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She Whispers

Awkward Encounters

“When are you going to get here!?” I asked threw the phone, annoyance clear with every word.
“Like 15 minutes. Chill babe.” Oliver laughed.

“Well just get here soon! I want Jasey to meet you!” I said.

“Okay okay. I’ll be there soon. Don't worry.” He laughed. “I love you Mae.”

“Love you too Oli.” I said as I pressed end.

I had been at the house me and Jasey rented for about an hour now. I was there to get the keys from the owner early. I was the closest to the house so, it had to be me who got the keys. I glanced at the clock, seeing that it was about 5 minutes after she had told me she would be. At that moment i heard a car door and jumped from my seat on the couch.

I ran down the stairs as fast as I could and fell down the last few steps. I quickly jumped to my feet and ran to the door. I pulled it open to see Jasey and some guy.

Ignoring him, I tackled Jasey with a hug.

“I've missed you too Mae,” Jasey laughed.

I let go of Jasey and turned to the guy. I smiled nicely at him, “Hi.”

He quickly said hi back. He just looked at me. It was a sort of gawking actually. But with his blue eyes, I didn't mind it as much. They were an amazing shade of bright blue. The way his brown hair swept across his forehead somewhat framed them.

I stuck out my hand quickly and introduced myself. “I’m Mae.”

“Carson,” he said as he continued to stare.

“Well I’ll take some of your bags.” I offered. “There are three bedrooms, so we can each have our own, but we have to share one bathroom. I already picked my room so you two can fight over the other two!” I said as I turned to walk inside.

Carson and Jasey didn't follow behind me as I walked in. They talked for just a moment before Carson walked in and smiled at me again and continued to go to the stairs. Moments later Jasey was behind him.
I skipped up the stairs after them and showed them which room what mine and the ones that they could take.

I heard another car door, immediately knowing that Oliver had finally gotten here. I ran down the stairs once again to find Oliver in the doorway.

“Oliver!” I yelled as I hugged him.

“Hey Mae.” He laughed as he grabbed my hand.

“Guys! Come downstairs!” I yelled up to them.

Carson was the first to somewhat run down the stairs. He was almost to Oliver and I when his eyes locked on our hands. He looked somewhat upset. Before he could say or do anything Jasey was running down the stairs and yelling something about how I had gotten the best room in the house. She looked up at me and Oliver and smiled.

“Now who is this Mae?” She asked with a smirk.

“This is Oliver, My boyfriend. Oliver, this is Jasey, my best friend, and Carson, the guy she invited here for the summer.” I said.

“It’s nice to meet you Oliver.” Jasey smiled.

“You too.” He said returning a smile. Oliver turned to Carson and smiled, “It's nice to know that the girls are going to have a guy here when I can’t be there to protect them.”
Carson just smiled at him and nodded. Carson looked at me for a moment then looked away.

“Why don’t we all go to the living room and catch up?” Jasey suggested.

I nodded and led Oliver to the living room. Jasey and Carson trailed behind.

We talked about everything that had happened to us the past 4 or 5 months. How me and Oliver met, how Carson and Jasey became friends, the concerts we went to, the bands we loved, and everything else. Carson was looking at me a lot throughout the whole time too. I didn’t mind all that much, but I was just afraid that Oliver would see and get mad.

Oliver didn’t like me being with other guys. It didn’t matter if they were my lab partner in science or even a roommate’s boyfriend. I had no clue how he would react if he saw Carson looking at me like he was..

“Jase. Can you come in the kitchen with me to get some food ready?” I asked. She nodded slowly and followed me into the kitchen.
“Whats up?” Jasey asked.
“Carson keeps.. Looking at me funny... Like he keeps staring. I feel like Oli might get upset about it. I don't want him to not like Carson.” I said as i started to get a pot out of the cabinet and a box of pasta.
“Well. I’ll just tell him to cool it on the weird looks.” Jasey laughed as she began to fill a cup with water for the pasta.

We finished making the pasta and Carson refused to talk to me. He wouldn’t even look at me during dinner.

“So you guys. Theres this really cool river in the woods down the road. Do you guys wanna check it out tomorrow?” Oliver asked us as soon as he had finished eating.

“Sure!” Jasey nearly yelled across the table.

Oliver smiled a somewhat weird smile when she agreed. He looked at me to see if i’d go too. I nodded my head in response.

“Great!” Oliver exclaimed. “I’ll be here at about 2 tomorrow afternoon to bring you guys.” He stood up and turned to me, “I’ve gotta go now though.. Bye Mae! Love you!” He said as he kissed my cheek.

“Love you too Oli.” I laughed.

He waved to Carson and Jasey as he walked out the door.

Carson sighed with what seemed like relief. He looked up at me and then looked back down to his empty plate.

“I’m going to clean up the kitchen.” I muttered. I washed the dishes in silence until I heard footsteps come into the kitchen.

“Mae.. I’m sorry I was acting a little weird earlier. I just have this really bad vibe about Oliver.” Carson admitted.

“Its fine Carson.” I replied.

“At least let me help you wash the rest of the stuff.” He said as he picked up a towel.

I laughed as I handed him a plate. Carson seemed like the kind of guy that any girl would want to date. He was funny and nice. Not to mention that he was pretty attractive.

There was something that I couldn't help feel like there was something about him that I really liked. A sort of thing that shouldn’t happen.

“GUYS!” Jasey screamed as she ran into the kitchen. “THEY HAVE SCARY MOVIES HERE! LET’S WATCH ONE!” She held them up and waved them in the air.

Carson laughed and high fived Jasey. We all walked into the living room and sat on the couch.

We ended up watching Chain Saw Massacre. Jasey clutched a pillow that used to be next to her. I had pulled my knees into my chest and pulled the blanket to my chin. Carson just sat and laughed occasionally at me and Jasey.

It was about 10 when the movie started and it was about 11:30 now. I was crashing fast. The TV began to get fuzzier each time I blinked. I yawned and stretched my arms up. The last thing i remember was putting my head on someone's shoulder.

It wasn’t Jasey’s.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey everyone!
I'm one of the 3 authors of this story! I'm Hailey. My username kinda gives that away though.. Haha.
ANYWAYS. I hope you guys like Mae! =]

So! Comment. Subscribe. You know. xD

BYE! <3
