Status: In the works :)

We Stitch These Wounds


"So when are you supposed to be done? Jake asked from the driver side seat of his car.

I rolled my eyes. "Jake I've told you like 50 times already I have no idea! It's just a meeting about what they want me to do for these photo shoots."

"One hour? Two hours? Come on give me a time here!" He whined.

"Dude I have no idea!" I practically screamed at him. "I've never worked with this company before and I don't know how detailed they are. I don't know if they are going to go over every detail with me or if they are just going to give me a general idea of what they want." I said rubbing my head from frustration.

"Fine I'll go over to Andy's he lives a few minutes from here." He said ducking his head knowing he had pissed me off.

I grabbed my purse and portfolio before getting out of the car and walking into the building. The building was a little intimidating it was at least 10 stories high. I had never worked anywhere this big before. I walked over to the receptionist who was smiling. "How can I help you?" She asked the smile never leaving her face.

"I have an appointment with Mr. Sanderson." I said a little shyly.

"Okay. Go the the elevators." She said as she pointed to the elevators behind her. "Go up to the 11th floor and it will be the second door on your left room 1111." She said with the same smile still plastered on her face.

"Thanks." I replied with a wave as I took off to the elevator. I looked back and she was now typing away on her computer smile still etched onto her face. I wonder if she's really that happy a person or if she has to smile 24/7 for the job. Either way there is no way I could do her job. The elevator dinged when it opened causing me to jump and snap out of my thoughts. I smiled when i got into the elevator and noticed it had 13 floors the was my favorite number. I hit 11 and waited for the doors to close.

The doors dinged and stepped off the elevator took a left and went to the second door. I took a deep breath turned the knob smiling when I saw 1111 printed on the door. 1111 could this be a sign I thought to myself. I made a wish and walked through the door. I walked up to the receptionist and smiled. "Hi I have a 12:30 appointment with Mr. Sanderson."

She looked up from her computer and smiled back. "Go ahead and take a seat. He'll be right out." I nodded my head and did as she said. The picked up the phone and waited a second. "Mr. Sanderson your 12:30 is hear." She said before hanging up.

A few minutes later a man in his early 40's walked out. "Miss Maddox?" He asked as he approached me. I nodded my head and stood up shaking his head. I'm Mike Sanderson it's nice to meet you. Fallow me." He instructed as he opened the door and walked down a hallway. I sniffed the air smelling the familiar smell of developer and smiled to myself. My nerves immediately disappearing. There is just something about the smell of developer that puts me at ease. I guess it reminds me of the calming dark room.

We walked into his office and I sat in the chair in front of his desk. "So I know that you don't usually do portraits, but I really like your work. I looked at some of your published work and I noticed that most of your photography is done at concert and festivals." I nodded my head and he continued. "We're actually associated with a couple record labels and if I like what I see in this month that you're down here I could look into permanently getting you a job with one of them if you would like."

I felt like my eyes were about to pop out of my head. "Oh my God! Yes I would like that. I don't know how my brother would feel about me staying with him indefinitely, but I would love that." I said smiling.

He nodded his head. "I see you use to be a photographer for Suicide Girls why did you leave?"

"Honestly?" I asked and he nodded his head. "I couldn't stand a few of their models. It had nothing to do with the company."

He smiled. "They had nothing but good things to say about you. They honestly seemed a little disappointed that you had left. The only other question that I have to ask is I noticed that you didn't have anything published for about a year. Can I ask what that was about?"

I sighed and took off the fingerless glove I was wearing on my left hand. "I was in a car accident my tire blew and I flipped for 660 ft. My hand went out the window and basically everything was ripped off." I said as I held out my hand for him to inspect. "The skin, veins, and tendons were ripped off. The bone was sawed down and my thumb was dislocated in two places. I spent two weeks in the hospital five of those days I was in the ICU. I've had seven surgeries on it. The surgeries were spaced out and with recovery time and therapy it took about a year to get back to work."

He nodded his head his eyes were apologetic. "I've very sorry to hear that, but at least you're still alive to talk about it." He said smiling.

"My thoughts exactly. I brought my portfolio with me. It has a lot of wonderful published and unpublished pieces that I have done if you would like to take a look." I said as I held out the folder for him to take. He grabbed the folder and started looking through it with a smile on his face.

Just then a beautiful red head came running into the room. "Hey Mike here are the proofs for the shoot I just did. There are some amazing ones in there." She looked up from the proof sheet in her hand and noticed me. "Oh my God I'm so sorry! I'll come back later." She began to walk out the room, but he stopped her.

"Sammie stop, breath, calm down. You've had too much coffee." He said laughing. "Sammie this is Miranda, Miranda meet Sammie. You two will be working together a lot." He said with a smile. "Sammie you've got to come look at these ... Do you mind?"

"No not at all." I said with a smile.

"Oh my ... this one is breath taking." She said pointing to a picture of a woman in a long white flowing dress standing on a cliff over looking the ocean. She has a wedding ring in her hands and is staring up at the sky with tears running down her cheeks. The picture was a simple black and white.

"Oh thanks that's actually my mom." I said with a half smile.

"She looks so heart broken." She said looking up from the picture.

"It was taken after we found out her ex husband, my father had died. No need to say sorry he was a horrible man." I said putting my hand up to keep both of them from talking.

"Well I'm excited about working with you now, but I've got to go meet Jeremy for lunch." Sammie said giving a wave and leaving the room.

Mike handed me back my portfolio and smiled. "You seem to be a great photographer I can't wait to see what you bring to the plate. Seeing how today is Thursday how about you just come in on Monday 10:00 and start."

"That sounds great!" I said smiling.

"It was nice meeting you see you in three days." He said sticking out his hand for me to shake.

I walked out of his office wanting to scream and skip down the hallway I was so excited, but I decided to do the more professional thing and just walk.

I grabbed my phone out of my purse and called Jake. It rang three times before he answered. "You stab them, we slab them."

"I'm done!" I replied with a little labored breathing.

"What are you doing?" He asked confusion clearly in his voice.

"Running down the stairs." I simply replied.

"Is their elevator out?" He asked laughing

"No I'm excited they really liked my work and if I do good in the month I'm here they are going to offer me a permanent job for one of the record labels they work with." I almost shouted the ending.

"Oh that's awesome Congrats! We're leaving now so we'll be their in like 5-10 minutes. We've got a surprise for you." I could tell he was genuinely happy for me.

"Drive faster I'm too excited to wait." I panted out of breath as I reached the end of the stairs.

"Oh shush you wouldn't want me to wreck and flip my car now would you?" He said sarcastically referring to my accident.

"Fuck you Pitts!" I said with a sneer.

"Just saying... but we're just a few blocks away now get your ass outside." He said with a chuckle as he hung up the phone.

"Bastard." I muttered as I dropped my phone back into my purse. I walked outside a lit up a smoke. I took a long drag and got a little light headed. I should have fucking ate something I thought to myself. A black Jeep pulled up and I scrunched my brows in confusion as I leaned against the building. This wasn't the car that Jake had dropped me off in, so there was no use in staring at it. It wasn't going to magically morph into Jake's car.

I screamed and dropped my portfolio as a hand wrapped around my mouth. I elbowed the person behind me and turned around one hand going to my pocket the other balling up in a fist ready to throw a punch. My eyes widened in shock when I saw Jake standing there hunched over trying to catch his breath. "You're lucky I noticed it was you." I said as I bent down to pick up the photos that had spilled out of the folder. "I was almost pulled a knife out on you." I said as I patted my pocket.

Andy leaned over the passenger side of his Jeep and shouted. "As much as I like watching Jake get his ass kicked by a girl I'm starving, so let's get a fucking move on it!" I gathered my things and left Jake standing there trying to catch his breath groaning in pain. I climbed into the passenger seat and shut the door smiling. "That was pretty awesome." Andy said giving me a high five.

I smiled as I slapped his hand. "The fucker made me drop my portfolio. A bunch of the pictures fell out. Now my portfolio is out of order." I said with a slight frown, only a slight frown because I was getting a kick out of seeing Andy cringe every time I said the word portfolio.

"Can I see it?" He asked reaching his hand out for it.

"Oh sure you can see my portfolio." I said unable to contain my laughter.

"You saw that interview didn't you?" He asked as he started flipping through my pictures. I didn't reply I just smiled even wider. He nodded his head in acknowledgment. "These are really good. I think you and Jinxx's girl should get along very well. She does photography too." He said handing me back the file.

About this time Jake came back to the Jeep holding his stomach. "I feel like I'm going to puke." He said as he climbed in the backseat and laid down.

"You shouldn't sneak up on me like that you've know the crazy shit I've been through." I said glaring at him through the rear view mirror.

"I'm sorry, but you were all spaced out. We called your name a few times, but didn't get a response." He said as he sat up in the seat. "You know you wouldn't pull a knife out on someone." He said as he leaned his head on the side of my seat.

"Jake I hate to burst your bubble, but I'm not the same innocent little girl that you knew five years ago. I've been through some shit that changed me besides my father." I reached into my pocket and pulled out my favorite knife and handed it to him.

He opened it up and laughed. "This wouldn't hurt anyone and aren't these things illegal?" He started opening and closing my butterfly knife trying to act like a ninja.

"I'd be careful if I were you that thing is really ..." Before I could even finish the sentence Jake had cut himself. I couldn't help but laugh at the look on his face when it happened and how he immediately stuck his finger in his mouth and started sucking on it. "I tol..." I began but Jake cut me off.

"Don't even say it! You know Jade you're not my favorite person right now." He said as he crossed his arms and pouted.

Both Andy and I cracked up laughing. "Hey now you busted my head open yesterday we're even now." I said with a smirk. I looked around at the scenery and had no idea as to where we were heading. "So I know I'm new here a what not, but none of this looks familiar." I said gesturing outside.

"Maybe that's because you've never been to where we're going." Jake said sarcastically.

I rolled my eyes and scooted my seat back all the way purposely crushing Jake in the process. "Talk to me like that again asshole!" I said leaning my head back and glaring at him upside down.

"Fuck you Payton Jade Maddox!" He used my full name because he knew I hated it. The only time it was ever used was when I was in trouble with either of our parents.

"You could, but it would be rape. I don't see you that way Jakey. Plus I like my guys to have lips and your top lip is virtually invisible when you smile. You look retarded" I said laughing.

"Well I'm sorry not all of us have dick sucking lips like you." He retorted rolling his eyes.

"Hey my DSL is amazing!" I said giving him a wink and scooting my seat back up.

"God I'm glad that I'm the only child!" Andy said laughing at our bantering.

I smiled a cheesy smile. "Me too man me too."

Jake hit me upside the head. "You're not an only child. You've got me and Sara and then there are the bastards demon spawn." He said matter of factly.

I tilted my seat back a little bit and leaned my head over the side looking at him upside down. "I'm my momma's only child and that's all that matters."

"But you came out of my mom's vagina." Jake childishly argued.

We had pulled into a parking spot and Andy had turned off the car, but neither Jake or I noticed we were still arguing. "Children, children calm down where here."

I read the sing that read 'Disalvo's Emerald Hills' I looked at Andy totally confused. "What the fuck is this place and why are we here?"

They both looked at me like I was crazy. "Why you poor sheltered thing this is the most epically awesome yummiest Italian place ... PIZZA!"

Jake yelled jumping out of the car. I opened my door and almost pissed myself laughing when Jake ran into it full force falling on his ass. I jumped out of the car trying my best not to laugh. "Are you okay?" I asked kneeling down and biting my lip. Andy was doubled over laughing his ass off partially laying on the ground from laughing too much.

"Yea yea I'm fine now someone feed me!" He yell rubbing his stomach.

We started walking towards the doors when I felt someone slip their arm around my shoulders. I looked over and smiled at Andy. "You are my new best friend. When you're around hilarious things happen." He said with a shit eating grin on his face.

"Yea new friend!" I exclaimed fist pumping the air.

Jake grabbed my hand and dragged me through the door causing me to stumble a bit. "Oh hey Jake they are in the corner booth waiting for you." The hostess greeted when she saw us walk in. We walked towards the corner booth where CC, Ashley, and Jinxx were waiting for us.

CC patted the spot next to him and shook my head no. "Sorry dude but I've got claustrophobia. I've got to sit on the end."

Jake pushed me in then Andy and finally he sat on the end. "You've had claustrophobia for 22 years it's time to get over it and I knew if Andy was sitting on the end he'd end up giving up and letting you sit there, but not on my watch."

I tried to jump over and and hit Jake but Jake jumped up before my punch landed. "I fucking hate you!" I seethed glaring at him.

"You say that everyday, but you know deep down inside you love me." Jake said winking at me.

I rolled my eyes and sat there looking at the table. My breathing was starting to speed up, as was my heart rate, the chatting going on around me wasn't making sense anymore, and my chest was starting to feel tight. I tried to take my blazer off but I couldn't in the small space I had between CC and Andy. Actually there was no space my legs were touching both of theirs. I was starting to get hot so I pulled my hair up in a sloppy bun.

CC was the first to notice. "Are you okay? You look a little flush and your breathing heavy."

"Help me get this jacket off, before I freak out." I said eyes wide breathing rapidly. CC grabbed one arm of the jacket and Andy the other and I shimmied out of it.

"Here drink this." Ashley said shoving a wine glass in front of me.

I tilted my head back and chugged the contents of the glass. I sat it down in front of me and sighed. My breathing starting to return to normal. "Thanks, I feel a little better now."

"You were going into full panic attack mode there." Jinxx said with a slight smirk.

"Well when I say I have claustrophobia I mean I have claustrophobia. I'm not joking!" I said glaring at Jake.

"I forgot it was that bad." Jake said holding his hands up in defense.

"Don't lie Jake you've seen me rip my shirt and bra off because I was having an attack. You just wanted to get back at me for elbowing you in the gut, and you running into the car door. You're an asshole! I know how your brain works."I said crossing my arms and turning my head away from him. A sure sign that I was obviously done with the conversation.

"Hey sorry I'm late! I went home to change and lost track of time." A failure blur of red hair said as she sat next to Jinxx.

Jinxx kissed her and then looked over at me. "Sammie I'd like you to meet ..." He began, but she cut him off.

"Oh hey Miranda I didn't know you knew the guys." She said with a smile.

"Actually it's Jade, Payton Jade." I said in my best English accent.

Sammie giggled. "Oh so you're the girl Jeremy was talking about last night." I raised a brow at Jinxx or Jeremy whatever his name is. "Oh it was nothing bad it's just Jeremy here gossips like a girl." She said as she gave him a loving smile.

The waitress had come and taken our drink and food orders and we were all currently sitting around the table drinking and talking. My claustrophobic panic attack long forgotten. I was talking to Sammie about what to expect from the job when I felt a finger on the back of my neck tracing my batman tattoo. I got the shivers and turned around to see who was fucking with me. "Jade that tattoo is the shit. That's supposed to be poison ivy right?" Andy asked with a smirk on his face.

I slightly laughed. "Yea it's the bat symbol made out of poison ivy. Pretty gnarly huh?" I said with a smirk.

The food came and I started stuffing my face. I'm having mt first meal of the day at 3 pm. I should really work on better eating habits. I was snapped out of my thoughts when a pepperoni came flying at my face."Earth to Payton!" Ashley was waving his hand in my face.

I looked around and noticed everybody was waiting on me to say something. "Sorry kind of spaced out there what's up?"

"You're the reason Jake started playing guitar?" Ashley asked astounded.

I laughed. "Yea I started playing when I was at 5th grade and Jake didn't like that I could do something that he couldn't and then to top it off he didn't like that I was better at it then he was so he practiced every waking hour of the day."

"We need to do a jam session tonight." Jake stated excited.

I slightly frowned. "Jake I can't play guitar anymore."

He looked at me like I was crazy. "It might have been a while since you've played but of course you can it's like riding a bike you will remember the minute you pick up the guitar."

I sighed. "No Jake I can't my hand had to be rebuilt after the car accident. I can't play guitar anymore without being in horrible pain."

"Your hand looks fine." Andy said picking up my right hand.

"It's my left hand you retard." I said as I showed him my left hand.

"It doesn't look that bad." He said as he inspected my hand.

I rolled my eyes and shook my head. "That's because I had an amazing team of plastic surgeons working on me. You see this..." I pointed the the thin circular scar that went from my knuckles to my wrist. "All that was ripped off of my hand. It was down to the bone."

"Oh my God what happened?" Sammie asked worry and curiosity in her voice.

"Well to start from the beginning I had been dating this guy for like six months we had recently broken up but we were trying to work things out. We got in a fight one night and I said some pretty harsh things to him. The next morning I woke up to a text message from one of his friends saying that he was dead he had OD. I was depressed and felt like I caused it to happen, when in reality I know I didn't. He had a drug problem and it was bound to happen that's why I had broken up with him I realized how bad off he was. It was 26 days after his death and it was the first time I had gone out. Everybody kept asking me about Joel and what happened. I got really upset and I left. I started crying as I drove home I noticed I was speeding and I put my foot on the breaks to slow down well when that happened my tire blew. I hit the side of the highway and flipped for 660 feet. While I was flipping my hand went threw the window and the skin, tendons, and veins were ripped off. My bones were sawed down and my thumb was dislocated in two places. I had road rash down to my elbow and I was unrecognizable by the time I got to the hospital. I had broken blood vessels in my left eye. Actually just about the whole left side of my face was bruised. They had to go in threw the artery in my hip and spray blood thinner into my face just in order to get me to be able to open my eye. I had a hematoma that lasted for about two months. To this day the left side of my face is still slightly larger then the right. It's taken seven surgeries to get it to look like this." I said holding up my hand for all of them to see.

Everyone stared at me in shock. "You know most people don't survive something like that. You're here for a reason sweetie." Sammie said with a sweet smile on her face.

Jake looked at me his face was unreadable. "You didn't tell me about all of that." I could tell by his voice he was a little hurt.

"Jake sweetie you were on tour I didn't want you to leave it. I mean you are living your dream and I didn't want to get in the way of that. Your parents came down to see me and that was enough for me. I knew that if I told you how hurt I was you would have come down to see me and it was pointless I was in the hospital for 2 weeks 5 of those days I was in the ICU and couldn't really have visitors besides my mom. I didn't want you to worry."

Jake stood up from the booth and started to walk away. "Where are you going?" Jinxx asked.

"I've got to have some time to think." Jake replied as he walked out of the door.
♠ ♠ ♠
So the car accident and the events leading up to the car accident are true. They did in fact happen to me. The only thing that is off is I still have two more surgeries to go. I still don't have tendons in my hand which makes it kind of difficult to type lol.

Please read and comment!

& while you're on it go ahead and check out my other story Dear God