. All of them seemed to be in horrible condition except for house 27182.

“Looks like we are here,” I said as I pulled into the tiny driveway. Carson jumped out of the car much quicker than me. I slowly opened my door and stared at the house. It was painted a simple shade of white with a black roof. There was interesting designs molded into the side of the little house and the yard was amazing. The grass was bright green and you could see a weeping willow tree sitting in the back of the house. Carson grabs all of the bags and stood next to me.

“Looks like this is going to be our home for the rest of the summer,” and he put his arm around my shoulder.

Suddenly the door flew open and Mae came running out. Her long blonde hair sat a little above her waist and she looked beautiful like always. She ran as fast as she could over to me before giving me a huge hug. Her head went to my little below my shoulders considering the height difference.

“I've missed you too Mae,” I laughed. As soon as she let go of me she took a look at Carson and her bright green eyes sparkled. Her lips curled up and she smiled at him.

“Hi,” she said.

“Hi,” was his only reply. His eyes were wide open as he looked at Mae. There was a few moments of awkward silence before she broke the stare and stuck her hand out.

“I’m Mae,” she said and he shook her hand.

“Carson,” he continued to stare at her.

“Well I’ll take some of your bags. There are three bedrooms so we can each have our own, but we have to share one bathroom,” she scrunched up her face before taking a bag, “I already picked my room so you two can fight over the other two.”

Mae walked into the house. I started to follow, but Carson pulled me back by my arm.

“No need to answer my question from before, she isn’t hot,” he paused for a second, “she is perfect.”

Carson seemed to glow as he walked into the house. This is definitely the happiest I have ever seen him. I quickly grabbed some luggage and walked into the small house.
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thank you to everyone who is reading :] Comment, subscribe, and tell your friends! Next chapter will be Mae's POV (haileywasherex33) ans we will be started to only update on saturdays ones the story gets started.. hoped you enjoyed it and thank you to


for being our amazing first commenter and subscriber!