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She Whispers

New Friends

I woke up and instantly started to giggle. Sitting next to me was Mae and Carson. Normally this wouldn't be considered funny, but the fact that Mae was snuggled up against Carson was a bit adorable. That boy works fast. I slowly got up so that the two of them could sleep a little longer.

I walked into the kitchen and went straight to the refrigerator. Thankfully, Mae brought a load of food so that we wouldn’t starve. I pulled out some eggs and bacon and started to make food for all of us. I turn my Ipod and start to jam out as I cook. Unfortunately, my music was way too loud to hear the doorbell. Mae also failed to mention to me that she told Oliver where she hid the spare key.

“MAE?!” I heard a deep voice yell. I instantly dropped what I was doing and ran into the other room. In front of me, I saw Carson looking confused and sleepy, Mae looking scared, and Oliver looking crushed.

“What's going on?” Oliver asked in a sad voice.

“Oh my God. Oliver! I swear we didn’t do anything! We were watching a movie and must have fallen asleep!” Mae tried to convince him that nothing happened.

“It’s true,” I butted into the conversation, “they both started nodding off in the middle of the movie.”

“Fine,” Oliver said, “I believe you, but can you not do that again? I trust you, but I don’t trust guys around you.”

“Thank you.” Mae said before running over to Oliver and giving him a huge hug, “You are the best boyfriend ever. So... not to sound rude, but why are you here?”

“I just stopped by to tell you that I can’t go to the woods with you guys today because I have a meeting that I have to go to, but you guys should still go.”

“Awe if you don’t go I don’t want to,” Mae complained.

“But you have to!” I pouted, “We haven’t seen each other in like a year and I really wanted to take some pictures.”

“And I need someone to talk to when she is taking pictures,” Carson added.

“You should go.” Oliver insisted. “I mean, we can see each other later.” he winked.

Mae looked at him for a moment and then nodded. “Fine. I’ll see you later then?” she asked.

“Yay! Now I won’t be lonely!” Carson squealed.

Mae and I laughed while Oliver just glared at him.

“Bye Mae.” Oliver said as he kissed Mae’s cheek. “Bye Jasey. Carson.” Then with that he was out the door.

“Well that was fun...” Mae said sarcastically.

“Oh well,” I shrugged my shoulders, “Can we go now?!”

“Woah, what's the rush? We have all day.” Carson laughed.

“I know, but I really want to get some pictures.” I said, “Maybe we should start getting ready?” I suggested before walking to my own room.

“CALM YOUR TITS!” I heard Mae yell through my door.

“I shall not!” I screamed. Oddly enough the two of them actually moved relatively quickly and met me outside in the car. Carson was kind enough to drive, and thankfully, he was great with directions. We got to the parking lot outside of the woods and I immediately jumped out and grabbed my camera stuff from the trunk.

“I’ll meet you guys out there!” I yelled before they could even exit the car. I quickly ran into the woods in attempt to find a good spot to get pictures. As soon as you walk in you can see the beautiful water and lakes all around. There were large boulders all around and even mini waterfalls. The ground was covered by fallen leaves. Without thinking, I picked up my camera, set up everything, and started snapping pictures. I would take about twenty pictures of anything that struck me as even slightly interesting.

I looked down at my camera to see that I already took 347 pictures.

“Wow,” I said outloud. I continued walking as I looked at my pictured, but quickly learned that this was a bad idea after I almost tripped into the small creek. I looked up from my camera and saw a very large rock in the middle of the creek. I put the camera strap around my neck and took off my sneakers. I put my foot into the water and instantly pulled back. It may be July, but it was still freezing. I sucked it up and quickly ran over to the rock. I swung my leg over the massive boulder and climbed up. I made it through about thirteen pictures before I started to notice something odd in the background of some of them. It looked almost like a- a boy?

“The fuck?” I whispered and clicked on the zoom button. It was definitely a boy. He looked like he was about my age and as I went through more and more of my pictures I noticed that he was in almost all of them. As I was looking through them I heard a twig snap.

My head shot up, “Hello? Is anyone there?” I was getting a bit paranoid. I heard something moving behind one of the trees so I jumped off the rock and went to investigate.

“Hello?” I said again, “I know karate so if you don’t come out I will kick your ass,” that was a huge lie, I have never done any sports or anything like that. I have always been the chick with the camera. I was about to make my way around the largest tree when I heard a loud cry for help. Instead of staying to check what was behind the tree I ran in the direction of the yell.

“Mae?!” I screamed, “Carson?!”

“We are over here!” I heard Mae call. I began to sprint. I had no clue where I was going so I just ran around until I saw Mae and Carson standing on top of a cliff that looked to be fifty feet tall, but in reality it was probably only twenty. I was about to question what was happening until I saw Carson take off his shoes and jump off the cliff into the water below. He broke the surface of the water holding onto a small redheaded girl. He took her out ot the water and laid her down on the ground.

“She isn’t breathing!” He screamed and I ran over to the two of them and pushed Carson aside, “I think she needs CPR.”

“No shit Sherlock!” I put my ear to her mouth and looked down at her chest. It wasn’t moving. Thankfully Carson and I had to take a course on CPR so we knew exactly what to do.

I put my hands on her chest and started to push down rapidly thirty times. Carson tilted her chin up and started to breath into her mouth. The two of us repeated this process a few more times and by the time that Mae made it to us the girl was breathing for herself. We helped her sit up right and I took off my jacket and put it around her.

“Can you hear me?” I asked and she nodded her head slowly, “Can you talk?” She sat there for a second and just looked at all of us one by one.

“Where is he?” She started to panic, “Chance? CHANCE!”

“Please calm down!” Mae begged, “Who is Chance?”

“I need Chance! CHANCE!!!!!!” She screamed at the top of her lungs. Within a minute a boy came running towards us. He pushed me aside and grabbed the girl.

“Hope! Are you okay? Oh my god I knew this was a horrible idea! I told you not to leave my side!” the redhead just smiled up at the boy.

“Hi Chance, how are you?” she giggled.

“How am I?! What the fuck is wrong with you!?” he started to yell. I cleared my throat to signify that there was still people around them. Both of their heads shot up and they at me. Talk about awkward moments.

“Who are you?” the girl asked tilting her head to the side.

“Uh, I’m Jasey. That’s Mae and Carson.” I smiled, “Who are you?”

“That’s Hope and I’m Chance,” the boy said with a blank expression.

“Hi!” Carson says in a peppy tone. He has a huge smile on his face.

“Yah well, we are going now. Thanks for helping Hope.” Chance tries to help her up, but she was having trouble moving.

“Wait,” Mae stops them, “where are you staying? We can drive you where you need to go.”

“We aren’t staying anywhere,” Hope said, “We ran away!”

“Hope!” Chance’s eyes widened, “She is such a joker. We aren’t run aways. Do we look like we are?” He put his arms out and gave a cute crooked smile.

He had shaggy black hair that hung in his face. His skin was pale white and he looked about six feet tall.The black t-shirt he wore hug his muscles perfectly. The one thing that really stood out on Chance were his eyes. They were the most mesmerizing eyes that I have ever seen. One of them was a caramel brown color and the other was a shade of blue and green. For a second I was lost in his eyes, that is until I noticed the black rims around his eyes. His clothes were caked in dirt and mud, and he looked like he hadn't showered in days. You could almost see his ribs.

“Honestly?” I said, “Yes, you look like runways.”

Chance sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, “Nice job Hope.”

“Sorry,” She said sheepishly.

“Well since you ran away I’m guessing you have no place to stay,” the two of them both nodded at me.

I looked at them for a second before continuing, “Look, we rented a house for the summer and we have a pull out couch. Mae and I can just share a room together. You can stay with us,” Chance tried to interrupt me, but I just continued, “I don’t feel like arguing. You two need rest, food, and showers. At least stay the night? Please?”

“I don’t think that is a good idea.” Chance said.

“She almost drowned two minutes ago. She needs a place to stay.”

He stood there for a second and looked at Hope, “Fine. But we won't be staying long.”

“Fine.” I said and everyone started walking towards the car. Everyone except for me. I turned my camera on and looked at a picture with the man in it. At first I thought it was just Chance, but then I noticed something. Chance had been wearing all black and grey. The man in the picture seemed to be wearing colors that seemed to blend in with the trees. In his hand there was a small metal object that seemed to gleam in the light. Was someone watching us?

Before I could think about this for more than a second I heard someone walking twards me. I jumped immediately, but calmed down when I saw Chance standing in front of me.

“I just wanted to say thanks for letting us stay with you.” he rubbed the back of his neck, “No one has ever really taken care of Hope besides me and I know she appreciates it. And uh- I appreciate it too.” Chance quickly wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into a tight hug, “Thanks.”
♠ ♠ ♠
yo people! I know there are only three subscribers right now and although i am a bit sad about that I still appreciate people reading! I feel like im talking to myself right now because there isnt anyone commenting... well one person is... that person is the thrustastic


Def the most awesome person reading this (i say this knowing that my boyfriend has read some chapters and my two best friends read what i write)

Anywho! Please tell your friends about our story! Subscribe and comment!

Peace, Love, and Unicorns