The Blister Exists.

If I'm A Danger To Myself...

~Otep's POV~

I stalked around their little mansion since they got back to it. There was no way I was going to pass up an opportunity like this. No way I was going to let him keep her. Not after what he did to my Annie. My dear sweet Annie. Her death would not be in vain, not as long as I had rage in my veins and anger in my heart.

I transformed into my wolf, and left pieces of my fur around the perimeter of the mansion. I was sure to let them smell me. Let them know that I was here. Sure, I'd give them time to prepare. It wouldn't be right if I just killed her.. although, he didn't show Annie the same respect.

On their first night, I did see something a little weird. Constance, I think her name was, standing in her room. Alone. She didn't even seem to notice me, outside the window, just outside the perimeter. Her senses shouldn't be so dull by now. Maybe she just didn't realize what she was smelling? I'm sure the others knew. I couldn't believe Corey would be stupid enough to leave her alone. Maybe it was a trap? Maybe he thought that I'd try something? Well, I wouldn't let me get the better of me. Fuck, for all I knew, he was just outside the door, waiting for me to jump through the window and rip her fucking throat out. Then while I was busy with her, he could end me. End me like he did Annie.

Instead, I'll continue to stalk around. Watching. Waiting. And when the moment is right... I'll have her. And he'll know my pain. He'll have to live with that. But he wont have to live with it for long.. Soon, I'll fucking destroy the entire Slipknot clan, and no fucking vampire will dare poke their fangs out near a wolf again.

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~Constance's POV~

Training with Corey was difficult at first. I figured he'd go easy on me, but I figured wrong. I guess it didn't really matter, after all, I seemed to heal rather quickly. I think so anyways. Before I had the chance to really take notice, he was throwing another fist at my face. I wasn't landing any on him... Not for a while at least. I could feel my rage, my anger, my instincts and senses began to intensify as I let go of all my feelings for him. I didn't care at this point. All I wanted to do was spill his blood.

A few hours later, Sid returned to the training area. “The fuck?!” He asked laughing at the damage.

“That'll be enough for now.” Corey said to me releasing the grip he had on my throat. He helped me pop my arm back into socket, and I pulled the blade from his stomach.

“I kicked your ass.” I taunted him.

“I let you.” He said turning back to me and winking.

“Oh, did you now?” I wasn't ready to stop. I lunged at him, and he caught me. He threw me into the wall.

“Um..” Sid said sounding worried.

I stood up and cracked my neck watching him make his way back towards me. He threw a punch to my face, I dodged it causing him to hit the wall. As his fist connected with the wall I was behind me preparing to kick him literally in the ass. I landed my kick. This time, I knew he let me. But only that time.

We made our way back to the mansion to get washed up. Corey told me that they had a surprise for me and that I should try and get changed quickly. All I wanted to do was shower and then fall into that giant tub for a few hours. I guess that could wait.

This time, without assistance, I walked downstairs to meet with the guys in the living room area. “What's going on?” I asked noticing a red and white cooler sitting on the coffee table. “Is that...” I began to ask pointing to it.

“Mhm.” Joey answered.

My eyes were wide. I recalled what Sid and Joey were talking about the night before... before they began to buck. Training, human blood, all of this secrecy and living under house arrest.. I had to ask them what the hell was going on. How else could I expect to defend myself?

So I asked. Corey explained to me that he had accidentally killed someone very close to Otep. Or at least, she claimed he did. He didn't remember doing it, but he didn't think she'd make it up. I now knew what she meant when we first met.

“So by killing me, she'd be getting even?” I asked already knowing the answer so no one felt the need to say anything. “How long has she had it out for you?” I asked him as Sid and Joey prepared the blood bags with Pippin.

“A few years.” Corey shrugged not sure of the exact number.

“Think about it. If you haven't killed anyone, or really had any human blood since at least 1996, than who the fuck is she talking about?” I felt strongly that Corey wasn't guilty of this.

“Constance, I honestly do not know.” He said. I couldn't tell if he was trying to convince me or himself at this point.

“You said she's a werewolf, right?” I had an idea.

“Yeah.” He answered.

“Is it possible you killed another wolf?” It was a long shot, but I had to try.

“No,” he seemed to have a thought as well “but I did... fuck” I could almost see a light bulb go off over his head.

Sid and Joey seemed to have already had the answer. “We're going to have to call Wednesday.” Corey said looking to Joey.

“What?” I asked wanting in on whatever they were talking about.

“I know.” Joey said handing me a glass of warm blood. “But that's going to be the easy part. Convincing him to come over something like this is going to take some.. persuasion.”

“Not to mention finding the body.” Sid said after handing Corey his glass.

“The body? Corey I thought you said...” I said before being interrupted.

“Leave that to me.” Mr. Pippin said with a twinkle in his eye.

“I have no doubt in your abilities, Pippin. But are you sure you want to get involved?” Corey asked.

“After everything you guys have done for me, I feel absolutely obligated to help” Mr. Pippin answered.

“You're under no obligation, but your assistance in this is greatly appreciated.” Corey said to him causing him to blush a little.

“Great, now can somebody please fill me in?” I was growing impatient.

“Drink up, Connie.” Sid said pointing to my glass. “You're going to need it.”

I put the glass to my mouth and took a small sip. Before I knew it I was chugging it like an under-aged frat boy at a party.