Almost Easy

Chapter Four

~Brian’s P.O.V~

I decided I would head home early from the beach party, besides Michelle had passed out on the mat, so I told Val that I would be heading home. I had stopped drinking since Elora had left, so I had sobered up since then and got in my car and drove home. I climbed my stairs up to my bedroom, trying not to trip or wake my parents. When I got to my room, I shut my door and turned my light on. I turned around and saw a light on in Elora’s room. I smiled and went over to the window to say ‘hi’. Something was not right though, her arm hung limp, and she had a bandage wrapped around her wrist that was covered in blood. My gut churned in panic, as I opened my window and carefully climbed onto the oak tree separating us. I scurried across the limbs of the tree, and opened the window.

“Elora? Elora can you hear me?” I said trying not to cry, I felt around for a pulse, but nothing. I yelled out for help but I remembered Elora said her father worked away in L.A and her mum worked many nights. I picked her up and took her to my car. She looked so peaceful, but why would she do this to herself?

“Elora, please don’t die, please…” I said, as I drove frantically down the road to the hospital. I pulled up at the emergency doors, and a nurse rushed out to greet me.

“What happened to her?” she asked signalling for a bed to be wheeled out.

“Can’t you tell? She slit her wrists!” I said angrily.

“How long ago did this happen?” she asked again checking for a pulse.

“Five minutes ago, I found her like this and brought her straight here. Will she be alright?” I said as they put her in the bed and wheeled her inside.

“No idea yet, she has a pulse but its faint, the doctor will have to look at her,” I followed her into the hospital and saw as she was pushed into a nearby room.

“Brian?! What are you doing here Hun?” asked a nurse, it was Elora’s mum. I gulped and went on to tell her what had happened. Tears filled her eyes and she pulled me into a hug.

“I’m so sorry Mrs. Danan, it’s all my fault, I’m so sorry…” I said miserably.

“No dear, it’s not your fault. She just gets depressed sometimes. She’ll be fine.” She said pulling hugging me deeper. She then left me and joined the other doctors and nurses in the curtained room, as I was left to sit in the waiting room. I fell asleep between two of the chairs and was woken up suddenly after being tapped lightly on the shoulder. I opened my eyes and saw Mrs. Danan standing above me holding a cup of coffee.

“Here dear, take this. Why don’t you go home and get some sleep.” She said giving me the cup of sweet smelling fluid.

I shook my head and took a sip of the coffee, “No ma’am I need to be here, I want to be here.” I said looking down at the ground. She looked at me and smiled, she had tears in her eyes.

“Thank you so much for taking care of my daughter last night” she said, as a tear rolled silently down her pale cheek. “The doctor said five minutes more and she would have bled out, so thank you. You must really like her.” she continued.

“I do…” I said softly looking into her eyes, “but it’s complicated, I have a girlfriend,” I said regrettably.

“Oh…” she said and sat next to me in silence.

“Shell where is she?” asked a man in a suit and tie, who looked like he had travelled to hell and back.

“She is back the Frank, she will be fine,” she said embracing him in a giant hug.

“Are you the boy who saved her?” he asked, I nodded. In which he replied, “Thank You so much, if there is anything I can ever do… just thank you son,” He said hugging me with one arm. It was interrupted by me cell phone vibrating in my pocket. I got it out and saw it was Mum, and I indicated I should get it and went outside.

“Hey Mum.”

“Hey, I was wondering what time you are coming home today, cause Michelle was here earlier and said you went home last night,” she said trying to mask her worry. I looked at the clock, it was now 9am the next morning I had not realized it was so late in the morning.

“Mum I’m fine I’m at the hospital.l”

“Hospital? Ah you alright!” she said revealing the true extend of her anxiousness.

“I’m fine mum; Elora had an accident so I brought her here. I’ll be home later okay.”

“Okay, dear. Just let me know these things so know not to worry ok. Is Elora ok what happened?” she asked

“Mum I’ll explain later ok,” I said shutting my phone only for it to ring instantly, this time it was matt.

“Dude, where the fuck are you? Band practice was meant to start 15 minutes ago,” he said pissed off. Fuck I had totally forgot about band practice. I quickly explained to him the situation with Elora, and how I was at the hospital waiting for her to wake up and he quickly apologized. I heard Zacky where the fuck I was, and when he said that Elora was in hospital Matt said he just left.

“So man, we’ll be down there as soon as possible ok?” he said, still taken aback that Elora tried to take her own life.

“Okay, ah can I ask you a favour…” I said hopefully down the phone.

“Yeah sure anything bro.”

“Don’t tell Michelle…” I said, as there was a silence from the other end.

“Yeah sure, Val said she wouldn’t tell and Michelle is away in L.A today anyways.”

“Oh, Ok… We’ll see ya.”

I walked over to where Elora was sleeping and saw the stitches in her arms, along with the countless amounts of other scares; I was shocked that I had not noticed them before now. I sat next to her and saw Zacky burst through the door. He was one of her best friends, and we all thought he had a crush on her but he denied it countless amounts of times.

“Will…she be okay?” he said walking over and holding her hand.

“Yeah I think she will be…I think she will be”