Just a Daydream Away

You’re just a Daydream away...

Alex can’t help but pause his attack on the girl, wanting to admire her grin as she laughs at his bony fingers lightly tickling her sides, her chestnut hair fanned out on the pillow behind her, sheets as bright as her smile barely tucked to cover the smooth skin across her collarbone.

“You’re doing it again.”

“Doing what?” He clears his throat, slowly moving his hands from resting near her sides to rest in relaxed fists on her stomach.


“You’re hot stuff, what can I say?”

She laughs again, eyes crinkling at the corners, causing Alex to mirror the expression, starting his relentless tickling again, chuckling as she squeals and giggles at him.

“Uncle! Uncle!” She screeches but Alex feigns deafness to keep his hands attacked to those devilish curves for moments longer, knowing it’ll be a while before the beauty shares a bed with him again, “I will not hesitate to pee in your bed if you don’t let me up.”

He laughs, rolling to his side, the motion tugging the sheet that little but further from their bodies and he can’t put pout when she immediately sits up, blocking his view of the swell of breast just beginning to be exposed.

“Breakfast?” He asks, as he watches her cover herself with the sapphire bra, equally blue eyes peeking under bangs as she turns her head to offer him a nod, “I’ll go see what you’ve got.”

He leaves just as she’s sliding on the matching panties and his shirt from the night before; dashing any hopes he has of just falling back into bed with her for a few more hours.

He can’t help but release a heavy sigh when he steps into the kitchen, out of ear shot of the drowsy girl who’s silently padding around the lower level of her house, singing under her breath as she probably assess’ the damage last night’s party had caused.

“Why are my dining chairs in the back yard?” She laughs as she steps almost silently into the kitchen behind him, “I don’t remember that even happening.”

“Jack spilt the punch over three of them and then covered the other in Windex attempting to clean it up.” Alex chuckles as she shakes her head at the other boys antics, “We have a problem too – someone has ransacked your fridge and cupboards so you one pack of Reese’s cups at the moment.”

With a huff and a cross of her arms, she plonks herself down onto the floor, shuffling back until she can lean against the cupboards, holding out a hand for the pack of sweet treats.

“This always happens. Mitch will appear about three, begging for forgiveness with a trunk full of my stuff. I’m guessing he has my coffee maker too.”

As she takes her first bite, Alex joins the giggling girl on the hardwood flooring, grabbing his own Peanut Butter cup, afraid that if he doesn’t settle his stomach soon, he’ll regret those four ‘Dutch courage’ tequila shots even more.


“He’s going to touch her tushy any minute now.” Evie laughs, eyes still set clearly on the jock-type guy across the bar, his hand slowly rising behind the bottle blonde he’s been chatting too for the past hour,

“No, I’m serious watch.”

Sure enough, moments later, the blonde startles a little, turning a little to see that the steroid-abuser has firmly set his hand on her ass, a smug little smirk set on his face, “She loves it.”

“Or the alcohol flooding her brain does anyway. Desperate.” Evie adds to his comment, nudging him as she gets up from the bar stool, “I’m gonna have to head off, darling.”

“No, come one, stay? One more drink?”

“You don’t need any more drinks.” She smirks, pushing his half full bottle of beer back towards the bar tender with a nod, “I’ve got a meeting early tomorrow, honey, sorry.”

“Don’t wanna go home.” He mumbles as he pouts, putting his head down on the bar with a whine, “Lonely.”

With a courteous laugh, she slings her bag over her shoulder and offers him a hand, and admiring smile gracing her lips.

“Come on you, I’m taking you home.”

With another small tantrum she manages to get the slightly intoxicated man into her car, failing twice to alert him to when he was going to hit his head on the low roof as his clumsy limbs try to climb into the low set Aston.

He’s silent as they weave through the sleeping town, the lights in their favour for the most part, Alex’s brain ticking over on how to simply ask her to stay with him tonight.
And tomorrow.
Maybe a while after that as well.

“Right, out you get, Lex, time for-.”

“Stay with me another night?”

She blinks at him for a few short seconds, tilting her head as he worries his bottom lip, “I can’t show up in the clothes I slept in-.”

“I’ll lend you t-shirt. Hell, I’ll put your stuff into the wash as soon as we get in.”

There's a few minutes hesitation which sends Alex into a panic, he wanting to take back the offer so he doesn't get shot down, “Fine, but come on, I need to be aware of what’s being said tomorrow. Nothing other than sleeping, you understand?”


Alex sniffs as he comes out of his daydream , shaking his head before taking another huge gulp of his beer as he watches her swan around the bar they’ve hired out for the evening, wishing all her friends their own personal goodbyes, promises of coming back happily passing her lips, despite the permanent teary look in her eyes.

He’d missed his chance, that was for sure.

The next time she came back, she’d have a boyfriend, no doubt – how could anyone resist her? She was beyond gorgeous, funny, fucking clever – just goddamned perfect. He just hoped she didn’t end up with another douchebag.

“Lex, man, stop moping and come party.”

“I just wanna head home, Jack.”

“Nu-uh, just stop right there – I get that you’re upset, none of us want her to leave, but you’re not going to ruin her party because you can’t grow some balls and ask her out.” His friend has an unusual frown on his face as he marches away, shaking his head at his selfish friend.

He spends the rest of the party alone, none of his friends coming near as they celebrate her new job which is clear across the country, and he does consider just slipping out, sending her text with his congratulations and well wishes in so he doesn’t have to lie to her face about being happy, but he knows that’d hurt her more than aid her.

“Alex, could I have a word?”

The smiling girl holds out a hand as he blinks at her, nodding in a daze before she leads him lithely through the crowd and out into the alley beside the club.

“Look, I’m sorry I’ve been miserable all night-.”

“Yeah, I’m not exactly happy about my leaving either, but money makes the world turn Alex, and I could do with some of that right now.” She smirks, still clinging to his hand as she sighs, “Right, I may have totally gotten my wires crossed here, and god, stop me if I’ve got this wrong so I don’t ramble on like an idiot – I like you, OK? And yeah, our random hook ups have been fun, but these last few-.”

She breaks off with a groan, “They’ve been different, right? You noticed too right? I definitely don’t want you freaking out on me now, but if I was to ask you to move with me, to Phoenix, just to see if we can work as a coup-.”

Her rambling is speech is broken off with muffled gasp as Alex presses their lips together, crowding her into his arms as an elated feeling washes over him, the feeling of acceptance, the feeling of pure happiness as she moves her lips in sync with his, giggling every time they come up for breath.

“Is that a yes?”

“I- I think-Of cour-. Fuck yes!”

...and I wouldn’t know what to say, if I had you