Enchanted by a Monster

Falling In Love

Odette was confused. She had already admitted to herself months ago that she liked Edward and was grateful to finally have a friend that understood her completely and didn’t want anything from her. He didn’t want her to be a princess and a ruler or to get married to some pompous man that she hardly new. She didn’t have to pretend that everything was alright even when it wasn’t. She could do and say as she pleased without worrying about offending him. She could simply be herself and he was content with that.

And she loved it when he called her Laurel in that that smooth, deep voice of his that flowed through you like the sweetest chocolate.

Odette was the princess. The one with the countless responsibilities and worries.

Laurel was the swan. She was carefree and happy. Content. Laurel was who she truly wanted to be.


Edward confused her, as well.

He was the epitome of a gentleman, always seeing to her needs and valuing her opinion. He treated her as his dear friend, even if she could sometimes see in his eyes that he wanted more. He stared at her with such longing and desire that Odette could feel it in her toes.

But he never acted on his desires and quite frankly, Odette wasn’t sure whether or not she wanted him to.

She wasn’t vain by any stretch of the imagination, but it scared her sometimes when her thoughts turned to being with the monster romantically.

Which was absurd, since she wasn’t attracted to him physically. He didn’t repulse her, but she just couldn’t see herself being with him like that. He looked like one of the monsters from her books.

Feeling this way wasn’t normal.

She concluded that she had strong feelings for him, and that perhaps love truly was blind.

She thought about Derek and how handsome he had been. She had been attracted to him – and honestly, what girl wasn’t? – and she had thought that she had loved him to a certain extent, but maybe her feelings had been more sisterly than anything else.

They had known each other for years and being married to him wouldn’t have been that bad, but Derek didn’t make her smile the way that Edward did. Derek didn’t make her heart soar with elation every time she was near him.

She loved being with Edward. She enjoyed every second with him and she loved the way he made her feel special and revered. It was as if his very existence depended on her happiness. He had such kindness. And a beautiful heart to go along with his brilliant mind.

He was passionate about his books and about knowledge. She deeply appreciated that about him.

Goddess help her, but she believed she was truly falling in love with her monstrous captor.