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She Whispers

Never Liked Sleep Anyways.


Jasey had been acting weird on the way home. She just kept staring down at her camera, shoved in the corner of the car. Chance sat in between Hope and Jasey in the back seat. We all were talking about where we were from and why we were in Maine.

“Guys, we’re here.” Carson announces. We all piled out of the car. Jasey ran to her room as soon as we got there. Chance quickly followed behind her.

“Well. Since you guys just got here, Me and Carson will cook dinner!” I explained to Hope.

She timidly nodded and sat on the couch to watch TV.

“Shall we?” Carson laughed as he threw his arms out and gestured to the kitchen.

“We shall!” I giggled as i walked into the kitchen. “What do you think everyone likes?” I asked once we were in the kitchen.

“Well. I like chicken. We should make chicken,” he explained with an extremely serious face.

I bursted out laughing. “Carson. You’re so weird.”

“I try!” he smiled as he got the chicken out of the fridge. “So what are we going to do with this?”

“Well. Let’s just make it with Shake N’ Bake.” I shrugged.

“What on earth is that?” Carson questioned

“Bread crumbs that you put on chicken.” I answered as I pulled it out of the cabinet. Carson just looked at me weirdly. “When you’re a broke college student you figure this stuff out. Oh and get out a few eggs” I laughed.

“Whatever you say Miss Broke-College-Student.” He laughed as he reached into the fridge again for the eggs.

“Thanks!” I said as I took the eggs from him. I turned back to put them on the counter and one slipped and broke on the floor. “Shit.” I whispered. I reached for the paper towels, but Carson already had one in hand and was about to clean up the mess.

“I got it.” He smiled at me.

I smiled down at my feet and turned back to the food.


“GUYS! THE FOOD IS READY! GET YOUR BUTS DOWN HERE!” I yelled from the dining room. Hope was in a chair in a matter of seconds after I had yelled.

“I'm telling you! There was someone there!” Jasey muttered as she walked through the arch connecting the living room and dining room.

“Who? Where?” Hope asked clearly scared.

Jasey’s eyes shot to Hope, then Chance.

“No one.” Chance answered quickly. “Jasey... uh.. She was talking about this one time in camp when she thought she saw a ghost.”

“Ghost!?” Hope’s eyes widened.

“Not here though.” Jasey reassured her.

Hope sighed in relief and looked back down to her plate.

“So. Mae and I made chicken. Hope you guys like it.” Carson announced trying to stray from the topic at hand.

We all ate our food quietly until Jasey asked, ”So how are we sleeping? There are only three rooms and five of us. I’d offer up my room... But tonight I really need to be by myself tonight.."

Hope looked up from her plate. “Can I stay with Chance..? I’m scared..”

“Sure you can!” I interjected. “You guys can stay in my room, i’ll sleep on the couch.”

Chance tried to refuse, but Jasey spoke instead, “Don’t even. You won’t win.”

I giggled and nodded my head.

We had finished dinner and Carson volunteered to help me with the cleaning.

“Mae, can you do me a favor? Can you stay in my room with me instead?” He asked.


“No! Ah ha. Um. I meant like you could sleep in my bed and i’d sleep on the floor.” He explained.

“Still Carson... I don't want to take your bed..” I muttered as I ran my hand through my hair.

“Please? It’d make me feel better..” He pleaded.

“Okay fine.” I sighed.

“Awesome!” Carson exclaimed.

“GUYS! CAN WE WATCH HOME ALONE?!” Jasey screamed as she ran into the kitchen.

“Sure.” Me and Carson both laughed.

Jasey squealed with excitement.

After about an hour and a half, Hope and Jasey were asleep. Carson and Chance carried them into their rooms and put them in bed.

“Carson... I think that i am going to go to bed now.” I yawned.

“Okay, I’ll go too. Night Chance.” he said somewhat quietly to make sure Jasey and Hope didn't wake up.

“Night guys. I’m going to go to bed as soon as I check something out with Jasey’s camera.” he said as he turned to Jasey’s room.

“Night Chance!” I called after him.

I went to my room and grabbed a pair of bright orange pajama shorts to change into. I changed quickly and went back to Carson’s room, closing the door behind me. He had put a pillow and a blanket or two on the floor already.

“Carson.. Can you please just sleep in your bed? I don't mind. You stay on one side of the bed and i’ll stay on the other. Just keep your clothes on.” I whispered.
“Are you sure?” He questioned. I nodded. He grabbed his pillow and blankets and jumped into the bed.

“Night Carson.” I whispered.

“Night Mae.” He laughed.

I stared up at the ceiling until the sleep had taken over.


The woods spun around and around. My hands flew to my eyes, shutting off my sight. I was still spinning. Then it suddenly stopped.

I slowly pulled my hands away from my eyes, but kept them shut.


My eyes shot open to see a girl with her pointer finger against her lips.


“Wh..Who are you..?” I whispered. Her eyes.. They were a familiar shade of grey...

A smirk pulled on her deeply reddened lips. “Shhhhh...” She grabbed my wrist and ran, pulling me along with her. Trees, rocks, and dirt raced past me as we ran through the woods.

“Where are we going?” I asked.

The girl turned her head to me once again and put her pale finger to her lips. “Shhhh..” She pressed her fingers harder into my wrist causing me to whimper in pain.

Moments later she stopped abruptly, causing me to fall forward towards her. I expected to fall onto her, yet I was met with the cold, hard ground.

The girl giggled quietly at the sight.

“Can you please tell me what is going on now?” I whispered.

The girl nodded and pointed to the river, signaling for me to walk over to the riverbank.

I took a step towards it and heard a blood curdling scream. I looked back at the girl and she still was pointing at the river. With every step, the scream got louder and louder. I finally got to the water’s edge.


The red was in the shape of a girl...

“One. Two. Skip a few. Ninety-Nine. One Hundred.” The girl sang as she sat on a rock. Just under the girl’s swinging feet were tally marks.

“W-Who are you?” I whispered.

“Number Five.”



“Mae! Wake up! Mae!” Carson whispered as he shook my shoulder, pulling me from my dream.

“Wha.. Carson?” I asked in a sleepy daze.

“Are you okay? You kept repeating “Who are you?” in your sleep. Were you having a nightmare?” He asked.

“I’m okay Carson... I just need a minute.” I said as i sat up and put my head in my hands. I felt a warm hand rub my back. I looked up to Carson and smiled. “I need to talk to Jasey real quick.”

“Okay lets go then.” Carson said as he began to get up from the bed.

“It’s fine. You don't have to go.” I muttered.

“I would feel terrible if I left you by yourself while you’re like this..” He whispered as he put his hand through his hair.

“Okay.. Well let’s go.” I said as I pulled the blankets off of me. We walked in silence to Jasey’s room. I heard footsteps behind me. I spun around to see Chance. He had a sorry smile on his face as he walked up to me.

“Sorry.. I heard footsteps outside my door and wanted to check it out.” I looked at him questioningly. “Light sleeper.” He explained.

“Well, come on I guess. I need to talk to Jasey.” I whispered.

I turned the knob to Jasey’s room and pushed the door open. Just by the foot of the bed was a tall hooded man with some sort of shiny silver thing in his hand facing away from us.

“JASEY!” I screamed.

Jasey sat up about to yell at me for waking her up when she saw the man by her bed.

The hooded man snapped his head towards me. His face was covered by a shadow. He looked down at the knife and ran to the open window, jumping out and onto the nearby tree.

“JASEY!” I yelled again as practically jumped on her. “Are you okay!?”

“I’m fine Mae...” She whispered.

“What’s going on..?” whispered Hope from the doorway.

“Nothing sweetie. I was just having a nightmare was scared and I needed Jasey.” I said somewhat truthfully.

“Hope? Would you like to sleep in here with me? Well. Everyone? Please?” Jasey asked as she looked around the room.

Everyone nodded and went to get pillows and blankets. They were all set up around the room. Chance and Jasey in the bed with Hope, and Me and Carson next to each other at the foot of the bed. He smiled at me and put his arm around me, trying to calm me down.

I knew after this night, I wouldn’t be sleeping.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey guys!

Y'all like Mae's dream? I did. ALSO who do you think was the guy in Jasey's room? Guesses? xD

I changed my username! I was thinking that i didnt want my name in my user anymore so i changed it to a lyric from my favorite song by my favorite band. xD SPEAKING OF THAT SONG. I think this song fits this story quite well. Its this

I hopes you likes. <3

