A Witch Without a Wand

Eleven year old Olivia Weasley has waited her entire life to go to Hogwarts. She wants nothing more than to follow the footsteps of the Weasley's before her and become a Gryffindor, one of the brave and daring.

But the day when Hogwarts acceptance letters are sent out to young witches and wizards all across the country, Olivia's never comes. That is when Olivia learns the dreadful truth: that she is a Squib.

Strings are pulled, and Olivia is allowed to attend Hogwarts under special circumstances. During her time at Hogwarts, Olivia faces discrimination for her magical disabilities, but she also uncovers a secret history that had been buried some nineteen years before...

Warning: This story will contain spoilers to the Harry Potter series, so if you haven't finished the series, get on it!

Disclaimer: I do not own the Harry Potter franchise and am not making a profit from this story.