Status: Completed.

I Live to Love You


"Caroline laughs and it's raining all day
and she loves to be one of the girls
she lives in the place in the side of our lives
where nothing is ever put straight
she turns herself round and she smiles and she says
'this is it, that's the end of the joke.'
and loses herself in her dreaming and sleep and her lovers walk through in their coats."

This is my entry for i saw sparks The Fandoms No One Writes About contest.

::Disclaimer:: As usual, I don't own Pretty in Pink or any of the characters. And I did use some dialogue from the movie, which I also don't own. Also, you don't have to have seen the movie to understand this, but I really suggest you do. It is a classic afterall and it is fricking amazing.

::Word Count::2,355
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