Status: A work in progress.. Update as I get inspired

Get out of my head

Foul Play

To say I was in pain the next morning was an understatement, I had awoken to an ankle the size of a soccer ball and some pretty nasty looking bruising. It is completely impossible for me to undertake my daily training even when I still wanted to so badly. Zack once again made me some breakfast and was even kind enough to bring it to me saving me having to hobble downstairs. Once I had eaten and dressed he also helped carry me downstairs and offered to drive me to my physio appointment. Like my relationship with Jo, I was also very close with my physio Mark and he knew all that there is to know about my bodies recovery capabilities. Mark assessed the extent of my injury by manipulating my ankles range of motion and the amount of weight and pressure it could hold. I must admit the pain was far less than my last visit here. After Mark had finished with his assessment he was able to conclude that my ankle was slightly sprained and that I was very lucky not to have done any ligament or tendon damage. Some of you may be thinking a sprain for a ballerina can’t be good news at all but for me it was the best kind of news well apart from not having any kind of injury at all. If I were to have done any greater damage than a sprained ankle I could quite literally kiss my dreams and any chance of a future career in dance goodbye, there’s no coming back from ligament damage when you’re a professional dancer mainly for the fact that the effected limb is no longer able to perform at its peak and deal with the amount of pressure and intensity placed upon it. Mark advised me to take today and tomorrow off from practice, to ice my ankle and keep it moving by rotations in order to gain full movement back but after that I was all clear to return to normal, well he said starting lightly but anyone who knows me knows that it’s full out or nothing.

After leaving the physio I gave Jo a call and updated her on my current state and that I’ll be back up and dancing again in no time at all. Zack had picked me up and we stopped off at a subway for lunch before continuing on our way back to the apartment. Once comfortably back at home I changed into a pair of baggy sweats, baseball shirt and tied my hair into a messy bun before curling up on my bed with a book and some ice for my ankle. I had started to doze in and out of sleep when Zack started calling for my attention.
‘Hail’s babe, you might want to get down here and see this!’

Groaning and in a dazed state I roll as unpainful as possible out of bed and trek it down the stairs to see what on earth it is that I would be so interested in.
Slowly rounding the corner to the lounge room I began to hear the voice of a television interviewer.
‘ So we’re here today with the members of One Direction talking about the conclusion of their recent US tour and the music video auditions that were carried out at a local dance studio only yesterday.’ The middle aged women’s voice announced cheerfully
Just then as I finally made my way completely into the lounge room the camera on the television pans over the five members of One Direction to whom I was face to face with not only a mere twenty-four hours ago. They all smile and wave laying on their usual boyish charm that has girls from all over the world swooning.
‘So boys it’s great to have you here with us today, why don’t you tell us about some of your experiences whilst performing here in the States?’ The interviewer continued
‘We are so grateful to be here, the fans over here are amazing and so loud. Every day we can hear them outside the hotel singing our songs, it’s just so unbelievable’ began the one known as Liam if remember correctly
‘Our shows here have been incredible, playing to a packed out room every night has made us see that we have the most amazing fans in the world. They are so dedicated also, hours before each show they begin to line up some even camping out over night its pure craziness’ Louis added
‘ Oh wow now that dedication!’ the interview responded ‘Now just yesterday you held some auditions for your next music video down at “Jo’s dance academy” a local studio in Chicago, tell us how that went?’ she proceeded
‘Well we kicked off the auditions bright and early at eight in the morning, hundreds upon hundreds of girls all lined up to audition. We saw some really great talent’ Zayn Began
‘But before we even knew what was happening chaos broke loose and a swarm of girls started running towards us and we had to flee out of the audition room and into the halls. We had no clue as to where we were and the girls were still hot on our tails so we ended up hiding through the next closest door which happened to be a janitor’s closet’ Nail explained, his adorable Irish accent standing out
‘Sounds like a very thrilling and crazy morning you boys had’ the interview laughed lightly ‘So that was the morning auditions and you still hadn’t found anyone for the role? How’d the evening pan out for you?’ she asked
‘Well we ended up waiting it out in the closet for ten minutes or so until we couldn’t hear the swarm of girls anymore and began making our way back to the auditions studio only along the way the lads and I were stopped by the sound of an incredible voice coming from one of the other studio rooms. The lads and I being ourselves were incredibly intrigued by this amazing voice that we couldn’t help ourselves and needed to find out who it belonged too. Turns out the owner of the voice wasn’t just amazing at singing but they were an extremely talented dancer and let’s not forget how amazingly beautiful she was’ Harry answered with that stupid boyish smirk of his.

At this point in the interview I was sitting down next to Zack on the sofa giving the television some intense evil eye only wishing it was mop head himself. I don’t know what he’s playing at by throwing out compliments about me on national television if he’s hoping that this will make me instantly swoon and accept his stupid proposal that I already turned down once, he is severely mistaken.
‘So you found a double threat? Who is this mystery girl, does she have a name and did you manage to get a picture?’ the interview shot out intriguingly
Did he know my name? Well yes, they all did but he sure as hell didn’t get a photograph of me to which I am thankful for. I don’t need thousands of threatening letters and what not from crazed fans.
‘She’s a triple threat in the eyes of Harry’ Liam cut in
‘Yeah not only can she sing and dance but she was the only girl to ever withstand Harry’s charm’ Louis added laughingly
At that moment to camera was focused upon Harry’s face were his stupid smirk was now replaced by a look of displeasure
‘Oh please do tell us some more about this mystery girl Harry?’ she pressed on
He perked up at being addressed and his smirk instantly returned causing a very unsettling feeling in the pit of my stomach. Whatever he was about to say couldn’t be of any good for me.
‘Hayley is her name that’s all I know’ he responded whilst moving around in his seat trying to fish something out of his pocket ‘but I did happen to get this’ he added whilst scrolling through his phone.
Within seconds he had the screen turned towards the camera crew and my dancer of the month image was shown upon every television screen across the nation.
The camera drew back and there he was sitting in-between the rest of his band mates with that smug little smirk on his face once again. Oh how I wish I could swipe that look of his stupid little face!
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Here's the newest installment.
Sorry I've been slack with my updates its only now that I've had the inspiration to write again
I'm not entirely happy with this chapter although I think It's not too bad :)
Please provide some feedback, Let me know what you think might happen or what you might like to see happen
Thanks to all those who have subscribed and commented so far I really appreciate it :)

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